Coffee review

Fancy coffee making coffee recipe: lemon Royal Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, [English name]: Lemon Royal Coffee [ingredient]: Italian hot coffee 8 points, lemon 1, brandy 30ml [preparation]: cut the skin of lemon into a spiral shape and pull it on the edge of the cup with a small clip; pour hot coffee into the cup for about 8 minutes, pour the skin of lemon into brandy, immediately light the fire and put the lemon peel into the cup; attach sugar packet.

[English name]: lemon Royal Coffee

[name]: Lemon Royal Coffee

[material]: 8 cents of Italian hot coffee, 1 lemon, 30ml brandy

[method]: cut the lemon skin into a spiral and pull it at the edge of the cup with a small clip; pour hot coffee into the cup, pour brandy on the lemon skin, immediately light the fire and put the lemon peel into the cup; attach sugar packet and cream ball to the table, and remove the lemon peel before eating.