Coffee review

Tropical Flavor Coffee Practice

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, To share with you tropical flavor coffee practices: 1, deep roast cold coffee (sugar)100cc; 2, whipped cream (light cream containing 35% fat) 20cc; 3, rum (dark) 15cc; 4, soda water 100cc; ice cube 3-4 pieces. 5. Mix coffee, whipped cream and rum in a blender. Put ice cubes into a glass, pour coffee stir well, pour soda water. according to circumstances

To share with you the tropical coffee recipe:

1. Deep-roasted cooled coffee (with sugar)100cc;

2. Fresh cream (light cream containing 35% fat)20cc;

3. rum (dark) 15cc;

4. Soda water 100cc; ice cube 3-4 pieces.

5. Mix coffee, whipped cream and rum in a blender. Put ice cubes into a glass, pour coffee stir well, pour soda water. Depending on the situation, tonic water or lemon juice can also be used instead of soda water.