Coffee review

Coffee planting and processing

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The word coffee comes from the Greek word Kaweh, meaning strength and enthusiasm. At present, the most important coffee beans in the world mainly come from Arabica, Robasta and Libya, the three original species of these three coffee trees, and the quality of the coffee beans produced by these three varieties is also higher than that produced by other coffee trees. 1. The origin of coffee the coffee tree is an evergreen shrub of the family Capsicaceae.

First, the origin of coffee

The word "coffee" comes from the Greek word "Kaweh", which means "strength and passion". At present, the most important coffee beans in the world mainly come from Arabica, Robasta and Libya, the three original species of these three coffee trees, and the quality of the coffee beans produced by these three varieties is also higher than that produced by other coffee trees.

1. The origin of coffee

Coffee tree is an evergreen shrub of Capsaceae. Daily coffee is made from coffee beans combined with a variety of cooking utensils, and coffee beans refer to the nuts in the fruit of the coffee tree, which are then roasted with appropriate roasting methods. In ancient China, Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs and recorded them one by one, so that later generations could have a systematic understanding of many plants. There is no such person as Shennong in the western world, let alone any written record, so there are different legends about the origin of coffee. Among them, the most common and popular story is the story of the shepherd. Legend has it that there was a shepherd who happened to find his sheep jumping and dancing while herding sheep. If you look carefully, it turns out that the sheep ate a kind of red fruit that led to their funny behavior. He tried to pick some of these red fruits to boil, but the room was full of fragrance, and the juice was even more refreshing and refreshing after drinking it. Since then, this fruit has been used as a refreshing drink and has been well received.

2. Varieties of coffee

At present, the most important coffee beans in the world mainly come from three original varieties: Arabica, Roberta and Liberia. The Arabica coffee tree, which originated in Ethiopia, accounts for 70% of the world's coffee production, and almost all the world-famous coffee varieties are Arabica species. Arabica coffee trees are suitable for growing in high mountains with large temperature difference between day and night, as well as soils with low humidity and good drainage. The ideal altitude is 500m-2000 m. The higher the altitude, the better the quality, but because of the weaker ability to resist diseases and insect pests, it is more difficult to grow than the other two kinds of coffee trees. The Robosta coffee tree originated in the Congo in Africa. Its output accounts for about 20%-30% of the world's output. Robesta coffee tree is suitable for planting in the lowlands below 500 meters above sea level, has strong adaptability to the environment, can resist bad climate, resist diseases and insect pests, and does not need much manual care during soil preparation, weeding and pruning, and can be allowed to grow in the wild. It is a kind of coffee tree that is easy to cultivate. But its flavor is more bitter than Arabica, and its quality is much lower, so it is mostly used to make instant coffee. Because it is made in Africa, most Africans drink Robosta coffee. The origin of Liberian coffee trees is Liberia in Africa. Its cultivation history is shorter than the other two coffee trees, so the planting is limited to a few places such as Liberia, Surinam and Gaiana, so its output accounts for less than 5% of the world's output. Liberian coffee trees are suitable for planting lowlands, and the coffee beans produced are extremely fragrant and bitter. Arabica Arabica Robusta Robusta is usually planted in high-altitude mountains, usually in tropical areas with lower elevations, and requires high-density manual care. It is easier to grow, does not require too much manpower, rich taste, good aftertaste, bitter and astringent, caffeine content is twice as small as Arabica, bean shape is smaller, middle crack is larger, crack is straight. The lower price is used to make high-end coffee drinks and is mainly used to make instant coffee, which is used to reduce the cost of flat beans, round beans and elephant beans. Usually we buy coffee beans, one side is flat, and there is a crack on it, which is the side of the two seeds (that is, coffee beans) in the coffee cherry. This kind of normal bean is called flat bean (or lentil, flat beans). Some berries contain only one seed (for unknown reasons), which takes up the internal space of the entire berry and looks like two smaller flat beans glued together. This kind of bean, which we call peaberry, often appears on the tops of young coffee trees. Usually a bag of coffee beans will be more or less mixed with some round beans, in fact, the output of round beans only accounts for about 5% of ordinary flat beans, and because the flavor is more rich, so some unafraid merchants will use manual methods to pick out round beans and sell them at a good price, and some coffee enthusiasts regard round beans as the preferred purchase target. The so-called "elephant beans (or giant soybeans, Maragogipe)" refers to coffee beans with particularly large particles in the same variety. For the same kind of beans, the bigger the particles are, the more expensive they are, but the quality is not necessarily proportional to the quality. In fact, the ideal place for coffee is in areas where there is a large temperature difference between morning and evening and near the Tropic of Cancer, so that this kind of coffee beans do not grow too fast and become a loose inferior product (crops are usually better with longer growing periods and shorter growth periods. For example, the same is true of rice. But coffee beans are not as small as possible, they may just be stunted. So the grading of size is just a reference. Merchants sell large particles more expensive, the only reason is that the big coffee beans look more beautiful.

3. Types of coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee, produced in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The Blue Mountains surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, whenever the sun shines directly on the blue water, it reflects to the mountain and emits a bright blue light, hence its name. This kind of coffee has the characteristics of all good coffee, not only full-bodied and mellow, but also because of the perfect combination of sweet, sour and bitter coffee, it has no bitter taste at all, only a moderate and perfect sour taste. It is generally drunk on a single product, but because the output is very small and the price is extremely expensive, it is generally made with coffee with a similar taste on the market. Colombian coffee is produced in Colombia, roasted coffee beans, will release a sweet flavor, with sweet in the acid, bitterness in the good quality characteristics, because of the appropriate concentration, is often used in high-grade mixed coffee. Santos Coffee is mainly produced in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This kind of coffee acid, sweet and bitter is neutral, moderate concentration, with moderate sour taste, elegant and special taste, is the best preparation beans. Known as the backbone of coffee, a single drink also has a good flavor. Mocha coffee is produced in Ethiopia. Beans are small and fragrant, with strong sour and mellow taste, moderate sweet taste and special flavor. The washed coffee beans are well-known high-quality coffee, which are usually drunk separately, but if mixed coffee can be mixed, it is a kind of comprehensive coffee with ideal flavor. Manning coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia. The sour taste is moderate, with a very strong aroma, the taste is bitter, but there is a strong mellow. Most coffee lovers drink on their own, but it is also an indispensable variety when mixing coffee. Java coffee is produced on the Indonesian island of Java and belongs to Arabica coffee. After baking, the bitter taste is extremely strong and the aroma is very light, but there is no sour taste, which is loved by the Dutch. This kind of coffee beans are most commonly used in mixed coffee and instant brewed coffee. Guatemalan coffee is produced in Guatemala. This bean belongs to bourbon coffee beans, is one of the more sour varieties, taste mellow and slightly wild, the most suitable for blending into mixed coffee. Conna Coffee is a coffee bean cultivated by lava in the Conna area of Hawaii. It has a strong, mellow taste and a slightly wine flavor. The selected Conna coffee has a moderate sour taste and a gentle and rich taste, as well as a unique mellow flavor, which is unforgettable for coffee lovers. At present, due to the decreasing production and the large market demand, the price of Conna coffee beans is catching up with that of Blue Mountain Coffee. (1) Brazil (South America) Santos coffee: taste mellow, neutral, can be directly boiled, or mixed with other kinds of coffee beans into a comprehensive coffee, is also a good choice. (2) Columbia (South America) Manning: the palate is rich and solid, with a pleasant sour taste. The smell is mellow, the acidity is moderate, the sweetness is rich and very intriguing, it is suitable for deep baking and exudes a strong aroma. (3) Supremo, Colombia (South America): unique fragrance, bitter taste with sweet taste unforgettable. (4), Mexico Coatepec, Huatusco, Orizaba: comfortable taste with charming aroma. (5) Blue Mountain Coffee: sour, sweet and bitter taste are very harmonious and have excellent flavor and aroma, so it is suitable for individual coffee and moderate roasting. (VI) large coffee / small coffee / espresso (Grosser/kleiner Brauner/Schwarzer): Italian coffee with a little cream or milk. Sugar depends on your taste. (7) Milk coffee (Melange): half black coffee and half hot milk, sometimes with mixed cream, the vessel is a large coffee cup. The authentic method of deployment when the Turks besieged Vienna in the 17th century. (8) Cream coffee (Einspaenner): similar to espresso, coffee is served with prepared cream. Sugar depends on your taste. (9) Viennese iced coffee (Wiener Eiskaffee): cold coffee with Vanilla Ice Cream and cream. The utensils are long goblets. Sugar depends on your taste. (10) Cream hot cocoa (Heisse Schokolade mit Schlagobers): hot cocoa can be added with prepared cream.

(11) mocha coffee: this kind of coffee has a unique aroma, moderate baking has a soft sour taste, deep baking emits a strong aroma, and is occasionally used as a mixed drink. (12) Salvadoran coffee: it has the characteristics of sour, bitter and sweet taste, and the best baking degree is moderate and deep. (13) Hawaiian coffee: with a strong sour taste and unique aroma, moderately roasted beans have a strong sour taste, deep-baked flavor please climb to a higher floor. (14) Brazilian coffee: sour and bitter taste can be mixed by baking, moderate roasting soft flavor, moderate taste, deep baking has a strong bitter taste, suitable for blending coffee. (15) Mamba Coffee: Mantlin with Brazil, fragrant and delicious, strong and delicious, is the perfect match in coffee. (16) Conna Coffee: coffee beans cultivated from lava in the Conna area of Hawaii, with a slight wine flavor, have a very unique flavor. (17) Coffee Santos: mainly produced in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sweet, sour and bitter are neutral, moderately sour, special and elegant. (18) Java coffee: produced in Java, Indonesia, belonging to Arabica coffee. After baking, the bitter taste is extremely strong and the aroma is very light, without sour taste. (19) Guatemala Coffee: with excellent sour and sweet taste, it is the best material for mixed coffee and suitable for deep roasting. (20) Kilimanjaro Mountain Coffee: sour, sweet, pure and fragrant, it will emit sweetness and light sour after moderate roasting, and soft bitterness after deep roasting, which is suitable for mixing coffee. (21), iced latte: use the mixture of fructose and milk to increase the specific gravity of milk, so that it will not mix with lighter coffee, forming two distinct layers of black and white, forming a graceful visual effect like a cocktail, plus ice cubes. Give people an elegant and romantic warm feeling. (22), Oulei iced coffee:-making method (for two)-1. Add 16g coffee powder and 260cc water to Italian steam to get espresso. You can also get espresso by brewing 40g coffee powder (non-Italian brewing utensils) with 120cc water. two。 First add the appropriate sugar to the espresso, then prepare two glasses and fill them with ice. 3. Pour the pre-brewed espresso into the glass and stir well. 4. According to personal preference, slowly add fresh milk (fresh cream is also OK), and you can enjoy a cup of cool and mellow Orei iced coffee. (23), Maggiadoto Macciato:-material-espresso mechanism method: coffee powder 7g milk foam amount general coffee making method: coffee powder 18g milk foam production method (one person) first pour the coffee into the cup and add 3 to 5 tablespoons of milk foam (without fresh milk) Just a cup of Macciato (24), Swiss chocolate coffee: chocolate has always been a favorite of Europeans, especially the Swiss. When it is cold, people in Europe and America are used to putting some chocolates in their purses for a rainy day when they are hungry and cold-proof. Adding chocolate to coffee can reconcile the bitterness and replenish calories, and chocolate coffee has now become a favorite hot drink for Europeans when skiing in the mountains. -material-espresso mechanism method: coffee powder 7g water 120cc sugar chocolate powder 15g general coffee making method: coffee powder 12g water 120cc or chocolate syrup 30cc-production method-1. Put chocolate powder or syrup into a coffee cup. Pour the freshly brewed coffee into the cup and stir it well (25), cappuccino latte: cappuccino is a variation of Italian coffee, that is, on a strong coffee, pour in steamed milk. at this time, the color of the coffee is like the headscarf covered by the dark brown coat of the cappuccino monks, hence the name. Latte is actually a change in Italian coffee (Italians are indeed fickle), except that the proportion of coffee, milk and milk foam can be slightly changed to 1:2:1. (26), cappuccino Cappuccino:-production method-espresso mechanism method: coffee powder 7 g water 50cc hot milk 50cc milk foam right amount coffee preparation method: coffee powder 18 g water 120cc equal amount hot milk milk foam right amount-practice-1. Hot milk ready to be soaked. Half coffee and half hot milk are poured into the cup. It is covered with milk foam (27) and Turkish coffee: the original cooking method is still used today, and the complex process is somewhat exotic and mysterious. From this, we can peep into the heyday of the Ottoman Empire. -Turkish coffee making method (one serving)-1. Grind 12g deep-roasted coffee beans with the right amount of spices such as cinnamon or cardamom. (depending on personal preference, it may not be added) 2. Put the above fine powder into the pot and boil with water for about 20 seconds. 3. Wait for the coffee grounds to settle at the bottom of the pot, then gently pour out the coffee clarified at the top. 3. You can drink coffee with lemon or honey, or you can drink coffee with Turkish sugar, cream sugar or chocolate in your mouth. (28), Royal Coffee: this delicacy was invented by an emperor who could fight a long war. by the way, he was Napoleon, the emperor of the French Empire! He doesn't like the smell of milk, he likes the pride of France-brandy! Another guy with spirits in his coffee! The blue flame dances with the mellow aroma of brandy and the scorching aroma of sugar, combined with a strong aroma of coffee, slightly sweet in bitterness. French arrogance, French romance. -Royal coffee making method (one person)-1. First brew the 90cc hot blue mountain coffee and pour it into a preheated porcelain cup. two。 Place the royal spoon (with fancy edges at both ends or a lighter spoon instead) across the cup, pour the brandy on the spoon and light the fire. Pour the lit blue flame of brandy into the cup and taste. (29), Magic Ice Cream Coffee: this creative and varied magic taste only belongs to the young you! Pour espresso on the cold Vanilla Ice Cream, then use chocolate sauce to freely compose the fresh cream and ice cream. The ice coffee is a magical blend of water and milk, leaving only fragrance and freshness in your mouth. (30), mocha smoothie coffee:-material-1. Iced coffee (per person) 2. Vanilla Ice Cream, 3 tablespoons. The right amount of chocolate syrup. The right amount of crushed ice is 5. Appropriate amount of foamed fresh cream-production method (per person)-1. Put the right amount of ice into the blender, then pour the sugar-free iced coffee into 2. Pour in about 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup. Then add Vanilla Ice Cream, can increase the sweet flavor, can increase or decrease 4. 5% according to personal preference. Add some crushed ice and stir for 20-30 seconds. Pour into a glass, add appropriate amount of whipped cream and chocolate syrup (31), bitter iced coffee:-material-espresso mechanism method: coffee powder 7g water 30cc milk 120cc ice right amount general coffee making method: coffee powder 30g water 120cc milk 120cc ice right amount syrup right amount-production method-1. Add syrup to the milk and pour into the cup. Put the ice cubes into the glass. Slowly pour the coffee in to form a beautiful red and white layer (32) and mandarin duck iced coffee: the "mandarin duck" with black tea and coffee can not only make ice, but also make a hot drink, as if symbolizing a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate, no matter they are in hot water or in a world of ice and snow, they are all life communities. Add some sweet pores before drinking to reconcile the taste, which symbolizes that there is still a lot of sweetness in life. -material-Iced Black Tea half cup iced coffee half cup condensed milk right amount-preparation method-1. Mix Iced Black Tea and iced coffee in a cup of 2. When drinking, adjust the sweetness by refining holes. Friends who like hot drinks, change black tea and coffee to hot (33), Irish coffee: there is a strong aroma of whisky in the name, the Irish regard whisky as life, but also do something in the coffee! Irish coffee made from whisky can better set off the sweet and sour taste of coffee. A hint of mature melancholy. Be careful, you will get drunk even if you drink too much coffee. (34), Campbell Blue Macchiato Coffee: Italian coffee is really "a hundred flowers blossom", and there are two flowers of Campbell Blue and Macchiato. As long as you add the right amount of whipped cream to the espresso, you can easily finish a cup of Campbell blue. The fresh white cream floats gently on the deep coffee, just like a white lotus flower that comes out of the mud and is not dyed. In Italian espresso, without whipped cream and milk, only two tablespoons of soft milk foam is a cup of macchiato. Unlike Campbell Blue, if you want to enjoy the delicacy of Macchiato, you have to drink it in one sip. (35), green tea coffee: the fragrance of green tea draws our attention back from distant countries. Japan is a nation that is good at absorption and integration. This time, they have found a balance between western coffee and oriental green tea. It also provides a new favorite for friends who love to drink tea. This is a pure Oriental flavor of coffee, the elegant fragrance of green tea, the rich exchange of coffee agitation. (36), mocha Frost Coffee: guys who love chocolate, do you still have an appetite to try the "frost" chocolate mocha? Use a blender to break ice cubes and ice cream to create a dense visual effect, then add mocha iced coffee, and you're done! The entrance is smooth, refreshing and mellow, giving you a cool afternoon in the heat of summer. (37), Massacron:-material-espresso mechanism method: coffee powder 10g water 50cc sugar-free sparkling beverage (example: Peiluya) appropriate amount of ice, lemon juice 10cc general coffee preparation method: coffee powder 30g water 120cc sugar-free sparkling beverage (example: Peiluya) appropriate amount of lemon juice 10cc-making method-after the coffee is boiled, pour into a glass filled with ice for about half a cup The characteristic of adding sparkling drinks and lemon juice is that there is no sugar. If you want to be sweet, you can use syrup or change the sparkling drinks to 7-up.

Yunnan coffee 100% Arabica species, and subdivided into Bobang, Tibica, Katimo three. Among them, Bobang and Tibica are the original varieties with the best taste, and the taste of Katimer is slightly lower than that of the above two, but the boutique Katimer is also very delicious.

3. How to taste coffee

Think of drinking coffee, many people think it is to drink instant coffee, shake the coffee powder into the cup, and drink immediately with boiling water. However, instant coffee is made by concentrating and drying the coffee liquid to remove moisture. In the drying process, most of the natural coffee aroma is volatile and lost, and the aroma can only be supplemented by additives. As a result, roasted 100% pure coffee is more popular with consumers, and those with lower consumption levels drink more instant coffee. With the improvement of people's living standards, what really drinks coffee is to drink pure roasted coffee, which requires taste and atmosphere. It is also very good at the method of cooking coffee, not a cup of beef drink.

From the roasting point of view, coffee has light roasting, medium roasting and deep roasting, the color gradually deepens from light coffee to black, and after cooking, its taste is gradually rich and even slightly bitter and extremely bitter. In addition, the taste of a good cup of coffee lies in how much water is added, and it is very important to master the amount of water. After work, in your spare time, relatives, friends or family get together, chat, make a cup of coffee, everyone drink and talk, the elegant environment is full of fragrance, so you will feel that this coffee is full of love and honey.

4. Coffee and health

Coffee has charming charm, coffee is a healthy food, it is not only a favorite drink, but also can prevent and treat some diseases, with special medical effect, this function of coffee has not been developed by people, and it has not been recognized by people. Here to introduce its knowledge to coffee lovers.

Drink coffee, let you enjoy a healthy life!

Strengthen muscles and bones and fatten knees

Caffeine can make muscles contract freely, increase tendon strength, lower exercise valve, increase body sensitivity and improve exercise function.

Appetizer staple food.

Caffeine stimulates the sympathetic nerve, stimulates stomach and intestines to secrete gastric acid, promotes evolution, prevents gastric distension and gastroptosis, and promotes gastrointestinal hormones and peristaltic hormones. Eliminate fat and accumulation.

Caffeine can accelerate fat decomposition, increase the body's metabolic rate, increase heat consumption, and help reduce fat and lose weight. , Liqiao dehumidification.

Caffeine can promote kidney function, expel excess sodium ions from the body, increase urination, improve abdominal distension and edema, and help to lose weight. Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Coffee contains linoleic acid, which has hemolysis and prevents thrombosis, enhances vasoconstriction, promotes blood circulation, and relieves vasodilation headaches, especially migraines. In addition, it can promote venous reflux, moisturize the skin, restore the elasticity of the muscle surface and prevent cardiovascular disease. Extinguish the wind and stop the spasm.

Coffee can increase high-density cholesterol, accelerate the metabolism of bad cholesterol, reduce atherosis of coronary arteries, and reduce the risk of stroke. The color of joy.

A small amount of coffee is exciting and pleasant, putting aside troubles, melancholy, relieving stress and relaxing body and mind.

Calming the lungs and relieving asthma.

Caffeine promotes the sympathetic nerve, suppresses the parasympathetic nerve, and avoids asthma caused by parasympathetic nerve excitement.

Coffee can prevent radiation.

Radiation damage has increasingly become a source of pollution in current life, which brings potential harm to people. Don't worry, coffee can effectively prevent damage from radiation.

Coffee protects against gallstones

Due to the change of lifestyle, the number of people suffering from gallstone disease is increasing day by day, which has become a major enemy affecting people's health. Do you know? The thick and fragrant coffee is the nemesis of this stone disease.

Coffee can prevent asthma

It is well known that caffeine has an excitatory effect, so a little caffeine is added to cold medicine. This is because purer caffeine can promote the sympathetic nerve and improve the damage to respiratory organs caused by colds. After drinking coffee, people will have the effect of sweating at first, and then promote metabolism to accelerate the cure of colds.

Coffee can improve memory.

Caffeine has an aromatic flavor, which can easily pass through the brain-blood barrier, stimulate the central sutra, promote brain activity, make the mind clearer, respond lively and sensitive, think well, concentrate, and improve work efficiency. Memory loss is a common symptom of the elderly. Recently, American scientists have found that drinking coffee is helpful to improve memory, especially for the elderly. It also helps to enhance the memory of young people.

Coffee relieves headaches

Coffee has the function of relieving alcoholism and is a good medicine for headaches caused by excessive drinking, which many people do not know. When you have a headache after drinking, you might as well make a cup of hot coffee. You will benefit a lot.

Coffee protects the cardiovascular system

Coffee contains polyphenols, which not only has antioxidant function, but also protects cardiovascular function. The reason is that "good cholesterol" can remove excessive cholesterol from cells and prevent bad cholesterol from depositing on the walls of arteries. In this way, continuous metabolism makes it less likely to cause arteriosclerosis, and many people who have been infected with cardiovascular diseases also begin to love coffee. This is also an important reason why coffee drinks are becoming more and more popular in the West.

Coffee can protect you from cancer.

It is well known that there are some carcinogenic compounds in food that mutate cells, but many people do not understand that the ingredients in coffee have anti-mutagenic substances that inhibit sudden cell mutation. Do you want to stay away from cancer? Then taste the coffee!

Coffee can help you lose weight.

Do you want to lose weight? Then you might as well make coffee after dinner. A cup of coffee will not only refresh you, but also make you lose weight.

Caffeine can lose weight because it has the function of diuresis and the role of burning fat. On the one hand, caffeine can promote gastrointestinal movement, secrete gastric juice, accelerate basic metabolism and consume calories; long-term develop the habit of drinking coffee after meals, your weight will maintain a steady and healthy fitness effect. However, because caffeine can also increase gastric juice, some patients with gastric ulcers must avoid excessive coffee when drinking coffee, and do not drink it on an empty stomach.

Although drinking coffee has many benefits, the following six kinds of people are not suitable for drinking coffee.

1. Suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and other diseases

2. Always look at women

3. Patients with stomach disease

4. Pregnant women

5. Vitamin B1 deficiency

6. Cancer patients.

II. Coffee planting techniques

1. Seed selection

The high-yielding plant with strong plant and high fruiting rate was selected as the mother plant for seed collection. After the fresh fruit was harvested, the flesh was peeled off, fermented, cleaned and cool-dried.

2. Raising seedlings

Sow the prepared seeds into the sand bed, and when the leaves are about to be scattered after sprouting, transplant them into a prepared nutrition bag or seedling bed, set up a shade shed, remove the shade shed when the seedlings grow to branches, practice seedlings, and so on.

3. Reclamation and planting

The sunny gentle slope land or flat land with deep soil layer is selected as the planting garden, and the best width of the belt surface is 150 "200", the bottom width of the hole is 40 "× 50" × mouth width 60 ", and the plant spacing is 100". After exposure to the sun for one to two months, the fertilizer topsoil is mixed with base fertilizer to fill the cave, waiting to be planted. The planting time is generally the most suitable in April. Naked seedlings taken from the seedling bed should be drenched with water to ensure that the survival rate of the seedlings is above 95%.

4. Seedling caress

After the seedlings survive, fertilize once every two months, take a small number of times, during this period, often loosen the soil and weed to keep the coffee garden free of weeds. After the second year, every

Fertilizer was applied twice a year, soil fertilizer and compost mixed fertilizer (urea, potassium sulfate, compound fertilizer, calcium magnesium phosphorus) were applied, spring fertilizer was applied before the end of March, autumn fertilizer was applied before the end of August, and foliar fertilizer was sprayed once during this period. And conscientiously do a good job of height control and top removal of seedlings, when seedlings grow to 60, take off the top and control height for the first time, wait until 90, and then control height for the second time, and persist in sealing and pressing for more than a year to make the seedlings robust and dwarfed.

Third, coffee rough processing technology

1. Harvest fresh fruit

Every year in September, a small amount of coffee ripens, and when the first batch of fresh coffee fruit ripens, it will mature one after another, and the coffee workers will harvest the red mature coffee fruit in stages and batches, and on the same day, the fresh coffee fruit will be peeled when it is handed over to the processing plant.

2. Peeling fermentation

Before peeling, the processing staff of the processing plant shall maintain and debug the peeling machine before carrying out the peeling processing of coffee fresh fruit. With water suction, the fresh coffee fruit at the bottom of the sink will be sent to the Columbia mill fresh coffee fruit peeling machine, and the peeled coffee beans will be transported to various fermentation ponds. Each fermentation tank will store about 600kg raw coffee beans, ferment at 20:00 that night, and clean at 8 o'clock the next day. The fermentation time is about 12 hours, when the temperature is high, the time is shorter, when the winter temperature is low, the time is longer, the standard to distinguish taro is still in place: according to the mucus attached to coffee beans (sugar juice and pectin are all fermented, it is very rough when grasping with hands, non-sticky hands prevail, fermentation process time should not be too long, preferably in advance

3. Cleaning and drifting

Spray the fermented raw coffee beans with a water gun, wash all the coffee syrup and pectin, then put the raw coffee beans into the tank, release water through the circular ditch and drift, first float into the bleached bean soaking tank, sink into the bottom of the trough and put into another soaking pool.

4. Soak

After the coffee beans enter the soaking pool, the processors should stir and change the water frequently, change the water every six hours, and often observe the water color. The soaking time should be more than 8 hours. After the soaking time is up, put it on the cooling bed to help the water. Wait for it to be transported back to the sun.

5. Cool storage

The raw coffee beans shipped back to the sun field should be thinned by the processing factory staff, which should be turned every two hours, and the push quat should be turned alternately. The weather is clear, the light is good, and the cooling time should be more than 120 hours. When the coffee beans are dehydrated, in order to avoid rain, gather up piles at night and cover them with Shuo cloth. When the moisture is less than 15%, the income cool bed is piled up to vacate the site, and the processing plant staff should observe its temperature at any time. To prevent mildew and deterioration. When the space is vacated, the coffee beans on the cooling bed are moved to the drying ground to continue to cool, and when the moisture is less than 13%, the semi-finished coffee (with shell beans) is checked and accepted into the warehouse, waiting to be shelled and sold.

6. Shelling screening when an order is obtained with the buyer, the processing personnel of the processing plant transport the shelled coffee beans to the shelling workshop by manual or mechanical transportation, and use advanced grain machine equipment to remove the shell. Before shelling, the mechanic should carefully debug the machinery and equipment, debug the gap between the machines and equipment to the best condition, reduce the breaking rate as far as possible, and control the breaking rate within 3%. Then the shelled raw coffee beans are stirred by the fan to remove all the bran skin, impurities and tiny particles, and then bagged and transported to the warehouse to be screened manually or mechanically. In the current sales process, the quantity of raw coffee beans is allocated according to the current sales quantity, and all the staff are sorted according to the agreed indicators of the current product sales contract. The basic requirements are: sand, impurities, black beans, mildew spoiled beans, scorched yellow, white beans are cleaned, and the fragmentation rate is not more than 3%.

7. Packing and stacking

After sorting, the coffee beans that pass the acceptance inspection are screened with a sieve, and then assembled and packed into bags. The packaging is made of plastic woven bags, and special personnel are designated to weigh them. Metrology personnel should carefully measure according to the quantitative packaging standards and accurately measure them. To ensure the consistency of quantitative packaging, the standard net content of each bag of quantitative packaging is 60 tons. The allowable error rate per bag shall not exceed 0.5%.

Use machine sewing or manual sewing, after sewing, check whether the sewing is solid, then stack the bag, the layer height is generally five layers, the stacking process is over, count the quantity and make a good record to be released from the warehouse.

IV. Baking technology

1. Roasting

2. Grinding powder

3. Sealing and packing

China Coffee Trading Network: