Coffee review

Definition of roasting of coffee beans General knowledge of roasting of fine coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The key to the popularity of roasted coffee lies in the aroma and taste of roasted coffee, because the coffee bean itself does not have any special taste. Baking is to change and reorganize the substances inside the raw beans to form a new structure and become people's favorite drink with a strong and mellow flavor. The roasting of coffee is a kind of high temperature coking (Pyrol

Roasting of coffee beans

Coffee is loved by people, the key lies in the aroma formed after roasting and the taste of drinking, because the coffee bean itself does not have any special taste. "baking" is to change and reorganize the substances inside the raw beans to form a new structure and become people's favorite drink with a strong and mellow flavor.

Coffee roasting is a high-temperature coking (Pyrolysis), which changes the substance inside the raw bean, produces new compounds, and recombines to form aroma and mellow flavor. This effect only happens at high temperatures, and if you only use low temperatures, it will not cause decomposition, no matter how long the coffee beans are roasted.

Most people think that baking is nothing, just stir-fry the raw beans over fire. In fact, in the coffee processing process, baking is the most difficult step, it is a science, but also an art. In the West, experienced bakers enjoy a highly respected status.