Coffee review

Coffee Culture and Coffee enthusiasts

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Individual coffee can best reflect a person's ability to drink coffee. Mantenin coffee is mellow, bitter and smelly, with almost no sour taste; Colombian premium coffee contains sour fruit, and slow coffee can taste slightly nutty; Ethiopian coffee can smell obvious citrus aroma when grinding beans and lemon fragrance after production; most cafes along Fifth Avenue have a small courtyard, quiet, low-key, gu

Individual coffee can best reflect a person's ability to drink coffee. "Mantenin coffee is bitter and smelly, with almost no sour taste; Colombian premium coffee contains sour fruit, and slow coffee can taste slightly nutty; Ethiopian coffee can smell obvious citrus aroma when grinding beans, and can smell lemon when finished.

Most of the cafes along the Fifth Avenue have a small courtyard, quiet, low-key, and most of the customers are repeat customers. The reporter visited several cafes following the aroma of coffee. More than one interviewee mentioned to the reporter that the original purpose of running a coffee shop is not simply to make money, being a barista does not have a high salary, and if it is not "coffee roasting", there is no need to engage in this business at all. Infatuated with the mellow aroma of freshly ground coffee, like coffee culture, make a few cups of your own in your spare time, and the strong taste buds are the basic characteristics of "coffee burning".

A cup of coffee is a luxury.

Every cafe has its owner's influence, ranging from style and business philosophy to a decoration in the store. Modou memory comes from Mordern Memory, the boss likes to collect old objects with a sense of history, house demolition lights, road signs will be collected. The plastic dolls, old bags, tables and chairs of the 1980s and 1990s in the cafe all smell of nostalgia. Li Qian is a barista here, a girl with short hair and thin hair. In the eloquent words, the reporter felt her love of coffee.

"beans tend to be emerald green, the ones with high moisture content are relatively fresh and the color is lighter, and they are generally kept for a long time. Indonesia's Mantenin beans are more mellow and bitter, while Ethiopia's Yejia Sheffield beans are famous for their citrus and fragrant aromas. " The producing area basically determines the tone of coffee beans, and coffee with rare beans is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"if someone says, buy you a cup of Blue Mountain coffee, what you get is basically a fake. Because more than 90% of the blue mountain coffee beans are exported to Japan, the rest are in Europe, and very few come to China. " It has to be mentioned that 50 years ago, Japan's financial resources were meagre, and under such circumstances, they would rather spend a lot of money to help the poor Jamaican government solve the problem of the degradation of Blue Mountain coffee varieties. In exchange for a permanent global exclusive distribution of Blue Mountain coffee beans. This is also often mentioned today, the Japanese drink coffee is the most fastidious, because they have exquisite capital. Blue Mountain Coffee beans grow in the mountains more than 2200 meters above sea level. The beans are of good quality, sour, sweet, bitter, mellow, soft and expensive. "beans growing at an altitude of 2000 meters may have a similar taste, and many of the so-called Blue Mountain Coffee are made from several beans with similar characteristics."

When it comes to rare coffee, we should also mention Kopi Luwak. Kopi Luwak is made in Indonesia, one of the most expensive coffee in the world. There is a wild civet called Corby Ruwak, which likes to eat ripe coffee fruit, and the feces excreted from the digestive system are processed as coffee beans. Due to the fermentation of the intestines and stomach, the coffee beans produced are more mellow and become a hot product in the international market. In order to chase high profits, local coffee farmers take wild civets home and raise them in order to get more beans. However, the beans produced by farmed civets will be much less delicious. Even so, the output of this kind of coffee is still very rare.

The fragrance of flowers can only be regarded as "coffee burning".

With the sound of the bean grinder, Li Qian began her day's work. "the first two cups of coffee every day are experimental subjects to debug the fineness, water temperature and humidity of the coffee powder, and to debug it after noon, which is the basis for making every cup of coffee. Individual coffee is most likely to reflect the quality of a cup of coffee. " She moved skillfully around the coffee machine, and a few minutes later two cups of expresso (espresso) were made. "drinking coffee will blacken is a misinformation, caffeine is a better sunscreen, can be sunscreen. In addition, it is a misconception to think that espresso is high in caffeine. This 30ml expresso is low in caffeine. First of all, Arabica's Yili beans contain very low caffeine, and second, caffeine is water-soluble, and the shorter the contact with water, the less caffeine is released. A cup of espresso can be extracted in about 25 seconds, make it quickly, reduce the time it takes to oxidize with air, and of course it's best to drink it in a short time. " Expresso is rich in oil and mellow on the surface, but it tastes bitter, which makes journalists accustomed to the "three-in-one" taste a little at a loss. "people who drink regularly can feel mellow, the smell of caramel is very strong, and they will get sour at the bottom." These taste buds are still blind for first-time drinkers. However, the cappuccino made from another cup of expresso has a much weaker impact on the taste buds, with the smell of milky coffee.

At the door of the cafe

The mural under the light

Coffee beans in cafes are usually roasted cooked beans, because selecting beans is one process, and roasting is another subject. "if the roasting heat of coffee beans is small, the fruit acid will be more abundant, and the heat will be more bitter." In addition, "baking is a magical science, and it takes years of practice to realize the nuances." The mellow aroma of freshly ground coffee is not available in other coffee drinks. "every customer has the right to hear the sound of grinding beans of their own coffee. Each cup of coffee should be ground freshly, and the oxidation of the ground coffee powder will affect the taste. "

Individual coffee can best reflect a person's ability to drink coffee. "Mantenin coffee is bitter and smelly, with almost no sour taste; Colombian premium coffee contains sour fruit, and slow coffee can taste slightly nutty; Ethiopian coffee can smell obvious citrus aroma when grinding beans and lemon when finished; Kenyan coffee is similar to red wine acid and plum acid. Mocha coffee is a kind of Yemeni coffee, because the coffee tree and cocoa tree are relatively close, so it has a slightly cocoa flavor. Panamanian rosy summer can also be called geisha coffee because its English pronunciation is the same as that of Japanese geisha. The acidity is very obvious, with a sour taste of grapefruit. " Some people use the term "coffee entrance, flowers in full bloom" to describe a cup of gourmet coffee. The difference in the smell of flowers can be regarded as a real "coffee burn".

Coffee shop terrace

Think of coffee as a friend

Coffee Song is a very European coffee shop. It opens at 2pm and closes at 10:00 every day. It mainly deals in drinks. Coffee accounts for about 80 per cent of the drinks, with few fruit plates and desserts. The boss himself is a person with a high level of life and loves coffee. Before running a coffee shop, I grind beans with a hand grinder, brew coffee in a mocha pot, and have a cup of coffee at leisure. Later, I went to Beijing to learn the coffee craft, decorating my three-story villa into a coffee shop and running coffee. Another of her original intentions is to communicate with friends who love coffee and promote coffee culture. She doesn't expect many customers, but she hopes that people who come can appreciate each other. At the corner of the stairs on the first and second floor, there are a lot of photos of regular customers. The boss pays great attention to detail and gets to know a lot of burning friends.

"baristas can't drink or smoke, try to make taste buds sensitive, and need to repeat practice every day." This is the "price" that barista Yang Shuang told reporters to do "coffee burning". Yang Shuang is a girl with big eyes. She graduated from the Oil painting Department of Tianjin normal University and worked as an art teacher in the Cultural Palace. The barista is only a part-time job. "my parents don't want me to be a barista because they don't think it's a job they can do for a long time. It's hard for a girl to be a barista, but it's a dream of mine. Being a teacher can make life real. "

Yang Shuang's understanding of coffee is that "coffee is alive" and uses "coffee is my other half" to describe his relationship with coffee. It is inevitable to be a little harsh on your partner and treat your coffee like a friend. "to make a cup of coffee, the water temperature is between 92 and 95 degrees Celsius, the high water temperature will destroy the nutrients of the beans, the taste is bitter, the water temperature is low, the taste is sour, and it is possible to stratify." In fact, this is very much like the friendship between friends, hot and cold should be just right.

Coffee is smart, and stylized standards are not suitable for coffee. "A cup of espresso is only 30 milliliters, and no one can make two identical cups of coffee. Even if the coffee machine, beans, temperature and pressure are all the same, it is difficult to ensure that the coffee at the left and right exits are exactly the same. You can't be sure which step deviates when you tell the difference, because each step will produce a very slight change. " Carefulness, delicacy and delicacy are another requirement for baristas. "the barista's mood can be reflected by a cup of coffee, to make the coffee comfortable, rather than the barista's absent-mindedness affects the customer's mood. Every cup of coffee should be made with heart, with quality, not with words to move people. " This is where coffee is alive.

"I don't know if I will be able to open a coffee shop in the future, even if I have a small bar and a professional coffee machine, and I can drink one or two cups of coffee made by myself every day. With such a blueprint, it is also very gratifying that it is best to spend the rest of your life with coffee. " This sentence expresses the heartfelt voice of "coffee burning".

Photos of frequent guests on the wall

The furnishings in the corner

Interview notes

On the Fifth Avenue, the sightseeing carriage walked leisurely, and the sound of the horse's hoofs was clear. An occasional car passes by, three minutes slow and no whistle. The Fifth Avenue is not only livable, but also suitable for leisure. Walking through a small courtyard and pushing the door into a cafe, the English song of "singing softly" is like a soundtrack for the lazy afternoon. Two shop assistants were dozing in chairs at the door, and the boss was dozing on the sofa. The reporter left hurriedly after exchanging business cards. This is a small episode in the interview process, if the "drama" is not suitable to make fun of the above scene, you can always use miserable management. The business mentality of "Jiang Taigong fishing" is fine for many followers, if not, it is also good to use indifference to describe coffee operators. (author: Li Lili)