Coffee review

The preparation and tasting methods of delicious Coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Choose your favorite coffee brewing method: the coffee pot has siphon pot, drip filter pot and mocha pot; the bean mill has hand coffee mill and electric coffee mill; the coffee cup has ordinary porcelain and bone porcelain. What suits you is the best, never mind what others say. Coffee beans have single beans (Brazil, Colombia, Mantenin, Yunnan, etc.), flavor beans (usually made up of one or one kind of

Appliance selection

Choose your favorite coffee brewing method: coffee pot has siphon pot, drip filter pot, mocha pot; bean grinder has hand coffee mill, electric coffee mill; coffee cup has ordinary porcelain and bone porcelain. What suits you is the best, never mind what others say.

Coffee beans

Coffee beans include single beans (Brazil, Colombia, Mantenin, Yunnan, etc.), flavor beans (coffee with various flavors generally roasted by one or more coffee beans from one or more places of origin through specific processes, such as Blue Mountain flavor, mocha flavor, etc.).

Coffee beans have the best flavor. Coffee beans cannot be kept in the refrigerator. Coffee beans should be kept in a cool and ventilated place to avoid direct sunlight, dampness and scorching heat.

Coffee Grinding

Different cooking methods require different sizes of coffee powder. In general, the shorter the time of contact with water, the finer the coffee powder.

Water quality

Generally speaking, water with high mineral content is more suitable for brewing coffee than tap water, and tap water is better than distilled water.

The ratio of coffee to water

The general concentration of coffee is 55 grams of coffee plus 1 liter of water, the specific proportion can be found out in the actual operation.

Many coffee pots have scales, but they are often inconsistent with reality.

Water temperature

Coffee can be extracted from water at any temperature, but hot water is faster than cold water. Do not pour boiling water directly on the coffee, not even instant coffee, which will give the coffee an astringent taste. The optimum temperature is between 90 and 96 degrees Celsius.

Warm cup

When the coffee is poured into a cold cup, the temperature of the coffee immediately decreases and the aroma disappears in large quantities, while the warm cup not only preserves the heat of the coffee, but also the temperature of the cup is more suitable for brewing aroma, so that the aroma of coffee is completely released.

Utensils cleaning

Wash the coffee utensils and keep them clean and dry every time you use them.

Drinking time

Brewed coffee should usually be drunk within ten minutes. It tastes best here. If you want to save it, store it in a heated thermos cup.