Coffee review

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, First, coffee (Coffee) is one of the most popular beverages. Coffee is consumed most by people all over the world. Besides tea, coffee is consumed the most. According to the statistics of the International Coffee Organization, the world consumes about 5.4 million tons of coffee every year. The countries that import the most coffee are the United States, Germany, Italy and Japan. However, per capita coffee consumption in Scandinavian countries is 10 kilograms per year.


Coffee (Coffee) is one of the most popular drinks. Coffee is consumed by 1x3 people all over the world. Besides tea, coffee is the most consumed drink. According to the statistics of the International Coffee Organization, the world consumes about 5.4 million tons of coffee every year. The countries that import the most coffee are the United States, Germany, Italy and Japan. However, Scandinavian countries consume more than 10 kilograms of coffee per capita per year, ranking among the highest in the world.

The coffee tastes really good, make a cup, the room is fragrant. However, coffee is not a traditional drink for westerners. According to textual research, coffee was introduced into Europe from Ethiopia through the Arab region. In the 7th century AD, some Arabs went into exile to Ethiopia. They found a new drink here that they had never heard of-what locals call "Buna". At that time, only a small number of people in Ethiopia drank it. The Arabs who have taken refuge here are friends of Mohamed, the founder of Islam. When they returned home, they also brought back the habit of drinking "Buna".

Arabs call the new drink "Qahwah" or "Kefa", the phonetic variation of the "Kaffa" province where coffee is produced. This drink quickly spread among followers of Islam. By the 15th century AD, coffee was grown in Yemen. Yemeni authorities encourage people to drink coffee because it is less stimulating and exciting than Kat.

Coffee garden

The coffee shop "kavel kanes" first appeared in the Islamic resort of Mecca. This kind of coffee shop soon spread all over the Arab world and became a place for people to play chess, chat, sing, dance and listen to music. Coffee shop is a brand new thing, in which people can socialize and discuss business. The coffee shop soon became the center of political activity and was suppressed. In the decades that followed, coffee and coffee houses were banned many times. However, it reappeared soon after the ban. It can be said that despite the incineration of the wildfire, the spring breeze still flourishes. Finally, it was only after the government imposed a tax on coffee and coffee shops that it was able to survive.

Over time, the Arab empire began to decline, and part of the territory was occupied by the emerging Ottoman Turks. The Turks also soon learned to drink coffee. They call the new drink "Qahwe" or Kave. Later, Turks also became Muslims and, according to Islamic rules, were not allowed to drink alcohol. As a result, they double their diagnosis of this slightly irritating drink. The Turks brought the habit of drinking coffee to Istanbul, the heart of the Ottoman Empire.

At that time, a number of Italian city-state states were trading with eastern countries. Genoa has set up a trading post in Pera, opposite Istanbul, and has been looking for profitable oriental goods. It was Venice merchants who introduced coffee and coffee drinking habits to Europe in 1615. Italians call coffee "Cafe".

For quite a long time, Turks and Arabs monopolized the coffee trade and banned the export of raw coffee beans. The so-called coffee beans are the seeds of coffee trees. If the outer skin of the seeds is peeled off, they can no longer germinate. But Arabs don't have a good time for coffee monopolies. Later, the Dutch managed to get coffee saplings or coffee seeds and brought them back to the greenhouse in Holland for cultivation. The Dutch first brought coffee to the Malabar coast of India and introduced it to Batavia (present-day Jakarta) on the island of Java in 1699. A few years later, the Dutch colonies became a major supplier of European coffee.