Coffee review

Us research report says sugar makes you stupid. Coffee makes people live longer.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Sugar will make you stupid! Not only does sugar damage your teeth and give you diabetes, it can also make you stupid. According to the Daily Mail this morning, a study from the University of California, Los Angeles shows that binge drinking sugary soft drinks for up to six weeks can make you stupid because the sugar added to the soft drinks can impair memory and reaction. The study was conducted by letting rats eat corn (2396

Sugar will make you "stupid"!

Not only does sugar damage your teeth and give you diabetes, it can also make you stupid.

According to the Daily Mail this morning, a study from the University of California, Los Angeles shows that binge drinking sugary soft drinks for up to six weeks can make you stupid because the sugar added to the soft drinks can impair memory and reaction.

The study was conducted by letting rats eat corn syrup (2396, 11.00, 0.46%) and then walk through a maze. The scientists marked the maze with multiple holes and only one exit to help mice remember the path. Then comparing the two groups of mice that had eaten corn syrup and those that had not eaten corn syrup, it was found that the mice that did not eat corn syrup could get out of the maze faster than those who had eaten it.

Fernando, who led the study, said that the brain cells of the mice became less able to remember signals after eating corn syrup, and the sugar disrupted the logic of thinking and path memory of the mice, making them look "silly". Compiler / reporter Wang Jinyu

Intern Gao Xiaojuan

Coffee makes people "live longer"?

Eat less sugar. Coffee seems to make people live longer.

According to US media reports this morning, US scientists have found that men who drink two to three cups of coffee a day are 10 per cent more likely to live longer than men who do not drink coffee, while the figure for women is 13 per cent.

Previously, the medical profession believed that women should not drink too much coffee because it could easily lead to myocardial infarction, infertility and diabetes.

After a large number of studies, the study confirmed that coffee can effectively delay the risk of death in people with heart disease, diabetes and respiratory diseases. Neil, who led the study, said that although it is not clear why coffee has this effect and which kind of coffee is more effective, studies have shown that coffee is not harmful to health or increases the risk of death.

Translator / reporter Wang Jinyu intern Gao Xiaojuan