Coffee review

If you drink more coffee, you will get the basic knowledge of fine coffee for pancreatic cancer.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pancreatic cancer quadrupled 20 years ago, doctors wanted to do a pancreatic cancer surgery, it would take a long time, now, almost every day. On the sidelines of the meeting, Vice President Liang Tingbo said that last year, the second Hospital of Zhejiang Medical College performed more than 200 operations for pancreatic cancer, indicating that the number of patients with pancreatic cancer is now on the rise. In the past decade, the number of patients in China has increased by more than 15%, even by 100% compared with the previous two years.

Pancreatic cancer increases fourfold in 20 years

"in the past, it took a long time for doctors to have an operation for pancreatic cancer, but now it happens almost every day." On the sidelines of the meeting, Vice President Liang Tingbo said that last year, the second Hospital of Zhejiang Medical College performed more than 200 operations for pancreatic cancer, indicating that the number of patients with pancreatic cancer is now on the rise.

"over the past decade, the number of domestic patients has increased by more than 15 percent, or even an increase of 20 to 30 percent compared with the previous two years. For 20 years,

The incidence of pancreatic cancer increased fourfold. According to the forecast, the number of cases will increase by 32% by 2020. "

Pancreatic cancer has the fourth largest number of deaths in the world, known as the "king of cancer", with an incidence of 10/100000, which is a common disease. "Ghost" actor Patrick Swayze and the world-famous tenor Pavarotti both died of the disease.

"there are 100000 new cases this year, of which 90, 000 have died, and basically one has died. Among them, the incidence rate in Shanghai ranks first in the country. How to diagnose and treat and improve the survival rate of patients with pancreatic cancer is a medical problem that needs to be solved in the Twelfth five-year Plan. "

The Nobel laureate treats himself.

And I didn't live for five years.

"Pancreatic cancer usually lasts only three to six months from discovery to death. The onset of this cancer is hidden and develops rapidly, with a 5-year survival rate of less than 5%. "

In fact, 25% of patients with pancreatic cancer have symptoms before they are diagnosed, said Liang Tingbo, vice president. But less than 3% of the patients were actually found. Patients with pancreatic cancer will feel dull pain in the abdomen and pain in the middle of the back, and are often misdiagnosed as gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary diseases. "some patients underwent gastroscopy and cholecystectomy, but the pain could not be relieved, and they were finally diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, delaying the best treatment time."

At the meeting, Professor Zhao Yupei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, lamented that recently, technology giant Steve Jobs and immunologist Ralph Steinman, who won the Nobel Prize in biology or medicine in 2011, died of different types of pancreatic cancer.

Steinman treated himself with his latest research and ended up living for only four years. "

These are the high risk factors of pancreatic cancer.

Smoking advances the onset of pancreatic cancer by 10 years.

Lao Zhang, 54, underwent pancreatic cancer resection at the second Zhejiang Medical Hospital yesterday, and Vice President Liang Tingbo performed the surgery.

"in the last three months, Lao Zhang has been feeling abdominal pain and backache. He went to the local hospital for gastroscopy and found Helicobacter pylori. After more than 20 days of treatment, he did not improve. After the examination found gallstones, and surgery cut off the entire gallbladder, the pain did not relieve. Since January, the patient has lost more than 20 jin at once. It was only when he arrived at our hospital that he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. "

Bai Xueli, deputy director of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, also participated in the operation, and she was very impressed by the patient. "when we were looking for the reason for his illness, we asked about his medical history and learned that Lao Zhang had a 28-year history of smoking. He started with one pack a day, then smoked two or three packs a day, and liked to eat high-fat diets such as fat meat. These habits may be related to his illness. "

Academician Zhao Yupei said that smoking is the most definite risk factor for pancreatic cancer. A series of studies conducted by the relevant research group on mice have shown that water containing nicotine has a very high probability of eventually developing pancreatic cancer after being drunk by mice. Smokers are twice as likely to develop the disease.

The onset time is at least 10 years ahead of schedule.

465910 smokers were followed up in Europe for eight years, of whom 524 were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

"smoking promotes the secretion of nitrite, a carcinogen, into the bile duct, which then flows back into the pancreatic duct, stimulating the pancreas, and smoking can increase blood lipids and promote pancreatic cancer."

Five cups of coffee a day can cause pancreatic cancer.

The survey found that drinking more coffee can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by four times. Coffee has been clearly identified as one of the risk factors for pancreatic cancer. " Professor Liu Yunyi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said that Westerners love coffee, so the incidence of pancreatic cancer is high, but now it is also higher in China. Drinking too much coffee can not only increase gastrin secretion, but also inhibit DNA repair, which may induce pancreatic cancer. And most people like to put sugar in their coffee. According to statistics, people who drink sugary drinks twice a day have a 90% risk of pancreatic cancer compared with those who never drink sugary drinks.

"I used to study in England, but because there was little tea, I would have a cup of coffee in the morning or afternoon. Now it's a bad habit to think about it. I have seen a study that drinking more than five cups of coffee a day can affect the pancreas and cause pancreatic cancer. "

Academician Liu Yunyi said that nowadays many people think that drinking coffee is refreshing and fashionable, especially for office white-collar workers. Among them, they generally have the habit of having a cup of espresso in the morning and evening, and when they need to work overtime at night, they drink cup after cup of coffee until their stomach is bloated, which is very unhealthy.

Suddenly get diabetes.

Better check the pancreas.

According to estimates by the Ministry of Health, the prevalence rate of diabetes in China's residents aged 18 and above is about 9.7%, and there are about 90 million people with diabetes.

"at present, experts are exploring the relationship between pancreatic cancer and diabetes, and believe that the incidence of pancreatic cancer in patients with diabetes is significantly higher than that in healthy people, and diabetes is also one of the risk factors for pancreatic cancer. In particular, patients with long-term diabetes who have a course of disease of more than 10 years should be more careful. " Professor Quan Zhiwei of the Department of General surgery of Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University reported at the meeting that in patients with type 2 diabetes, the risk of pancreatic cancer is two or three times higher because of metabolic endocrine disorders and nerve conduction is affected; and other cells in the body are not sensitive to insulin, which promotes the secretion of insulin from the pancreas, which promotes the growth of pancreatic cancer cells in vitro or in vivo. On the contrary, pancreatic lesions will also affect insulin secretion to a certain extent, resulting in diabetes. Statistics show that 40% of pancreatic cancer patients with diabetes, especially within 2 years, people who are suddenly diagnosed with diabetes (fasting blood glucose greater than 7mmol/L, postprandial blood glucose greater than 11.1mmol/L) should pay special attention to whether there is something wrong with the pancreas.

Academician Liu Yunyi warned that most patients with type 2 diabetes eat too well and exercise too little, which is related to obesity. Patients with mild symptoms can cure diabetes by losing weight, thus preventing pancreatic cancer.


Check the tumor marker CA199 every year.

Deputy dean Liang Tingbo said that the misdiagnosis rate of pancreatic cancer patients is as high as 85%. It is often found that it is in the middle and advanced stage, less than 20% of patients can undergo resection, and the postoperative 5-year survival rate is low. Therefore, early detection and early treatment is very important for prolonging life. Vice President Liang stressed: "when men over the age of 40 have chronic pancreatitis, long-term smoking or drinking, sudden diabetes, professional contact with carcinogens, epigastric discomfort, dull pain, and aggravating postprandial symptoms, we should be on guard against the possibility of pancreatic cancer."

Academician Liu Yunyi said

According to the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer issued by the Ministry of Health in 2011, it is recommended to first use abdominal B-ultrasound screening, but the pancreas grows in the depths of the abdominal cavity and behind the stomach, many obese patients, abdominal wall fat is thicker, B-ultrasound is difficult to see clearly, need spiral CT examination, so the examination method is very important. According to the standard of diagnosis and treatment, the blood tumor index CA199 should be examined every year. Generally speaking, if a tumor within 2 cm can be found, the probability of operation and the possibility of success are greater.

Symptom self-test

Liang Tingbo, vice president, said that compared with advanced treatment, "potential patients" can find their own symptoms in the early stage of pancreatic cancer, which is undoubtedly more useful. Due to the early stage of pancreatic cancer, most of them have no special symptoms, so experts suggest that "high-risk groups" of pancreatic cancer over the age of 40 should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible if they have the following clinical manifestations.

Progressive obstructive jaundice of unknown cause.

Recent unexplained anorexia and weight loss, weight loss of more than 10%.

Unexplained pain in the upper abdomen or low back.

The recent outbreak of diabetes without risk factors, such as family history, obesity.

Sudden unexplained fatty diarrhea.

Spontaneous pancreatitis (pay more attention if the patient has a long history of smoking). Source Youth Times