Coffee review

Avoid physical fatigue and drink less caffeine

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Do you feel energetic when you wake up in the morning, but you will be listless and weak in the afternoon? The American self-improvement website introduces several simple and easy ways to help you relax when you are busy and tired. Keep a glass of water handy. Even if there is only a slight lack of water, it is difficult for you to concentrate. You can put a glass of water on the table and take a sip from time to time during the work break. Drink less coffee even if you are sleepy.

Do you feel energetic when you wake up in the morning, but you will be listless and weak in the afternoon? The "self-improvement" website of the United States introduces several simple and easy ways to help you relax when you are busy and tired.

Keep a glass of water handy. Even if there is only a slight lack of water, it is difficult for you to concentrate. You can put a glass of water on the table and take a sip from time to time during the work break.

Drink less coffee even if you are sleepy. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee may keep you awake for a while, but if you keep on caffeine, it will affect your normal sleep. The reduction of caffeine intake should not be too sudden, should be gradually reduced, otherwise it will have a headache.

Eat every three hours. The brain needs fuel to function, and if it lacks energy, it becomes slow. Snacks can be eaten regularly, and many nutritionists recommend a three-hour meal, that is, a snack between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner. But don't eat sugary snacks. Use fresh fruit instead.

Take a nap for only 20 minutes. Take a 20-minute nap at noon to restore your strength quickly, but don't sleep too long, or you will feel tired all over.

Don't stay up late. Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep to meet their needs, while some take longer. When you get enough sleep, you will be more energetic and get things done faster.

Go out for lunch. Sharpening a knife doesn't miss the firewood cutter. You can pour a glass of water or take a walk during the work break (even if you take a walk in the hallway), or have a comfortable lunch during your lunch break, which is much healthier than eating bread at your desk.

Pick the difficult things first. In the face of a lot of complicated things, you may first deal with the simple ones and use it as an excuse to ignore the difficult things, but this will make you mentally exhausted. On the contrary, picking difficult things first will make you more energetic.

Exercise in moderation. Exercise can speed up blood circulation and make people sleep more soundly. Exercise should be moderate. Generally speaking, it is most appropriate to exercise for 45 minutes five times a week. For example, take a 20-minute walk after lunch and ride a bike for 20 minutes in the evening.