Coffee review

Is coffee enema reliable? It is dangerous to operate on your own!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Brewed coffee is not for drinking, but for enema. The reporter recently learned that the dry weather in autumn and winter is easy to catch fire, and this kind of enema is more popular among some citizens who are difficult to defecate, and even some small beauty salons have launched coffee sausage washing programs at prices ranging from 200 yuan to 300 yuan. It is said that this treatment can have the effect of weight loss and beauty. But the doctor said that enema is not allowed.

Brewed coffee is not for drinking, but for enema. The reporter recently learned that the dry weather in autumn and winter is easy to catch fire, and this kind of enema is more popular among some citizens who are difficult to defecate, and even some small beauty salons have launched coffee sausage washing programs at prices ranging from 200 yuan to 300 yuan. It is said that this treatment can have the effect of weight loss and beauty. But the doctor said that enema can not play the role of detoxification and beauty or even weight loss, and enema is a medical behavior, it is not recommended that everyone operate on their own.

Buy "Coffee Enema" set from Taobao

Miss Liu, who works in an institution in Jiaojiang, is an advocate of coffee enema. Two months ago, Xiao Liu bought a "coffee enema" set from Taobao and messed up herself at home every now and then.

"my stomach function is not very good and I often suffer from constipation, especially since the beginning of autumn, I often eat hot pot and Spicy Hot Pot, and it is becoming more and more difficult to defecate. Although I take laxatives such as Maren pills and fruit guide tablets, my condition has not improved." Xiao Liu said that later, she put warm coffee into her body at home and had an enema. Within half an hour, she had an unbearable stomachache and ran to the toilet to solve it happily.

The reporter saw on the Internet that the price of the "coffee enema" set is not expensive, generally hovering between 80 yuan and 120 yuan, and the price varies according to the number of times it is used. Several online stores have a good sales performance, which can sell nearly 100 sets in a day.

The online store also specifically introduced the operation method of "coffee enema". The reporter summed up, roughly: use 10 grams of organic coffee beans, add 300 milliliters of pure water, boil in the coffee pot, add 700 milliliters of water to adjust the body temperature to the same temperature, and the enema fluid is ready. The rest is the enema process: buy an infusion bag and infusion device, just like an injection, hang the infusion bag on a high place, after the person lies down, insert the infusion tube into the anus 10 to 15 centimeters deep, open the infusion valve, and keep the side still. For about 15 to 20 minutes, all the coffee in the infusion bag will drop into the body.

The beauty salon "enema" is becoming more and more popular.

In addition to buying enema sets online, the reporter learned that some private beauty salons have also launched various enema projects at prices ranging from 200 yuan to 300 yuan.

"this method has been used abroad for decades and has only become popular at home in recent years." A staff member of a beauty center on City Avenue told the reporter that the principle of coffee enema is that caffeine in coffee can improve burnout, nicotinic acid can reduce blood lipids, chlorogenic acid can lower blood pressure, and caffeic acid can be antibacterial. Therefore, coffee enema can promote peristalsis of the large intestine and help detoxification.

In addition, the reporter learned that what is different from consumers' self-enemas is that the machines used by most beauty salons are the enema machines commonly used in hospitals to clean the intestines for consumers in order to achieve the effect of smooth detoxification, beauty and beauty.

The doctor said it was dangerous to make his own enema.

"Coffee enema is the first time I've heard that it can't play a role in detoxification, beauty, or even weight loss." The doctor told the reporter that from a medical point of view, enema refers to the irrigation of the rectum through the anus, which generally has three functions: for the purpose of diagnosis, such as cleaning the intestine before the operation; and for the purpose of treatment, such as intravascular administration of drugs through the intestinal tract, generally in the case of severe nausea and difficulty in oral antiemetic drugs, enema can be used to replenish body fluids. The patient has dry stools and severe constipation and will be used as an enema with soapy water.

Doctors say that enema is at best a temporary measure to solve constipation, and the enema and enema programs launched by some beauty salons may not be very reliable. If you really want to defecate, as long as take mannitol, castor oil and so on can be solved, there is no need to be so tedious.

"not everyone is fit for an enema." Doctors pointed out that if the intestines are unobstructed, normal defecation can not be enema; in addition, some patients with constipation long-term dependence on enema will affect the normal physiological peristalsis of the intestines, resulting in passive defecation, gradually losing the ability to defecate actively. In addition, if the operation is improper, there will be the risk of intestinal perforation, so it is not advisable.