Coffee review

Natural coffee hair dye beer hair dye method

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Now most people go to barbershops to dye their hair with chemical dye, which is well known for the damage to the scalp and quality. Here we exclusively recommend some secret recipes that can be dyed with natural materials: ⒈ beer dye hair discoloration effect: linseed dye step: {1} buy some beer, open the lid and place it for half an hour {2} put the hair on the beer to make it wet {3}.

Nowadays, most people go to barbershops to dye their hair with chemical dye, which is well known for the damage to the scalp and hair. Here are some secret recipes that can be dyed with natural materials:

⒈ beer hair dyeing method

Discoloration effect: linseed

Hair dyeing steps:

{1} buy some beer, open the lid and leave it for half an hour

{2} dip your hair with beer to make it wet with beer.

{3} then soak the beer in a towel and wrap it in your hair for about half an hour and then take it off.

{4} wash your hair with shampoo so that it will turn yellow if you repeat it for a few days.

Tip: if you volatilize alcohol after opening the lid, it will minimize the damage to your hair, so you might as well give it a try! In addition, there is a change in color, it is obvious under the light and sunlight, it is a kind of yellow. Usually, you can't see it, it's still black, but it's closer to brown. This kind of hair dye doesn't hurt the quality of your hair. It's very suitable for people who want to dye it all. Personally, I think it will be better to bask in the sun with a towel after soaking; beer hair dyeing has several characteristics, such as strong oil removal, dandruff, recommended oily hair, dry hair is only afraid of straw.

⒉ coffee hair dyeing method

Coffee itself has a strong pigment, which can be called "bad deeds". For example, it is difficult to wash coffee if you dye it on clothes accidentally. This method is not easy to color all black hair, but it is suitable for yellowish brown hair.

Discoloration effect Coffee

Hair dyeing steps

{1} prepare coffee powder for 5 people and pour it with boiling water.

{2} apply coffee juice to your hair, dry it naturally for an hour, and brush it again.

Wrap it in a hot towel for 45 minutes and rinse with warm water.

⒊ Hangzhou white chrysanthemum dye hair method

Hangzhou white chrysanthemum has the dual identity of both beverage and traditional Chinese medicine, it does not contain pigment, but one of its amino acids has obvious discoloration function. And it contains inulin, flavonoids and a variety of vitamins and trace elements also have a maintenance effect on hair.

Discoloration effect beige

Hair dyeing steps

{1} 50g Hangzhou white chrysanthemum, soak in boiling water for 20 minutes.

{2} soak all the hair with "chrysanthemum water", wrap it in a hot towel for an hour, then air-dry and rinse with water.

{3} the effect can be seen after using it continuously for 3 to 5 days.

⒋ lemon hair dye method

Lemon contains fruit acid, the "corrosion" of fruit acid has a bleaching effect, but it has little stimulation to the hair and scalp and can be gently decolorized. This is also the hair dye method used by the legendary beauty star Lin Jiaxin.

Discoloration effect red

Hair dyeing steps

{1} prepare 8 lemons and juice.

{2} apply lemon juice to your hair.

{3} after drying with a hot air, apply lemon juice again, blow again, apply again, and repeat this for 3 times.

{4} after drying for the third time, wrap it in a hot towel for 15 minutes.

{5} rinse with warm water once a day. After two or three days, you can turn your hair crimson.

⒌ knot

Instead of finding ways to reduce these hazards, it is better to use biological methods to dye hair. The emergence of hair dyeing has brought new colors to people's lives, but also brought a lot of harm.

First, oxidant is an important part of hair dye, it is extremely destructive to hair keratin, easy to cause damage to hair, often used to make hair boring, brittle, forked, easy to fall off.

Second, permanent hair dyes mostly use aniline dye intermediates, whose irritation and toxicity are higher in cosmetic raw materials. No wonder some people have allergies in the periphery of their hair, ears, scalp, and even dizziness and nausea when dyeing their hair.

Third, hair dye is composed of two ingredients, first mix them and then apply them to the hair, do not know that this mixing instant chemical reaction, resulting in a high concentration of harmful gas-dioxin. Dioxin is recognized by WHO as a strong carcinogen, which enters the body through the respiratory tract and remains in the muscle for a long time, which is difficult to decompose, interferes with human endocrine, and interferes with estrogen and thyroid hormones. Long-term exposure will lead to human genetic abnormalities, cancer and other diseases. Therefore, there is a scientific reason for women who are pregnant and preparing to get pregnant not to dye their hair.