Coffee review

General knowledge of fine coffee pregnant women should be careful to drink caffeinated drinks

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Relying on their own good background and young age, many young moms still do whatever they want after pregnancy. When they are hot and thirsty and when friends gather for dinner, they can hardly resist the temptation of drinks such as cola. Gynaecologists remind mothers-to-be that their babies are particularly sensitive to caffeine, and that consuming too much may affect the development of their brain, heart and liver. They should even quit Coke before pregnancy so that the remaining caffeine will affect fertilization.

Relying on their own good background and young age, many young moms still "do whatever they want" after pregnancy. When they are hot and thirsty and when friends gather for dinner, they can hardly resist the temptation of drinks such as cola. Gynaecologists remind mothers-to-be that their babies are particularly sensitive to caffeine and that eating too much may affect the development of their brain, heart and liver, and even "quit" Coke before pregnancy so that the remaining caffeine will not affect the fertilized eggs.

In addition, it is good for pregnant women to drink tea properly, but it is best to drink no more than three and a half cups of strong tea a day.

Caffeine can cause fetal malformation

Chen Zhiliao, an associate professor of gynecology in the South Hospital of the second affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, told reporters that some pregnant women had mild poisoning symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache and rapid heartbeat after drinking a few bottles of cola in a short period of time. This is because both mother and fetus are very easy to react to substances containing caffeine.

He said that Coke drink is an inflatable drink containing cola bean extract, which contains caffeine, which can quickly act on the fetus through the placenta, and fetuses are particularly sensitive to caffeine.

He explained that the genetic disease caused by caffeine is because the chemical structure of caffeine is very similar to the nucleus of an acid in the macromolecule of the human genetic gene DNA, so caffeine may bind to DNA, causing cells to mutate. If pregnant women drink a lot of cola, consuming too much caffeine will affect the development of vital organs such as the brain, heart and liver of the fetus, and may cause deformities of fingers and toes. at the same time, it will also increase the occurrence of miscarriage, premature delivery, underweight and other adverse conditions.

"generally speaking, a bottle of 340ml cola drinks contains about 50 milligrams of caffeine. The average adult oral caffeine dose of more than 1 gram can lead to central nervous system excitement, rapid breathing, tachycardia, insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus and other symptoms. Even if you take less than 1 gram of caffeine, due to the stimulation of gastric mucosa, there will be nausea, vomiting, dizziness, palpitations and other symptoms. Because fetuses are particularly sensitive to caffeine, some drinks contain 2.4%-2.6% of alkaloids such as caffeine and clonidine. Therefore, pregnant women had better beware of caffeinated drinks. " Chen Zhiliao said.

Pregnant women can drink tea properly.

"of course, because festivals, festive social needs of pregnant women occasionally drink a glass of Coke is not a big problem, as long as not long-term drink, a drink is not too large, should not affect the fetus." Chen Zhiliao pointed out that some pregnant women anxiously consulted the doctor about whether drinking a large amount of cola in a short period before pregnancy would have an impact on the fetus. Experts say it depends on whether caffeine acts on the fetus. If the fertilized egg is still affected by residual caffeine, the fetus is at risk of pathological changes. "Women who have a long-term habit of drinking Coke and are ready to give birth had better give up Coke before making a baby." Chen Zhiliao suggested.

Chen Zhiliao reminded that in addition to caffeinated drinks should be consumed less, pregnant women should also drink less. Because the alcohol content in the wine is easy to deform the fetus, affecting the fetal IQ and physiological development. "if you can't avoid it during a festive festival, you need to come into contact with alcoholic drinks, generally speaking, 2 glasses of beer or 1 glass of wine is the limit." Experts say. Tea is more special, because it can effectively eliminate fatigue, promote human metabolism, maintain the heart, blood vessels and other normal function, and contains indispensable trace element zinc for pregnant women, so appropriate drinking tea for pregnant women may be beneficial to the body. But it is worth noting that the tea should not be too strong, and it is best not to drink more than three and a half cups of strong tea every day.