Coffee review

The origin of coffee consisting of fine coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The coffee producing area where coffee beans are planted is a ring between the Tropic of Cancer, that is, a ring around the earth between latitudes 25 degrees north and south, called Coffee Zone or Coffee Belt. Because the region is rich in rich organic matter and volcanic ash soil, the average temperature is about 20 degrees, the average rainfall is between 1000 and 2000 mm, and there is no high temperature.

The origin of coffee

The area where coffee beans are planted is the ring between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer, that is, the ring around the earth between latitudes 25 degrees north and south, called Coffee Zone or Coffee Belt. Because the region is rich in rich organic matter, and volcanic ash soil, the average temperature is about 20 degrees, the average rainfall is between 1000 and 2000 mm, there is no large temperature difference, so it is an ideal coffee producing area. Growing coffee requires strict protection against cold, hot and dry wind and defrosting.

The composition of coffee

1 caffeine

The properties are the same as theobromine in cocoa and theophylline in green tea, but the percentage can be reduced very little after baking. Caffeine has a wide range of effects on the brain, heart, blood vessels, intestines and stomach, muscles and kidneys. An appropriate amount of caffeine will stimulate the cerebral cortex, promote sensation, judgment, memory and emotional activity, make myocardial function more active, vasodilation and blood circulation enhanced. And improve metabolic function, caffeine can also reduce muscle fatigue and promote digestive juice secretion. In addition, it also promotes kidney function and helps the body expel excess sodium ions (chemicals that block the metabolism of water molecules) from the body. Therefore, with the improvement of diuretic effect, caffeine will not accumulate in the body like other narcotic and excitatory substances. Caffeine is excreted in about 2 hours. The greatest bitterness in coffee flavor is caused by caffeine.

2 tannic acid

Once boiled, it produces pyrosylic acid, which makes the coffee taste worse. If you leave the brewed coffee for several hours, the color of the coffee will be stronger and less flavor than the freshly brewed coffee, so there is a saying that the brewed coffee needs to be finished as soon as possible.

3 fat

Plays a very important role in the flavor of coffee. Coffee contains a variety of fats, mainly acidic fats and volatile fats. The strength of acidic fat varies with the type of coffee beans, and volatile fat is the main source of coffee aroma. The fat contained in roasted coffee beans will change chemically when they come into contact with the air, which will worsen the taste and aroma. Therefore, once the coffee beans are roasted, they should avoid contact with the air, and therefore, the preservation method is very important.

4 protein

The main source of calories. If you brew coffee with a drip, the protein will not dissolve, and no matter how much coffee you drink, the nutrition intake will be limited, that is, coffee will become a sacred product for dieters.

5 sugars

Without sugar, you will not only feel the bitterness of caffeine and the sour taste of tannin, but also feel sweet, which is caused by the sugar contained in the coffee itself. After baking, most of the sugar will be converted to caramel, giving the coffee a unique brown.

6 Minerals

The proportion of lime, iron, sulfur, sodium carbonate, phosphorus and chlorine is very small and does not affect the flavor of coffee, which brings a little astringency.

7 crude fiber

The fiber of coffee beans will be carbonized after baking, which combines with the caramelization of sugar to form the hue of coffee, but the fiber quality turned into powder will have a considerable effect on the flavor of coffee. Therefore, the purchase of powdered coffee powder is not encouraged, because it is less able to taste the flavor of the coffee.