Coffee review

The sweet smell of CoffeeTime coffee wakes you up.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The CoffeeTime, brought by designer Elodie Delassus, is actually an alarm clock that changes the way people wake up from the alarm to the smell of coffee. Put the cup of coffee in it before going to bed, and after the set alarm time, the coffee will be heated and the fragrance will come out. Besides, you can drink this cup of hot coffee. Refined design and simplicity

The CoffeeTime, brought by designer Elodie Delassus, is actually an alarm clock that changes the way people wake up from the alarm to the smell of coffee. Put the cup of coffee in it before going to bed, and after the set alarm time, the coffee will be heated and the fragrance will come out. Besides, you can drink this cup of hot coffee.

The refined design and simple appearance bring out the fashion of high-tech sense.

The connotation of the hourglass setting of the built-in heater and the container for holding coffee is self-evident.

Getting up is painful and beautiful because the expectation of a cup of hot coffee becomes sufficient and beautiful.

When technology is integrated into design, human life will become more enjoyable. The alarm clock in the traditional sense seems to make a lot of noise in the early morning of every sound sleep * the weapon is also subverted. When an early morning begins with the fragrance of a cup of coffee, the mood all day seems to be soaked in the aroma of coffee. I don't think that one day, people will design an egg frying machine with an alarm clock, or an alarm clock with an egg frying machine and a toaster. Maybe one day farther away, we will wake up to the pungent aroma of steak, as long as you have a good enough appetite to destroy it in the morning.