Coffee review

Have a cup of black coffee for your devil figure for breakfast.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Are you insisting on losing weight by not eating? In fact, it is not difficult to become an enviable devil figure at all. Come and eat the three-day devil figure quick meal tailored for you by the editor. First day: breakfast black tea / coffee (no cream), 1 grapefruit, 1 slice of dry toast, 2 teaspoons peanut butter lunch black tea / coffee (no cream), 4 ounces of tuna, 1 slice of dried noodles

Are you insisting on losing weight by not eating? In fact, it is not difficult to become an enviable devil figure at all. Come and eat the three-day devil figure quick meal tailored for you by the editor.

Day one:

Breakfast-black tea / coffee (no cream), 1 grapefruit, 1 slice of dry toast, 2 teaspoons peanut butter lunch-black tea / coffee (no cream), 4 ounces of tuna, 1 slice of dry toast

Dinner-1 slice of cold meat, 1 cup beans (50g), 4 ounces of beetroot (100g), 4 ounces of Vanilla Ice Cream (100g), 1 small apple

The next day:

Breakfast-black tea / coffee (no cream), 1 hard boiled egg, 1 slice of dry toast, half banana lunch-black tea / coffee (no cream), 4 ounces of white soft cheese, 5 Ritz biscuits

Dinner-2 Frankfurt sausages, 4 oz green broccoli (50g), 4 oz carrots (50g), half banana, 4 oz Vanilla Ice Cream (100g)

Day 3:

Breakfast-1 slice of cold meat, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 slice of dry toast

Lunch-black tea / coffee (no cream), 1 slice of cheese, 5 Ritz biscuits, 1 small apple

Dinner-4 ounces of tuna (100g), 4 ounces of beetroot (100g), 4 ounces of cauliflower (100g), half a slice of cantaloupe, 4 ounces of Vanilla Ice Cream (100g) easy to eat, thin to eat, fat MM to try!