Coffee review

10 pieces of knowledge about Coffee Coffee basics

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1: there are only 2 calories in an espresso. 2:coffee speaks similarly in almost all the languages in the world. Coffee is the second largest drink in the world after water, and tea is the third. 4: when you drink coffee, your brain vibrates in response, so you are sometimes advised to drink coffee with a headache. 5: coffee extracted from coffee beans when making a cup of espress

1: there are only 2 calories in an espresso.

2:coffee speaks similarly in almost all the languages in the world.

Coffee is the second largest drink in the world after water, and tea is the third.

4: when you drink coffee, your brain vibrates in response, so you are sometimes advised to drink coffee with a headache.

5: when making a cup of espress, the caffeine extracted from coffee beans is 65%, but the caffeine extracted from coffee made in a French kettle is 98%.

6: at present, there are about 200 kinds of raw coffee beans, but there are about 2000 varieties of roasted coffee beans.

7: the first pneumatic epresso coffee machine was invented by the French in 1901.

8: 80% of the coffee consumed in Italy is espresso, and another 20% is served with milk.

9: the first coffee cake machine was invented by ILLY in 1973.

10: in Italy, 52% of coffee is imported from Trieste, and the whole port is also the largest importer of coffee.