Coffee review

Black coffee helps eliminate edema

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1, very low calories to lose weight: a cup of 100 grams of black coffee only 2.55 kcal calories. Therefore, drinking a cup of black coffee after a meal can not only speed up fat decomposition, but also do not have to worry about excessive calorie intake. 2, can promote the decomposition of hidden fat coffee caffeine, has the effect of increasing the concentration of fatty acids in the blood. And once fatty acid concentrations in the blood rise,

1. Calories are very low.

Lose weight: a 100-gram cup of black coffee has only 2.55 kcal of calories. So drinking a cup of black coffee after a meal can not only speed up the decomposition of fat, but also don't have to worry about excessive calorie intake.

2. it can promote the decomposition of hidden fat.

Caffeine in coffee can increase the concentration of fatty acids in the blood. Once the concentration of fatty acids in the blood increases, the fatty acids are absorbed by the muscles and consumed in a way that converts them into body energy. In other words, drinking coffee can promote the decomposition of fat that has been accumulated in the body for a long time.

3. Black coffee helps to eliminate edema

Caffeine has a diuretic effect, which can increase the volume of micturition, expel excess water from the body and improve edema. In addition to coffee, tea also contains a lot of caffeine, to rely on caffeine to lose weight, might as well choose green tea, both antioxidant and diuretic edema, but should be aware that too much caffeine will affect blood pressure and sleep quality, usually one cup in the morning, one cup after lunch is enough.

Black Coffee diet arrangement

Breakfast: a cup of black coffee or tea, an apple, a piece of salty biscuits and a piece of low-fat cheese.

Chinese food: one cup of black coffee or tea, one piece of whole wheat bread, one boiled egg.

Dinner: one cup of black coffee or tea, one banana, one boiled vegetable, one slice of whole wheat bread.

Matters needing attention to lose weight by drinking black coffee

Be sure to use instant coffee, do not add milk, sugar; black coffee is more irritating to the stomach, it is best not to drink on an empty stomach; hot coffee is more effective than cold coffee, hot coffee can help you consume calories faster.

Finally, we need to remind you that drinking too much black coffee can cause restlessness, rapid heartbeat, rising blood pressure and so on. Just the right amount at the right time is the right way to lose weight with black coffee. It should be no more than 3 cups a day.