Coffee review

The three most famous kinds of coffee, civet coffee.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coffee has a history of more than 300 years. It spread to China in the 19th century and was accepted by everyone. But the coffee types that Dacong knows are common coffee types in cafes such as Natie, Mocha, Cappuccino and Espresso. The following editor will introduce the types of coffee in detail. Civet coffee is a recently invented coffee, produced in Indonesia, and coffee beans are the food model of civets.

Coffee has a history of more than 300 years. It spread to China in the 19th century and was accepted by everyone. But the coffee types that Dacong knows are common coffee types in cafes such as Natie, Mocha, Cappuccino and Espresso. The following editor will introduce the types of coffee in detail.

Musk cat coffee

Is a recently invented coffee, produced in Indonesia, coffee beans are one of the civets' food range, but the coffee beans cannot be completely digested by the digestive system. The coffee beans are fermented in the civets' intestines and stomach and excreted by feces. The local people take out the coffee beans from the civet feces and then do the processing, that is, the so-called "cat shit" coffee, this coffee has a unique taste and different taste. However, people who are used to this taste will never forget it for a lifetime. Due to the gradual deterioration of the wild environment, the number of civets is also slowly decreasing, resulting in a very limited output of this kind of coffee. People who can taste this coffee are very lucky.

Elephant coffee

Elephant shit coffee, referred to as elephant coffee. Like the civet coffee commonly known as "Kopi Luwak", "Elephant Coffee" is actually the coffee beans that are digested and excreted by the elephant after it is swallowed. Studies have shown that enzymes in the elephant's digestive system can digest the protein of coffee beans, according to the Anattara Hotel in Thailand. Because protein makes coffee bitter, the less protein, the less bitter coffee and the smoother taste.

In recent years, the new varieties on the market in Thailand are generally more expensive.

Blue Mountain

It is a well-known coffee produced only in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica in Central America, and only coffee grown in the Blue Mountain area above 1800 meters above sea level can be authorized to use the logo "Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee (BlueMountainCoffee)," accounting for 15% of Jamaica's total Blue Mountain Coffee production. The coffee grown between 457m and 1524 m is called alpine coffee (JamaicaHighMountainSupremeCoffeeBeans), and the coffee grown between 274m and 457m is called Jamaican coffee (JamaicaPrimeCoffeeBeans). Blue Mountain Coffee has mellow, bitter slightly sweet, soft and smooth characteristics, and slightly sour taste, can make the taste more sensitive, taste its unique taste, is the best of coffee.

The real Blue Mountain Coffee produces only 40,000 bags a year, and because Japan has always invested in the Jamaican coffee industry, most of the Blue Mountain Coffee is now owned by the Japanese, and they have also won the right to buy Blue Mountain Coffee. 90% of the Blue Mountain coffee is bought by the Japanese every year. Now, because the rest of the world can only get 10% of Blue Mountain, regardless of the price, Blue Mountain coffee is always in short supply. Cafes and hotels in China sell the so-called "Blue Mountain Coffee" for tens of yuan per cup. More than 99% of the coffee is not the real Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, but the Blue Mountain flavor coffee blended with beans from other places. The world-famous Jamaica Coffee Bureau (CIB) only gives four legal coffee farms, wallenford, jablum, SilverHill and MoyHall, to concentrate on the processing of blue mountain coffee beans, and all Jamaican blue mountain coffee is marked with the name of its processed farm on its outer packaging.