Coffee review

How to really drink coffee without stirring after adding sugar?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Are you enjoying the delicious coffee? If the freshly brewed coffee is too hot, will you try your best to cool it? When drinking coffee, do you habitually use a coffee spoon to take a sip into your mouth? Will a bite of snack in your left hand and a sip of coffee in your right hand make you feel elated? Urban white-collar workers, can you really drink coffee? What the editor has to tell you here is that

Are you enjoying coffee? If your freshly brewed coffee is too hot, do you blow it down hard? When drinking coffee, do you habitually pour coffee spoons into your mouth? A cup of coffee in your right hand and a cup of coffee in your left hand will make you happy?

Do you really drink coffee? Xiaobian has to tell you here that you have broken into the etiquette "forbidden zone" when drinking coffee. Step out of the "forbidden zone" and you may feel that you have lost the pleasure of drinking coffee freely. But only in this way can you become a person who really knows coffee and understands coffee.

1. The fingers of the cup do not pass through the ears of the cup

After dinner drink, coffee generally drink small cup.

This kind of cup ear is very small, fingers can not pass through, so do not worry about in the public "make a fool of". But when it comes to large cups, remember not to use your fingers through the ears to carry them. The correct posture is to hold the cup handle with your thumb and index finger and lift the cup.

2. Add sugar without stirring.

When adding sugar, sugar can be scooped up with coffee spoon and added directly to the cup; sugar can also be clamped on the side of the coffee dish with sugar clamp, and then added to the cup with coffee spoon. Do not put sugar directly into the cup with sugar clips or hands, in order to avoid coffee splashing, dirty clothes or tablecloth. After adding sugar, do not stir coffee vigorously, because sugar and milk dissolve quickly. Do not like sugar and milk, you can turn the cup ear to their right side.


How to drink coffee properly?

3. Coffee spoon not for coffee

Sugar and stir coffee is the coffee spoon "professional", with it scooping coffee a drink is a rude thing, do not use it to "help" mash the sugar cup. When drinking, remove it from the cup and place it on a plate.

4. It's not elegant to blow coffee in your mouth.

Coffee is good to drink hot, if it is too hot, use coffee spoon gently stir to cool, or wait for natural cooling before drinking. If you try to cool your coffee with your mouth, remember that this is not a polite gesture.