Coffee review

Drinking coffee after drinking to speed up the metabolism of alcohol and eating six kinds of food is the best way to relieve alcohol.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, What kind of food is the most antialcoholic after being drunk? As the Lunar New year is getting closer and closer, many urban office workers will have all kinds of parties at this time. It's hard to avoid drinking at this time. What should I do if I get drunk? Today, the editor will take an inventory of what is the best to drink and eat for everyone, and don't miss it. What kind of eggs to eat for drinking? Eggs are rich in cysteine and have detoxification.


What kind of food is the most antialcoholic after being drunk? As the Lunar New year is getting closer and closer, many urban office workers will have all kinds of parties at this time. It's hard to avoid drinking at this time. What should I do if I get drunk? Today, the editor will take an inventory of what is the best to drink and eat for everyone, and don't miss it.

What are you going to eat after drinking?

Egg. Eggs are rich in cysteine and have detoxification effect. A study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine found that eggs are rich in B vitamins to relieve hangovers.

Ginger. Eating ginger after drinking can stimulate and restore the digestive system and relieve uncomfortable symptoms such as constipation, flatulence and indigestion.

Tomato Juice. After drinking, the liver is responsible for breaking down alcohol to keep blood sugar stable. Blood sugar is the main source of energy for the brain. Low blood sugar can easily lead to fatigue, fatigue and depression. At this time, drinking a cup of tomato juice can supplement sugar and reduce discomfort such as headache after drunkenness. Lycopene in tomato juice also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Banana. After drinking too much, the body cells lack water, urinate more, and the level of blood potassium decreases, which can easily lead to muscle weakness, elevated blood pressure and so on. At this time, eating 1-3 bananas can supplement potassium, increase blood sugar concentration, and reduce the proportion of alcohol in the blood.

asparagus. A new study in South Korea has found that eating asparagus after drinking and getting drunk can relieve alcohol and protect the liver. Asparagus extract can increase the level of a variety of enzymes that can break down alcohol, reduce hangovers and protect liver cells from alcoholic toxins.

Coffee. Drinking coffee after drinking can accelerate the metabolism of alcohol and make it decompose into water and carbon dioxide out of the body.

In addition, there are recipes for relieving alcoholism. Let's take a look at them.

A recipe for relieving alcoholism

Fungus Pork Jiejiu Soup: prepare Auricularia auricula, bergamot, Coix seed and lean pork, wash pork, shred pork, stew with Auricularia auricula, bergamot, Coix seed and clear water until cooked, go to bergamot to add salt, monosodium glutamate and other seasoning. This prescription can soothe the liver and invigorate the spleen, resolve phlegm and dehumidification, and can be used for stifling pain in the chest, body weight and fatigue, heavy limbs, palpitation and easy to sleep.

Five beans soup: black beans, soybeans, mung beans, green beans, adzuki beans 250 grams and dried kudzu 500 grams, licorice 500 grams, Guanzhong 500 grams together, can detoxify alcohol and stop thirst.

Ginseng soup: ginseng soup practice is not difficult, you can choose 60 grams of ginseng, 30 grams of white peony, 30 grams of Trichosanthes, 30 grams of Fructus Aurantii, 30 grams of raw land, 30 grams of Poria God, 30 grams of Pueraria lobata, 30 grams of licorice, 30 grams of sour jujube kernel, stay together into soup, can replenish qi and calm the mind, relieve alcohol, and play a significant role in drinking too much.

For the sake of good health, you should drink less.