Coffee review

Drinking too much coffee will affect women's fertility.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, According to the Daily Mail of May 23, the British Journal of Pharmacology published a new US study claiming that the mystery that it is difficult for women to get pregnant after drinking too much coffee has been solved. Four cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of pregnancy by 25 percent because caffeine, a stimulant in coffee, interferes with the smooth movement of eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, the study said. Early stage

According to the Daily Mail of May 23, the British Journal of Pharmacology published a new US study claiming that the mystery that it is difficult for women to get pregnant after drinking too much coffee has been solved. Four cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of pregnancy by 25 percent because caffeine, a stimulant in coffee, interferes with the smooth movement of eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, the study said.

Earlier studies have found that drinking too much coffee can affect women's fertility. A large study of 9000 Dutch women found that drinking more than four cups of coffee a day reduced women's chances of becoming pregnant by 25 per cent. However, so far, its mechanism is still a mystery.

The latest research from the University of Nevada in the United States shows that caffeine can cause the specially guided cells in the inner wall of the fallopian tube to lose their vitality and inhibit the normal contraction of the fallopian tube, thus affecting the smooth entry of the egg into the uterus. The new study found that fallopian tube contraction plays a greater role than cilia on the inner wall of the fallopian tube during the normal movement of the egg from the ovary to the uterus.

Professor Sean Ward, who led the new study, said the new study uncovered the long-unexplained mystery that "drinking caffeinated drinks reduces a woman's chances of getting pregnant".

Be careful! nine behaviors can make people infertile.

1. Carrots inhibit ovulation

Carrots are rich in carotene, a variety of vitamins and other nutrients beneficial to the human body. Gynaecologists at Rottgis Medical College in New Jersey have found that women who eat too many carrots eat large amounts of carotene that can cause amenorrhea and inhibit normal ovulation. Therefore, women who want to give birth should not eat more carrots.

2. Alcohol is easy to cause infertility.

Scientific research has proved that the main component of alcohol is ethanol, which can increase the concentration of catecholamine in the body, vasospasm, testicular hypoplasia, and even testicular atrophy, and the spermatogenic function will be structurally changed. insufficient secretion of testosterone and other male hormones will lead to feminization such as thinning of voice and enlargement of breasts. Such people are prone to male infertility, and even if they give birth, the next generation is more likely to have deformities. Women can cause irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, egg production variation, no libido or stop ovulation and so on.

3. Cottonseed oil can make ovary atrophy.

Long-term consumption of wool cottonseed oil can make people suffer from sun sickness, characterized by onset after the sun, weakness or less sweating all over the body, burning skin, flushing, shortness of breath, dizziness, numbness of limbs, and loss of appetite. A more serious effect is the damage to the reproductive system. The experimental study showed that after eating the diet containing cottonseed oil for about 4 months, the testis decreased significantly, the sperm cells significantly decreased or even disappeared, the uterus shrank, the endometrium and glands atrophied, the ovary atrophied slightly and the renal parenchyma cells showed slight edema. Adult men take gossypol, an extract of wool cottonseed oil, 60-70 mg a day for 40 days, killing all sperm in a short period of time and gradually disappearing from semen, while women can cause amenorrhea or uterine atrophy. Therefore, young people of childbearing age should not be eaten for a long time.

4. Coffee has a direct effect on conception.

Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences studied 104 women who wanted to get pregnant and concluded that coffee had a direct effect on conception. Among these women, those who drank more than one cup of coffee a day were only half as likely to become pregnant as those who did not drink the drink. As a result, they suggest that women should drink less coffee if they plan to get pregnant.

It should be noted that coffee, carrots, sunflower seeds and other nutrients are essential to the human body, this article only limits the amount of food, while roast beef and mutton, wool cottonseed oil should be included in the scope of fasting.

5. Roast beef and mutton

Eating roast beef and mutton is a habit of residents in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other places. It has been found that the children born to a small number of women who like to eat roast mutton are mentally retarded, paralyzed or deformed. After investigation and modern medical research, these women and their deformed children are the victims of Toxoplasma gondii infection. When people come into contact with livestock and poultry infected with toxoplasmosis and eat the undercooked meat of these animals, they can often be infected.

6. Garlic can kill sperm

Eat more garlic Kefa people's righteousness, but also has an obvious role in killing sperm, if young people of childbearing age eat too much, it has a negative impact on fertility, so it is not appropriate to eat more.

7. Sunflower seeds

The protein part of sunflower seeds contains anti-testicular components, which can cause testicular atrophy and affect normal reproductive function, so young people of childbearing age should not eat more.

8. Electrified families are prone to infertility

Environmental pollution will seriously reduce the fertility of women, such as benzene, butanol compounds, chlorane and so on can reduce the secretion of estrogen, thus affecting fertility. Not long ago, Dr. Peng received a Chaoyang woman who had not given birth for five years after marriage. After detailed medical history and systematic examination, it turned out that her family had been engaged in the business of recycling old computers for a long time, and for a long time, she was contaminated by chemical elements such as benzene in computer waste, resulting in infertility. As a result, her husband also reduced the amount of semen and decreased his vitality.

It is understood that mobile phones, air conditioners, electronic computers, refrigerators, color televisions, laser phototypesetting equipment, electric blankets, and so on, which are common in people's daily life, will release electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths and frequencies in the course of use and operation, that is, the phenomenon of electronic fog will occur in the testicular spermatogenic cells of men who work or live in an environment full of electronic fog for a long time. Leading to infertility. Scientific experiments show that when the influence of electronic fog is cut off, obvious changes in spermatogenic cells and sperm production can be seen three months later; two years after breaking away from the influence of electronic fog, the quality of sperm has reached the normal standard.

9. Frequent sauna washing is not good for childbearing.

After a hard day's work, taking a sauna can really relieve fatigue and relieve menstruation, but long-term soaking in the sauna may also affect men's fertility. According to its analysis, there is no inevitable relationship between sauna and infertility. Mr. Chen's infertility should be caused by many reasons, but long-term sauna has a certain impact on his testicles. She said that the testis is the "factory" for men to produce sperm, and the normal temperature is between 1 and 2 degrees Celsius lower than the human body. If it is in a high temperature environment for a long time, it is not conducive to sperm survival and is prone to oligozoospermia and weak sperm.

In view of the phenomenon that many families in our city are equipped with "family saunas", doctors remind the public that men should not take saunas too frequently, and children, the elderly and cardiovascular patients should avoid taking saunas.