Coffee review

Coffee common sense rare cup of cultured coffee in your hand

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, This is not alarmist, it is what the US government said. Coffee production is in jeopardy due to global warming, and coffee may soon become a real luxury, the US government said at an environmental conference recently. Who knows, one day I won't be able to drink this luxury. Before it disappears, please cherish the cup of coffee with magical effects and culture in your hand


This is not alarmist talk, it is said by the United States Government. Recently, the US government mentioned at an environmental conference that coffee production is in danger under the influence of global warming, and coffee may soon become a real luxury. I don't know which day I won't be able to drink this luxury. Before it disappears, please cherish the cup of coffee in your hand that has magical effects and culture.

Coffee is the most vulnerable cash crop.

"it is a crop that is extremely sensitive to temperature changes, and Greenhouse Effect caused by rising temperatures will put the coffee producing areas of the world in a very dangerous position." Said Gina McCarthy, an official with the environmental protection department. The current climate change has brought severe drought and unusually high rainfall to coffee cultivation, which eventually exacerbated the spread of coffee rust. What is more serious is that when the temperature gets higher, growers have to go to higher elevations to grow coffee crops, but the elevation of the world is also limited.

Research on the sharp decline in coffee production began several years ago. In 2012, a report spread widely and caused a great deal of discussion. It is because it is mentioned that the production areas of Arabica coffee may plummet by at least 65%. The worst case is 100%. Arabica coffee beans are currently the most mainstream coffee beans in the world, and the plant carries 70% of the world's coffee production. In other words, coffee will become a real luxury by then.

In the face of the rising global climate, coffee production will gradually decline and become a luxury or disappear, which is really a great sadness for coffee drinkers. I do not know since when, coffee has become our necessity, like water has made it impossible for us to leave it. At first, people drank coffee just to refresh their minds. In addition, it is also the "patron saint" of some human diseases. Now, after the baptism of time, its efficacy has been upgraded to become an urban culture.

Coffee is the "protector" of some diseases.

The cup of literate coffee in your hand may disappear one day.

According to Italian research, coffee can protect teeth. In a 30-year survey of 1000 people, scholars found that those who drank one or more cups of coffee a day had less bone loss in their teeth. At the same time, scholars found that there is no clear evidence that drinking coffee can lead to periodontitis.

The researchers believe it is due to the effects of antioxidants in coffee.

Because of its antibacterial and anti-adhesion activity, the researchers speculated that coffee can reduce the reproduction of Streptococcus mutans on the surface of teeth, so it is effective in preventing dental caries caused by Streptococcus mutans.

Now, coffee can still darken the teeth, but don't worry about getting dental disease. In addition, it is much less acidic than regular drinks, such as fruit juices, sodas and functional drinks. And these drinks, except coffee, weaken the protective layer of the teeth.

The European Special Laboratory, composed of Finland, Italy and the Netherlands, conducted a 10-year comparative follow-up study of 676 healthy elderly people from Finland, Italy and Nordic countries. It turns out that in any country, older people who insist on drinking coffee are more physically energetic than their non-coffee-drinking peers. And, in 10 years, the cognitive decline of these coffee drinkers was also relatively small. The researchers believe that coffee can activate cognition among the three most consumed drinks in the world: coffee, water and tea. In addition, coffee can also enhance the antioxidant capacity of blood and provide protection against the damage of free radicals to the nervous system.

However, coffee is good, and you can't drink too much. Drinking coffee every day for the elderly can improve memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Japanese researchers point out that people who drink coffee every day for 10 years are 50% less likely to develop liver cancer than those who never drink it. In addition, studies have shown that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of gout in men and breast cancer in women.

Coffee is a kind of urban culture.

Nowadays, drinking coffee is no longer a petty bourgeoisie sentiment, and the coffee shop is not just a resting place for the rich and socialities. coffee culture is changing people's attitude towards life and becoming a leisure way relied on by urbanites. In this era of "instant solution", people who are busy and noisy need another attitude to give themselves a free space.

In the company of coffee, life can be so comfortable, if one day coffee really disappears, it will disappear not only coffee but also the urban culture brought by coffee.