Coffee review

Coffee and its products-terminology

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The national standard of the people's Republic of China Coffee and its products Vocabulary GB/T 18007 1999 terms for coffee and its products this standard specifies the most commonly used terms for coffee and its products. This standard is applicable to the formulation and revision of relevant standards and documents, as well as the preparation and translation of professional manuals, teaching materials, books and periodicals. 2 Coffee nouns and definitions 2.1 General techniques

National standard of the people's Republic of China

Terminology for coffee and its products

Coffee and its products-Vocabulary

GB/T 18007-1999

This standard specifies the most commonly used terms for coffee and its products.

This standard is applicable to the formulation and revision of relevant standards and documents, as well as the preparation and translation of professional manuals and teaching materials

And books and periodicals.

2 Coffee terms and definitions

2.1 General terminology

2.1.1 Coffee coffee

State Bureau of quality and Technical Supervision approved 2000-04-01 implementation on 1999-11-10 and 2000-04-01 on 1999-11-10 approval of State Bureau of quality and Technical Supervision.

The fruit and seed of a plant of the genus Coffea, consisting of a pericarp (exocarp, exocarp, etc.)

Mesocarp and endocarp), seed coat, seed kernels and embryos are processed to provide and eliminate costs.

2.1.2 small seed coffee Arabica coffee

Also known as Arabian coffee, the scientific name is Coffea arabica Linnaeus. This kind of coffee is very fruity.

Small, seed kernel is also small, so it is called small seed.

2.1.3 medium seed Coffee robusta coffee

Also known as Robasta coffee, the scientific name is Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner.

2.1.4 large seed Coffee liberica coffee

Also known as Liberian coffee, the scientific name is Coffea canephora Hiern. The fruit is better than other kinds of coffee.

The caffeine is big, so it is called big seed.

2.1.5 High Coffee excelsa coffee

Also known as Essex coffee, the scientific name is Coffea dewevre i De Wild et Durand

Var.excelsa Chevalier .

2.1.6 Alabasta Coffee arabusta coffee

It is a hybrid of small seed coffee and medium grain coffee, and its scientific name is Coffea arabica × Coffea.

Canephora Capot et Ake Assi .

2.1.7 unboiled coffee green coffee;;raw coffee

Coffee beans (2.2.11).

2.1.8 flat bean flat bean

Coffee beans with a conspicuously flat surface.

2.1.9 single bean pea bean;;caracol

An oval-shaped coffee bean developed from a single seed in a coffee fruit.

2.1.10 Elephant Bean elephant bean

A collection of coffee beans formed by pseudo-polyembryony. Usually consists of two coffee beans and sometimes a few coffee beans

A collection of brown beans.

2.1.11 diameter diameter

The diameter of the smallest round hole that a coffee bean can pass through.

2.1.12 Wet processing of coffee bean wet--processed coffee

Also known as wet coffee beans, that is, raw coffee made by wet processing.

2.1.13 mild coffee bean mild coffee

Specifically refers to the wet processing of small seeds of coffee.

2.1.14 dry processing of coffee bean dry--processed coffee

Also known as dried coffee beans, that is, the use of dry processing of raw coffee.

2.1.15 wash coffee beans washed and cleaned coffee

In the case of water, the dry method of removing silver skin from coffee beans is used to process coffee beans.

2.1.16 regain Coffee Bean monsooned coffee

Dry-processed coffee beans are exposed to wet weather so that they absorb water and swell, showing golden brown or light brown.

2.1.17 polished coffee beans polished coffee

The silver skin is removed by mechanical operation to make the coffee beans have a surging and good appearance of wet processing coffee beans.

2.1.18 sieve residual triage residue;;screenings

Screening and grading of defective coffee beans as well as foreign impurities and impurities from coffee fruits

Eg broken shell, etc.

2.1.19 roasted coffee roasted coffee

Raw coffee is obtained by roasting.

2.1.20 Coffee Powder ground coffee

The product of roasted coffee after being ground.

2.1.21 Coffee extract coffee extract

A product made from roasted coffee by physical method using water as a carrier. The rest of the residue is called coffee grounds.

2.1.22 Instant Coffee instant coffee

Using water as the carrier (water is the only substance that does not come from coffee) from roasted coffee by physical method.

A dried water-soluble product made from brown. spray dried instant coffee spray--dried instant coffee

The liquid coffee extract is sprayed into hot air to evaporate water to form dry particles. Secondary granulation coffee agglomerated instant coffee

Instant coffee prepared by agglomeration method, that is, the dry particles of instant coffee are fused to form larger particles. freeze-dried coffee freeze--dried coffee

Instant coffee made by freezing liquid products and removing ice by sublimation.

2.1.23 decaffeinated coffee decaffeinated coffee

Coffee that has been caffeinated.

2.1.24 Coffee drink coffee brew

A beverage made by treating coffee powder or water with water into a coffee extract or instant coffee.

2.2 Coffee fruit

2.2.1 Coffee berry coffee cherry

The whole fresh fruit of the coffee tree.

2.2.2 Pulp pulp

The part of a caffeine berry that is removed during peeling, consisting of an exocarp and most of the mesocarp.

2.2.3 kinds of clothing parchment

That is, the endocarp of coffee fruit is a thin horny shell composed of stone cells.

2.2.4 dry clothes hull;;dried parchment

The dried endocarp of a currant.

2.2.5 Coffee beans with clothes bean in parchment;;parchment coffee

Coffee beans that are wholly or partially wrapped in a seed coat (endocarp). This is also raw coffee and roasted coffee.

A flaw in.

2.2.6 Coffee shell husk

The general term for the peel of dried coffee fruit.

2.2.7 dried fruit dried coffee cherry

Dried coffee fruit consisting of peel and coffee beans.

2.2.8 seed coat testa

It is a thin film covering the seed kernel, which is almost transparent.

2.2.9 Silver silverskin

The dried seed coat of coffee beans, usually silver or copper in appearance.

2.2.10 seed seed

It consists of seed coat, seed kernel and embryo.

2.2.11 Coffee bean coffee bean

The trade name of a dried coffee seed that has been stripped of silver skin.

3 defects in raw coffee and roasted coffee

3.1Shell crushed husk fragment

A fragment of a dried peel (coffee shell).

3.2 kinds of clothing piece piece of parchment

Fragments of a dried endocarp (seed coat).

3.3concave shell

A deformed coffee bean with a concave surface shaped like a shell.

3.4 chopped coffee beans bean fragment

Coffee bean fragments whose volume is less than half a coffee bean.

3.5 chopped beans broken bean

Coffee bean fragments with a volume equal to or half the size of a coffee bean.

3.6 aberrant bean malformed bean

Abnormal coffee beans can be clearly distinguished from normal coffee beans.

3.7 worm-eaten bean insect--damaged bean

Coffee beans eaten by insects on the inside or outside.

3.8 Insecticidal coffee bean insect--infested bean

3.8.1 Coffee bean live--insect infested bean with live worm

Coffee beans that hide one or more live worms at any stage of development.

3.8.2 Coffee bean dead--insect infested bean with dead insects

Coffee beans containing the remains of one or more dead insects or insects.

3.9 Black coffee bean black bean

More than half of the black beans on the outer or outer surface and interior of raw coffee; roasted

The rear shape is similar to coal lump, the color is dim, and the outer surface is usually granular.

3.10 semi-black bean partly black bean;;semi-black bean

Coffee having half or less black on the upper or outer surface and interior.

Beans. For roasted coffee, semi-black beans mean that less than half of the volume is in the shape of coal.

3.11 immature bean immature bean

Coffee beans obtained from unripe berries tend to wrinkle on the surface. Roasted coffee made from immature beans

The color of the coffee is lighter than the normal one.

3.12Sponge bean spongy bean

The firmness is similar to that of a cork, and the tissue can be pressed down into a dent, usually slightly whitish, with your fingernails.

Note: this is not a defect for regained coffee beans.

3.13Light Bean white low density bean;;floater bean

White, very light, its density is much lower than normal coffee beans.

Note: this is not a defect for regained coffee beans.

3.14 smelly coffee bean stinker bean

It smells bad on freshly cut incisions, and the coffee beans may be light brown or brown, and sometimes

Having a waxy appearance.

3.15 sour coffee bean sour bean

Coffee beans spoiled by overfermentation have a very light reddish-brown interior and can be roasted and drunk.

Produce a sour taste.

3.16 flowered pea blotchy bean

Coffee beans with irregular spots.

3.17 dried bean withered bean

Light wrinkled coffee beans.

3.18 mouldy bean of moldy bean

Coffee beans that are moldy or have mildew stains visible to the naked eye.