Coffee review

Five kinds of diet crazy slimming method soy milk coffee method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In order to eat healthier and more beautiful, we recommend five kinds of diets, all of which are low-calorie foods or drinks, which are simple to make, unique flavor and easy to make people feel full. You might as well give it a try. Soybean milk coffee method features: smooth taste, no bitterness. Production: pour in half a cup of hot coffee and set aside; heat the soybean milk slightly in the microwave oven, then pour the heated soybean milk into the hot coffee and mix

In order to eat healthier and more beautiful, we recommend five kinds of diets, all of which are low-calorie foods or drinks, which are simple to make, unique flavor and easy to make people feel full. You might as well give it a try.

Soybean milk coffee method

Features: smooth taste, no bitterness. Production: pour in half a cup of hot coffee and set aside; heat the soybean milk slightly in the microwave oven, then pour the heated soybean milk into the hot coffee and mix it, and then drink it. A small amount of gelatin can also be added to the mixture of soy milk and coffee. Take 1 or 2 tablets of gelatin

Soak the coffee in cold water until softened; heat the 100ml coffee to the boil, then put in the softened gelatin, stir until it is completely dissolved and flameout; after cooling, put the coffee in the refrigerator and refrigerate it, which can be cut into small cubes after freezing, and then sprinkle with hot soy milk to become a delicious, low-calorie soy milk coffee jelly.

Tip: it can be eaten 30 minutes before or after exercise (about 1 rice bowl, 300ml). If you want to keep your body slim, you should reduce the amount of milk and sugar when drinking coffee, or use sugar-free or low-sugar soy milk instead of milk as a coffee companion.

Comments: soy milk contains soy saponins, isoflavones, soybean oligosaccharides and other factors with significant health care functions; soymilk can maintain normal nutritional balance, comprehensively regulate the body's endocrine system, reduce blood pressure, blood lipids, reduce cardiovascular burden, increase cardiac vitality, and optimize blood circulation. Coffee warm, sweet and bitter taste, the main ingredients are caffeine and theobromine, containing protein, fat, crude fiber, sucrose, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals, refreshing, diuresis and promoting digestion.

Korean kimchi method

Features: hot and sour, slightly sweet.

Production: authentic kimgee can be bought in the supermarket as an appetizer or as a side meal. You can also try kimchi and tofu, which are loved by many stars. Eating 150g kimgee and half a piece of tofu cold or boiled into soup not only has the effect of slimming and beauty, but also can supplement isoflavones and strengthen blood vessels.

Tip: authentic kimgee, with fish salts (salted aquatic organisms) to help ferment, without any chemical seasonings, artificial colors, acids and sweeteners, is a really slimming kimchi. Kimgee mostly contains a certain amount of ammonium nitrite, it is not beneficial to eat more, 1 to 2 times a week, one small plate each time.

Comments: at present, kimgee has gradually become a healthy fermented food recognized in the world. South Korean scientists have found that kimchi not only contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and more than a dozen amino acids necessary for the human body, but also has an obvious effect on weight loss, which has been proved in animal experiments.

Japanese natto method

Features: salty, pungent and refreshing.

Production: natto can be bought in large supermarkets and can be eaten directly or mixed with light soy sauce; adding some spices to 50g natto will not only have a unique flavor, but also double the slimming effect; mixing 50g natto with chopped onions can make the blood circulation more smooth; eating 50g natto with ordinary kimchi can promote normal gastrointestinal function, not only lose weight, but also help smooth defecation and prevent constipation. Mixing 50g natto with mashed white radish can increase the sense of fullness, reduce the total calories of diet and help you lose weight.

Tip: choose one meal a day and eat a small bowl (about 50g) before meals. Natto should be eaten cold, not heated.

Comments: the physical Science magazine published by Japan Review Publishing House points out that natto, as a plant food, is rich in protein and fat; the alcohols in natto can help the human body get rid of some cholesterol and decompose acidified lipids after consumption. Return abnormal blood pressure to normal.

Ginger black tea method

Features: moist, pungent, sweet.

Production: boil the water. While boiling water, grind the prepared and washed ginger into mud; boil the water and add black tea, tea bag; add a small amount of ground ginger, brown sugar (or honey) to black tea, gently stir and drink. If you want to make the taste smoother, you can add sugar-free soy milk to suppress the feeling of empty stomach when you are hungry.

Tip: drink 2 to 6 cups a day (about 250ml per cup). It is suitable to drink before meals, after meals, before taking a bath, when hungry or thirsty. The best match with ginger is Assam black tea. Because Assam black tea belongs to a strong flavor of tea, when adding ginger, it can still retain the aroma of black tea, will not be completely overshadowed by ginger, and affect the taste.

Comments: raw ginger is pungent and warm, which has the effect of dispelling wind and dispelling cold, promoting digestion, detoxification and sterilization. Black tea is a fully fermented tea with heavy taste and less tea polyphenols, which can strengthen the stomach, nourish the stomach and promote digestion; tea tannins can also promote metabolism and help the body reduce the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Pu'er tea method

Features: warm and moist, slightly sweet.

Production: do not drink the first course of tea; the next second course of tea should be soaked for about 2 minutes before drinking; the third course of tea should be soaked for 3 minutes before drinking; and the fourth course of tea should be soaked for 4 minutes before drinking. This can maximize the absorption of Pu'er tea ingredients conducive to weight loss.

Tip: you can drink between meals or with 3 meals. Be sure to use boiling hot water to make Pu'er tea. Because Pu'er tea has a special taste, people who do not like its taste can put the brewed tea in the refrigerator and refrigerate it before drinking it.

Comments: pu'er tea belongs to mature tea, which can prevent obesity and edema, improve blood circulation and gastrointestinal function, and is a good helper in the treatment of constipation; at the same time, it can reduce the absorption of fat by the body.