Coffee review

Health taboos don't drink coffee when you are tired

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. Don't drink coffee or smoke when you are tired. Try not to drink coffee or smoke when you are particularly tired to refresh yourself, otherwise it will cause irreparable damage to the cardiovascular system. Palpitations and palpitations are serious symptoms. In particular, do not drink coffee and smoke when you are tired, otherwise not only the harm to the body will be doubled, but the unique aroma and ingredients of coffee will also aggravate your interest in cigarettes.

1. Don't drink coffee or smoke when you are tired

Try not to drink coffee or smoke when the body is particularly tired, otherwise it will cause irreparable damage to the cardiovascular system. Palpitations and palpitations are serious symptoms. In particular, do not drink coffee and smoke when tired, otherwise not only the damage to the body is doubled, coffee's unique flavor and composition will also increase your desire for cigarettes!

2. Brush your teeth at noon

You insist on brushing your teeth every morning and evening, but the reproduction rate of bacteria in your mouth during sleep is actually only 60% during the day. In other words, your mouth also needs care during the day. You should brush your teeth at noon, but don't brush your teeth immediately after meals. It is best to arrange it half an hour after meals, which can prevent damage to enamel. Especially after eating French fries or potato chips, pay more attention to brushing care.

3. Be sure to abstain from alcohol during medication

new Zealand physiotherapist Smith said, even if you eat only simple cold medicine, vitamins, even if you drink only the most mild champagne, red wine! Because alcohol not only affects the efficacy of drugs, but also magnifies the side effects of drugs several times, it is more likely to interact with drugs to produce poisons.

4, must wash your face with warm water

Be sure to wash your face with warm water, do not use cold water to save trouble, otherwise the pores will be stimulated to shrink suddenly, and the oil will not be removed in time, which will lead to acne. Do not use too hot water, otherwise the facial skin will expand rapidly, and then it will be easy to wrinkle early.

5, insomnia is due to calcium deficiency

The consequences of calcium deficiency are not only leg cramps, amnesia, distraction, insomnia are also the by-products of calcium deficiency. Because sufficient calcium can inhibit the abnormal excitation of brain nerves, calcium deficiency will affect the normal metabolism of brain neurons. The best food for calcium in the brain is legumes, such as soybeans, tofu, etc., but soy milk is not good, because the small amount of lactose contained in soy milk affects the role of calcium in brain neurons.

6. Throw away detoxification pills

What's the matter? You got acne? The effect of taking those detoxification and fire elimination pills is not obvious, and because it stimulates the intestinal tract, it may aggravate the nutritional imbalance in the human body. In fact, from a nutritional point of view, the most effective way to reduce fire is to temporarily give up drinking alcohol and coffee, drink more water and eat less fatty foods.

7. Bad mood makes you sick

Bad mood is a more terrible source of infection than a powerful virus! 80% of diseases are triggered by mental fluctuations, especially digestive tract diseases and skin diseases. You can easily have symptoms such as overeating, diarrhea or skin allergies due to bad mood.

8. Don't give up fat in food

First, not all of the fat in your food is converted to fat in your body; second, fat in your food is crucial for maintaining normal physiological activities, and 25% to 35% of your daily energy needs come from fat. Finally, eating fat properly can create a sense of fullness and prevent you from overeating.

9. Don't put your phone by your bed

Don't put your phone next to your bed, or more precisely around your head. Because even the weak blinking light of the standby light on your phone can prevent your brain from falling into deep sleep and affect the brain's production of melatonin, which directly leads to you sleeping for hours and still feeling tired.

10. Don't sleep

Your internal clock cycles every 90 minutes. If you wake up naturally in the morning, don't stay in bed anymore, because continuing to sleep will re-enter a 90-minute sleep cycle, so after 30 or 40 minutes in bed, you will become listless and even dizzy.

11. Do not eat fruit immediately after meals

Now go to the restaurant to consume, always enjoy a plate or fine or inferior fruit after dinner. But if your digestion is sound and healthy, you should give up this gift immediately. Because dinner takes at least two hours from the time you eat it to the end of digestion. The fruit that you eat immediately afterwards will stagnate in your stomach, so that it will ferment in your stomach before it can be digested. Next, your stomach will produce a lot of gas, which in addition to causing bloating, will also cause…(well, the most embarrassing thing that will pollute the surrounding air!)

12. Don't take a hot bath before going to bed

Too high a body temperature can also inhibit melatonin production in the brain, affecting the quality of your sleep. Therefore, it is never wise to take a hot bath before going to bed. The smart thing to do is shower 90 minutes before bed so that by bedtime your body temperature is just right for sleep. If you have to shower before bed, a cold compress on your forehead at the end of the day will also help to lower your body temperature quickly.

13. Disinfect before renting

If you are a renter, be careful! Because "second-hand housing" is the source of most disease transmission, especially in the spring when the virus is most easily transmitted. In China, few homeowners disinfect their homes before renting them, and mites, influenza viruses, hepatitis B viruses, molds, etc. can survive for a long time at room temperature. Especially walls, beds, wardrobes, toilets, hand sinks and other places, should be carefully disinfected, as for air conditioning, washing machines, drinking fountains are to ask special personnel to disinfect.

14. Don't work out in the gym

Of course, this refers to gyms with poor air flow. Because such a gym is full of exhaust gases and toxins exhaled by others, and you are most likely to absorb these exhaust gases and toxins in the exercise state, not only can not play a fitness role, but let the body suffer. So, either choose a gym with good air flow or simply exercise outdoors, especially in a green park, which is not a special place for grandparents.

15. Limit drinking water

Dr. Chen Nan of Hong Kong Chinese University said! Your body is a balanced system, and your kidneys can only excrete 800- 1000 ml of water per hour. Drinking more than 1000 ml of water in an hour can lead to hyponatremia.

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