Coffee review

The cafe witnessed the story of our friendship, the story of the cafe.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Does everyone sitting in a cafe stirring coffee with his head down have a bitter story in his heart, a story as bitter as coffee? Now I like to go to the cafe alone, choose a seat by the window, and then slowly stir the coffee there with my head down. When it comes to drinking coffee, I don't like adding sugar at all. For me, the bitter taste can better explain my heart.

Does everyone sitting in a cafe stirring coffee with his head down have a bitter story in his heart, a story as bitter as coffee?

Now I like to go to the cafe alone, choose a seat by the window, and then slowly stir the coffee there with my head down. When it comes to drinking coffee, I don't like adding sugar at all. For me, the bitter taste can better explain the bitterness in my heart. It may be bitter, and sometimes you can't help but cry when you drink it. The position is fixed, and the friendship begins here, but it also ends here.

Cafe witnessed our friendship story 1

For college girlfriends, this is the best place to get together. However, it is a great coincidence that Yue and I met here. At that time, we all came here to apply for waiters and were recruited at the same time. In our spare time, we will also say some words about ideals and longing for the future. Although together for a year, such days feel very short anyway. If it hadn't been for the promotion and raise, we might have been better off. It's just tacky, and the two of us have become the best candidates to be promoted to foreman.

In the first days, we are still the same as before, what we should do. But after all, they are competitors, and both of them choose not to talk about work. However, because of this, I will be very angry when people around me say that she speaks ill of me. The result of the confrontation was that I saw the tears in her eyes and the disappointed look in her eyes. She helped me with her departure and ended this friendship.

Cafe witnessed our friendship story2

Now a time is very quiet, about the things at that time also vaguely know a little, I was alienated. The end result is that I did not become a foreman, but lost the most precious friendship, and now I can only remember it here.