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Do you understand what you can't eat if you stay up late?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Stay up late and get hungry at night. What can't you eat? You know, dinner has a lot to do with your health, and you have a good choice of what to eat. 1. It is also a taboo to stay up late to strictly control sweets. Although sugar is high in calories, it is exciting to a certain extent, but it consumes B vitamins, which is counterproductive and can easily lead to obesity. 2. Refuse to eat junk food

Stay up late and get hungry at night. What can't you eat? You know, dinner has a lot to do with your health, and you have a good choice of what to eat.

1. Strictly control sweets

Eating sweets is also a taboo to stay up late. Although sugar is high in calories, it is exciting to a certain extent, but it consumes B vitamins, which is counterproductive and can easily lead to obesity.

2. Refuse to eat junk food

Many people who stay up late put some instant noodles, potato chips and other junk food around them to satisfy their hunger when they are hungry. But this kind of food is not easy to digest, will increase the burden on the digestive tract, eat more will cause indigestion, but also increase blood lipids, harmful to health.

Although many instant noodles are claimed to be not fried, they more or less contain cooking oil. if placed for a long time, the oil will be oxidized and decomposed by air to produce toxic aldehyde peroxides. Eating this oil-spoiled instant noodles will bring you unexpected trouble, such as dizziness, headache, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and other poisoning.

3. Reject caffeinated drinks

Although caffeine is refreshing, it consumes B vitamins related to nerve and muscle coordination in the body. People who lack vitamin B groups are more likely to get tired and are more likely to form a vicious circle. In addition, drinking caffeinated drinks on an empty stomach at night will irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause abdominal pain.

4. Avoid eating greasy and cold food.

In order not to let the stomach sing empty city plan when working overtime, many people will choose some greasy food; some people will give themselves some cold drinks and so on, but greasy food is not easy to digest, which is easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases or acute pancreatitis; raw and cold food has a strong stimulating effect on digestive tract mucosa, easy to cause diarrhea or digestive tract diseases.

5. Don't smoke or drink

Nicotine in cigarettes can constrict blood vessels, slow blood circulation, report early for dryness and aging, naturally sag facial lines and enlarge pores. When the alcohol content in the body exceeds the standard, it will cause edema. People who stay up late will have a lower physique than during the day, and smoking and drinking will do more harm to their bodies.

6. Abandon the refreshing oral liquid

There are some refreshing oral nights on the market for people who stay up late, and many people regard it as a magic weapon. The main components of these oral liquids are vitamin B, C, caffeine, traditional Chinese medicine, etc., which have a certain effect on refreshing, but often drink will produce dependence; moreover, the potential negative effects of these oral liquids are unknown. Therefore, it is best to stay away from this kind of oral liquid.

If you really need to stay up late, what can you eat to ensure the health of those who stay up late?

1. Replenish calories properly

Staying up late requires a lot of energy. You can eat some fruits and vegetables, as well as protein foods, such as meat and eggs, to replenish your strength, but you can't eat big fish and meat in the open. Dried fruits such as peanuts, cashews, almonds and walnuts contain a lot of protein, vitamin B, vitamin E and rich minerals such as calcium and iron, and the content of cholesterol is also relatively low, which may play a role in restoring physical fitness.

In addition, some people think that eating sweets when staying up late can replenish energy. in fact, eating sweets is the most taboo in staying up late. If you eat too many sweets for dinner and staying up late, although sugar can increase calories, it will only make people feel excited at first. in fact, it will consume vitamin B group, counterproductive, and more likely to lead to weight gain.

2. Vitamin B calms the mind

Caffeine can calm the mind and relatively consume the vitamin B group related to nerve and muscle coordination in the body, so people who stay up late should supplement the vitamin B group. In normal times, eat more foods rich in vitamin B groups, including folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B16, nicotinic acid and so on. They can promote metabolism, provide energy for the human body, protect nerve tissue cells, and play a role in calming the mind and relieving anxiety.

3. Vitamin A relieves visual fatigue

People who often stay up late mostly do text work, or need to often operate the computer, often struggle under the dim light, so that eye muscle fatigue, vision decline. Vitamin An and vitamin B can protect eyesight and prevent vision loss. In addition, vitamin A can regulate the synthesis of retinal photosensitive substance Violet, so it can enhance the adaptability of people who stay up late to dim light and avoid visual fatigue. Usually eat more carrots, leeks, eels and other foods containing vitamin A, as well as fish, pig liver, lean meat and other foods containing vitamin B.

4. Protein provides energy

People who stay up late to work are labor-intensive and energy-intensive, so they should replenish protein. The supplement of animal protein should reach half of the total protein supply, because animal protein contains essential amino acids for people who often stay up late, which can help improve work efficiency and maintain physical health.

Do you understand what you can't eat if you stay up late?