Coffee review

Why is coffee so controversial? Coffee is the culprit of bone loss?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Why coffee is so controversial many people think that drinking coffee is a sinful enjoyment, one of the reasons is that coffee contains a lot of caffeine, drinking too much can easily lead to increased heart rate, sleep disorders, nausea and vomiting, elevated blood pressure and other uncomfortable symptoms, but also may cause poisoning. In this regard, Fu Changming explained that the premise that caffeine will cause harm to the human body is excessive. Coffee contains more than 200 substances


Why coffee is so controversial

Many people think that drinking coffee is a kind of evil "enjoyment", one of the reasons is that coffee contains a lot of caffeine, drinking too much can easily lead to increased heart rate, sleep disorders, nausea and vomiting, elevated blood pressure and other uncomfortable symptoms, but also may cause poisoning.

In this regard, Fu Changming explained that the premise that caffeine will cause harm to the human body is "excessive". Coffee contains more than 200 substances, in addition to caffeine, there are protein, fat, nicotinic acid, tannic acid, alkaloids, potassium, dietary fiber and other nutrients. Therefore, it is wrong to equate coffee with caffeine.

Caffeine content is also closely related to the variety of coffee beans. At present, there are two major coffee tree species in the world, Arabica and Robsta coffee beans. The former is of the best quality and the most widely planted, with a caffeine content of about 1% to 1.7%, nearly double that of the latter. Most of the instant coffee sold on the market uses robusta beans.

Another controversial focus of coffee is "addiction".

British research has found that caffeine is an irritant to the central nervous system. Drinking coffee regularly may lead to mild dependence. If you don't drink it suddenly, you will have headaches, fatigue, anxiety and lack of concentration. But these symptoms disappear after a few days and are not as dangerous as other drugs and do no harm to physical and mental health.

Coffee is also accused of being "high in calories".

This is actually a mess of instant coffee. "strictly speaking, instant coffee is basically not coffee, its coffee content is low, there are many additives, 17 grams of instant coffee only 2 grams of coffee powder. The worst coffee beans are used to make instant coffee. The cost is very low, and people in the industry seldom drink it. " Fu Changming said.

The reporter looked at the composition table of a brand of instant coffee and found that there are plant fat, fat and carbohydrates, while plant fat contains trans fatty acids, which is harmful to health.

Some people think that coffee is the culprit of bone loss.

However, Professor Hu Dayi, a famous cardiovascular expert in China, co-authored a book "101 reasons for Coffee innocence" with former World Heart Federation President Mario Marao and other experts. The human body contains about 1100 grams of calcium, 99% of which is deposited in bones and teeth, so the amount of bone calcium is not reduced by drinking coffee as a diuretic.

But among the many troubles caused by coffee, it should be noted that coffee can cause sleep disorders. The study found that the stimulating effect of caffeine can last for six hours, and drinking in the afternoon can also affect the quality of sleep at night.