Coffee review

To help you see the red and black of coffee.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Now more and more young people like coffee and include it as part of their lifestyle: such as getting tired when they are thirsty, refreshing themselves by drinking coffee, or having a coffee shop on weekends and making a petty bourgeoisie. Recently, a "Why do foreigners drink coffee every day?" The "amazing secret you don't know" post, illustrated and illustrated, is going viral in Wechat moments, from coffee is good for the skin to drinking coffee.

Now more and more young people like coffee and include it as part of their lifestyle: such as getting tired when they are thirsty, refreshing themselves by drinking coffee, or having a coffee shop on weekends and making a petty bourgeoisie.

Recently, a "Why do foreigners drink coffee every day?" The post of "amazing secret you don't know", illustrated and illustrated, is going viral on Wechat, from coffee is good for the skin, to drinking coffee to prevent cancer, good digestion, and so on, listing the various benefits of coffee, it is simply a health product that can cure all diseases.

Is the statement in this post reliable? The reporter consulted doctors in nutrition, dermatology, digestive medicine and traditional Chinese and western medicine. In the spirit of scientific rigor, after consulting a large number of materials, the experts gave basically the same opinion: some ingredients in coffee are indeed good for the human body, but many places in the post are slightly biased. Coffee is by no means a panacea for diseases, and it is basically impossible to drink coffee to achieve the goal of health care and disease prevention. Moreover, for some special people, it is recommended not to drink coffee.

The good thing is black coffee.

It can accelerate metabolism and antioxidation.

Qian Pao's short notes first need to talk about the composition of coffee and the types of coffee in the article, so as to facilitate people's understanding of coffee and its benefits.

Jin Xing, a doctor in the nutrition department of the second Zhejiang Medical Hospital, said that the main ingredients of coffee include caffeine, tannic acid, fat, protein, sugar, fiber and minerals. It is well known that caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that temporarily repels drowsiness and restores energy.

Dr. King said that the current research uses black coffee, that is, coffee without milk and sugar, or coffee with a little milk or sugar, not a high-calorie coffee drink. Coffee partners in three-in-one coffee contain harmful trans fatty acids, which increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It is suggested that it is best to drink coffee ground with coffee beans, which can absorb more nutrients in the coffee.

Most of the benefits of coffee in the post are based on the fact that coffee accelerates metabolism and antioxidants, which doctors are sure of.

Yao Qinghua, deputy chief physician of the Department of traditional Chinese and Western Medicine at Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, told reporters that after consulting the data, Professor Kondo of Japan surveyed 8768 men and women aged 10 and 59 in Tokyo and Osaka in 2004. investigated what kind of drinks they consumed and how much polyphenols (except alcohol) in a week. The results showed that the subjects consumed 853mg polyphenols daily from beverages, of which 50% came from coffee and 34% from green tea (less than 10% from other beverages). Based on the results of the analysis, published in 2009, the team concluded that "coffee and green tea contribute significantly to the dietary polyphenols intake of the Japanese." The research group also confirmed that "the antioxidant power of beverages is related to the content of polyphenols in them." Among all kinds of beverages, each 100ml coffee contains 200mg polyphenols, which is the highest, followed by green tea 115mg, black tea 96mg, tomato / vegetable juice 69mg, cocoa 62mg.

Dr. Yao Qinghua also said that vegetables and fruits with antioxidant ingredients are very rich, so you don't have to focus on coffee alone.

Analyze the benefits of coffee in online articles one by one

Coffee does help digestion and so on.

Original excerpt:

● drinking coffee is good for the skin. Coffee can accelerate the metabolism of the skin and dilute the dark circles under the eyes caused by poor circulation. Coffee has the effect of antioxidation, regular drinking can prevent cell oxidation and anti-aging.

Expert interpretation:

Coffee can speed up metabolism and antioxidation, but how much coffee you drink to fight aging is still unknown.

The known things are as follows: pan Wensheng, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of the second Hospital of Zhejiang Medical College, reminded that coffee has a diuretic effect, and drinking too much may lead to dry skin.

At the same time, if you expect to drink coffee to eliminate dark circles under your eyes, you'd better save your love of beauty. Tao Chengjun, director of dermatology at Hangzhou Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine, said that as a dermatologist, he does not advocate coffee for people with dark circles under the eyes.

"the formation of dark circles under the eyes, should be said to be mainly related to venous blood circulation stasis, is the result of local deposition of deoxyhemoglobin. As long as local blood circulation accelerates, it can help eliminate dark circles under the eyes. The argument in this post should mainly take advantage of the concept of the excitatory effect of caffeine in coffee, but caffeine is not only exciting, but also slightly addictive. Drinking coffee to eliminate dark circles under the eyes, individual people may be effective, but even if eliminated, it is only an one-time, so it is not recommended. And caffeine will also affect the quality of sleep, won't it aggravate the dark circles under the eyes? "

"moreover, if sugar and coffee companions are added to the coffee, it may aggravate acne on the skin," Dr. Tao said. "

Original excerpt:

● drinking coffee can prevent and fight cancer because polyphenols are strong antioxidants. Women who drank more than three cups of caffeinated coffee a day had a 21% lower risk of basal cell cancer than those who drank less than one cup a month.

Expert interpretation:

It is true to say that the polyphenols in coffee are strong antioxidants, but they have a certain effect on cancer prevention and anti-cancer, Dr. Yao Qinghua said. No definite evidence has been found on this point, so no conclusions can be drawn.

Yao Qinghua said, do not forget that coffee also contains caffeine, although the link between caffeine and cancer has not yet been confirmed, but for people who already have cancer, it is better not to drink coffee.

After consulting the data, Pan Wensheng, chief physician of the Gastroenterology Department of the second Hospital of Zhejiang Medical College, found that recent studies have shown that there is no obvious relationship between breast cancer and coffee.

Original excerpt:

● drinks coffee after meals to nourish the stomach and aid digestion. People who love meat had better have a cup of coffee after dinner, which has a good effect on relieving grease and aiding digestion.

Drinking coffee at the same time can prevent gallstones.

Expert interpretation:

It is certain that coffee can help digestion and prevent gallstones, but pay attention to the right amount.

Dr. Yao Qinghua explained: "mainly because caffeine stimulates the brain, causes the gallbladder to contract and secrete more bile, on the one hand, there is more bile to help the body digest greasy and indigestible meat, and on the other hand, bile goes in and out. It is not easy to accumulate in the gallbladder, so it is not easy to cause cholesterol crystallization, which objectively reduces the possibility of gallstones."

But the premise is that the biliary system itself is normal, and if you have cholelithiasis or obstruction of the biliary tract, it doesn't matter how much coffee you drink.

Doctor Yao said that there are many ways to prevent gallstones, and drinking plenty of water is OK. If you drink coffee to prevent gallstones, you will put the cart before the horse. Drinking too much coffee can lead to stomach problems, such as ulcers in the digestive tract.

Original excerpt:

● drinks coffee to protect the liver. Coffee can reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, and polyphenols have a protective effect on the liver.

Expert interpretation:

Dr. Yao Qinghua looked for data, and a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology shows that drinking three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of liver cancer by more than 50%. The study was carried out by Dr. Carola Vikzia, an epidemiologist at the University of Milan, Italy, and his colleagues. The researchers analyzed the literature on coffee and liver cancer published from 1996 to September 2012, including 16 high-level studies. The new study involved 3153 cases and included data on more than 900 recent cases of primary liver cancer.

It was found that drinking coffee reduced the risk of primary liver cancer (the most common liver cancer) by 40%, while independent studies showed that drinking three cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of the disease by at least half.

Original excerpt:

● drinking coffee can prevent radiation injury. Studies have clearly shown that coffee helps prevent radiation damage.

Expert interpretation:

For this article, Dr. Sun Zhichao, Department of Radiology of Zhejiang Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine, said that radiation damage to the human body is mainly caused by the oxidation of tissues and cells to a certain dose, and may also lead to genetic mutation in the human body.

However, the radiation dose of general household appliances is very small, and within the range prescribed by the state, the impact on the human body is very small, there is no need to worry too much. The polyphenols contained in coffee are strong antioxidants, which should be said to have a certain anti-radiation effect, but how much coffee should be consumed and how often can it be taken to achieve the exact effect of preventing radiation injury? there are no conclusions yet.

How much coffee do you drink every day?

In order to achieve the purpose of health care in the online article?

The most critical question is, if you want to achieve the many functions of coffee in online posts, how many cups of coffee should you drink every day?

Jin Xing, a doctor in the nutrition department of the second Zhejiang Medical Hospital, said that this question varies widely among individuals, and there is no definite answer, and there is no recommendation on how much coffee to drink in the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents.

Generally speaking, not many Chinese people have the habit of drinking coffee every day. It is generally believed that drinking one or two cups a day without feeling uncomfortable is not excessive. If you drink coffee until you tremble, can't sleep or feel nervous or uncomfortable, then there is no doubt that you drink too much. Moreover, drinking coffee is best after breakfast and lunch, which can reduce the stimulation to the stomach and intestines. It's best not to drink after dinner so as not to interfere with sleep.

As a nutrition doctor, Dr. Jin finally warned: "from a nutritional point of view, the variety of food intake is as diverse as possible. Foods containing antioxidants are very abundant in nature. It is difficult to say that a certain therapeutic effect can be achieved only by certain foods. And it is even more difficult to say how much is effective. After all, food is not medicine."