Coffee review

Coffee can double the weight loss effect of choosing the right time and way to lose weight.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, You may already know that drinking coffee can help you lose weight, but do you know how to really achieve the effect of losing weight? Drink coffee to lose weight need a reasonable way, remember to eat too much blindly, otherwise not only can not lose weight, but also may gain weight! Come and see if your coffee diet is right. Coffee diet step1: choosing the best time to drink is not to drink coffee at any time

You may already know that drinking coffee can help you lose weight, but do you know how to really achieve the effect of losing weight? Drink coffee to lose weight need a reasonable way, remember to eat too much blindly, otherwise not only can not lose weight, but also may gain weight! Come and see if your coffee diet is right.

Coffee diet step1: choose the best drinking time

It is not possible to lose weight by drinking coffee at any time. If you drink coffee at the wrong time, losing weight will have no effect. There are two main times of the day to drink coffee:

A: 30 murmurs within 60 minutes after lunch.

Drinking coffee after lunch helps digestion after lunch, speeds up the body's metabolism and promotes fat burning, so you might as well drink a cup of hot, fragrant coffee after lunch.

B: 30 minutes before leaving work.

Why can I lose weight by drinking coffee before getting off work? This is because half an hour after drinking coffee, the concentration of fatty acids in the blood will become higher, as long as combined with a certain amount of exercise can turn fatty acids into heat and burn fat effectively. As it happens, half an hour after drinking coffee, MM can choose to take a brisk walk for 15 minutes, or other simple actions to lose weight.

Coffee Diet step2: choose the most effective Coffee for weight loss

Different types of coffee have different weight loss effects, so choose the one that is relatively effective. For weight loss, lightly roasted coffee, such as American coffee, is the most effective. Because the baking degree is high, although the taste is rich, but the caffeine content is low, which is not conducive to weight loss.

Light roasted low-calorie coffee is recommended:

Pure instant black coffee powder; organic Arabica coffee powder.

Coffee diet step3: massage with coffee grounds

Coffee in addition to the caffeine is conducive to weight loss, the original coffee grounds can also lose weight. Massage with coffee grounds can make the skin tighter. If you use coffee grounds to adjust into liquid, massage along the direction of blood flow in the obese place of the body, you can decompose fat.

Tips for losing weight with coffee

Don't add sugar: if you are not used to the bitter taste of coffee, you can add a little milk, but do not add sugar, because sugar will hinder the decomposition of fat.

Hot coffee is more effective than iced coffee: hot coffee can help you burn calories faster.

Light roasted coffee is the most effective: coffee with high baking temperature has a strong taste, but has less caffeine, which is not conducive to weight loss, while American coffee with a lighter flavor is more conducive to weight loss.