Coffee review

Teach you how to press the kettle to distinguish the freshness of coffee beans.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The French pressure pot is easy to use and is extremely sensitive to the freshness of coffee. It is the easiest among many coffee equipment to concentrate on the condition of beans. Most of the time, the reason why coffee is difficult to import is not our utensils and technology, but the freshness of beans. Let's talk about how the French kettle can help us test the winner of the competition.


The French pressure pot is easy to use and is extremely sensitive to the freshness of coffee. It is the easiest among many coffee equipment to concentrate on the condition of beans. Most of the time, the reason why coffee is difficult to import is not our utensils and technology, but the freshness of beans. Let's talk about how the French kettle can help us test the winner of the competition.