Coffee review

Coffee knowledge that you don't necessarily know

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Everyone knows the common sense of drinking coffee, but do you know something unpopular about coffee?

Coffee won't melt when it's thrown into the water. The maximum extraction rate of roasted coffee beans is 30% (substances that can be dissolved in water divided by the total weight of coffee).

1. Whether it's French pressure, Philharmonic pressure, all kinds of pressure, or espresso. The range of the best extraction rate is 18% Mui 21%. Insufficient extraction (less than 18%) means that the flavor of coffee is not fully dissolved in water, and excessive extraction (more than 21%) means that the miscellaneous flavor of coffee is integrated into the water.

Baristas rack their brains to make the perfect cup of coffee, all based on this.

two。 It is surprising that all our instant coffee can be dissolved in water. It shows that instant coffee has been extracted and reduced to powder in some chemical way. Exactly how to do it is outside the scope of discussion here.

Coffee is actually part of the fruit. Since it is necessary to bake coffee, in a sense (not absolutely), coffee has changed from fruit to dried fruit.

1. The plum we sometimes drink, the citrus is actually its predecessor, combined with the flavor of the fruit in the local environment; the almond and walnut flavor we drink is partially carbonized after baking. We drink cocoa (a bitter taste) and syrup (a combination of bitterness and sweetness) is a deeply baked, carbonized taste.

two。 For one thing, we understand why coffee is popular for roasting. Like steak, the outside is charred and tender inside, there is cocoa and dried fruit flavor brought by carbonization on the outside, and the inside still retains the sweet and sour fruit. The taste is richer in this way.

3. Many people tirelessly pursue a certain flavor of the theory of taste. But it ignores the rules of flavor wheel arrangement. From bottom to top, it is actually a gradual distribution of the degree of carbonization. At the bottom, it is smoked and scorched, and at the top is the fragrance of flowers.

4. Most importantly, coffee is not just bitter. At least that's not the case with good coffee.

The third grinder is the process of turning coffee beans into powder.

1. The finer the grinding, the more coffee is exposed to the air surface and the faster the volatilization time is. Espresso requires the finest powder, once ground into powder, most of the flavor will be lost in 2 minutes.

two。 Why wouldn't I recommend a hand grinder to make espresso. Because it takes far more than 2 minutes to shake 20g powder by hand.

3. If the powder particles are inconsistent, the same hot water passes through small particles, too much extraction (more surface of exposed water), and not enough extraction after large particles (less surface of exposed water)

4. The filter bowl of the pressure kettle is very thick, so it is required to grind large particles. Therefore, the requirement of the grinder is high, because if the size is different, there will not only be the third problem, small particles will wear a filter, such as coffee turbidity.

Fourth, no matter what kind of drink, the taste that is suitable for the public will often be balanced. In coffee, it mainly reflects the ups and downs.

1. Bitterness and bitterness can be felt by normal people. If you calm down, you can feel these three smells.

two。 The sour taste is more sensitive on both sides of the tongue coating, the sweet taste is at the tip of the tongue, and the bitter taste is at the root of the tongue. Due to the shadow of bad coffee in the past. Many friends try black coffee for the first time, just want to taste it, as soon as they drink it sour, it is easy to give up. Coffee actually requires a big sip to quickly cover the taste buds.

3. Normal people with unbalanced taste can judge coffee with a little guidance (this has been confirmed many times in my personal experience).

4. Some people say that if you drink 1000 cups of coffee, you will know how to taste it. In fact, a good cup of coffee with the right guidance is enough.