Coffee review

Coffee Love Story Irish fancy Coffee making and Story

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The emergence of Irish coffee is related to a beautiful love story. People who have read this story are more or less moved, especially lovers who are passionately in love, so this kind of coffee is very popular with customers and has been spread to this day. Irish coffee is composed of three parts from bottom to top: wine, coffee and cream, the method of making it is easy to learn, and the taste is better before making it.

The emergence of Irish coffee is related to a beautiful love story. People who have read this story are more or less moved, especially lovers who are passionately in love, so this kind of coffee is very popular with customers and has been spread to this day. Irish coffee from bottom to top is composed of three parts: wine, coffee, cream, the production method is simple and easy to learn, first prepare the coffee with a strong taste before making. Here, it is recommended to use a mocha pot to make coffee. The cream is beaten in advance and packed in a framed bag. Then you need to put the wine and cube sugar into an Irish coffee cup and start baking. After the cube sugar melts, light the wine, let the alcohol evaporate and add the coffee. Finally, just squeeze the cream.

Next, I would like to share with you a touching love story: it is said that the barista in a coffee shop in Ireland fell in love with a beautiful stewardess who often came here to drink coffee, but he dared not express his love, so he had to concentrate on developing a kind of coffee for her. To represent her love, one day the girl ordered this coffee, and the girl tasted it, so she asked the barista what was in it. The barista said that after releasing the angel's tears, the girl fell in love with this kind of coffee with angel tears. later, every time the girl would come to drink this kind of coffee, the barista would walk behind her and ask the girl if she wanted to add angel tears. the girl would nod, and the barista put all her love for the girl into the coffee. The barista told herself that no matter what happened, as long as the girl drank 100 cups of angel tears I confessed my love to her. But when the barista made only 73 cups for her, she had a terminal illness and knew that he would not be a good barista, so he returned to the coffee shop when the girl usually came to drink coffee. He told the boss that he hoped to be able to make a cup of coffee for the girl he loved, and the girl finally came. He smiled as usual and asked him if he wanted to add angel tears. The girl just nodded. When he was roasting the sugar cube in whisky with fire, his tears fell and mingled with the wine. fearing that his illness would spread to the girl, he had a whim, lit the wine in the cup and poured the coffee into the cup. the girl looked at the burning coffee and smiled happily. She said she had never tasted such delicious angel tears before. The next time the girl came, the barista had gone nowhere because of illness. She waited for him to come over with a smile as usual and asked him if he wanted to add angel tears, while the coffee shop owner told her about angel tears coffee. Listening to the story, the girl left the coffee shop silently with tears. In the following days, she has been to many cities and coffee shops. She hopes that after she has ordered bitter coffee, someone will walk behind her silently and ask him if he wants the tears of an angel at home, but she has never heard or met again.

From this very touching love story, we can know that there is still true love in the world. I hope those who are in love now, or those who play with friends, should cherish everything in front of them, because he is the most real.