Coffee review

The world spread that shepherds in Ethiopia discovered coffee for the first time

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It has been more than 1500 years since the first discovery of coffee by shepherds in Ethiopia. This is more than 1500 years full of hardship legends and rich and colorful. In 500 years, the shepherd Caldai was the first to discover the wonderful use of coffee. In 525, the first coffee tree was planted in the Arabian Peninsula. In 1475, the first coffee shop was born in Constantinople. 1615, coffee.

It has been more than 1500 years since the first discovery of coffee by shepherds in Ethiopia. This is more than 1500 years full of hardship legends and rich and colorful.


In 500 years, the shepherd Caldai was the first to discover the wonderful use of coffee.

In 525, the first coffee tree was planted in the Arabian Peninsula.

In 1475, the first coffee shop was born in Constantinople.

In 1615, coffee was introduced into continental Europe from Venice, Italy.

Coffee was introduced into North America in 1620.

In 1690, coffee was introduced into Asia.

In 1723, de Crewe, a French officer, brought coffee seedlings to America.

In 1893, coffee was grown in Kenya and Tanzania.

In 1902, missionaries brought coffee to Yunnan.

In 2000, coffee became the top four drinks in the world, with a record consumption of 400 billion cups a year.