Coffee review

Coffee words commonly used in tasting high-quality coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, We will explain several adjectives or nouns. I would like to remind you that these words are neutral and have no value judgment. Texture, Body,Mouthfeel (texture) refers to the thick and slippery touch of coffee in the mouth, which is proportional to the amount of colloid suspension in coffee. Because the whole mouth will feel the texture, we use "rich" to describe the thick coffee.

We will explain several adjectives or nouns. I would like to remind you that these words are neutral and have no value judgment.

Texture, Body,Mouthfeel (texture) refers to the thick and slippery touch of coffee in the mouth, which is proportional to the amount of colloid suspension in coffee. Since the texture is felt throughout the mouth, we use "rich" to describe thick coffee, while vice versa, we use "thin". Thin coffee tastes like wine or lemonade, while rich coffee tastes like full-fat fresh milk or even syrup.

Finish refers to the feeling of coffee left in the mouth, throat and esophagus after swallowing or spitting it out. Freshness is the main cause of sweetness. After drinking Espresso coffee made from fresh coffee beans, in addition to the aroma of coffee from the mouth to the esophagus and the aftertaste after being stimulated, there will also be a feeling of numbness in the throat, which lasts for about two or three minutes, while the whole intoxicating aftertaste will not disappear until 30 or 40 minutes later. Huigan makes your breath so fragrant that you can't bear to drink water to dilute it; this is very different from the uncomfortable spiciness, irritation and dryness of over-extraction.

Sweet) when we say "the soup is very sweet", it does not necessarily mean that there is a lot of sugar in the soup; similarly, sweetness has two meanings in the words that describe the taste of coffee. The first is the stimulation of sugar on the tip of the tongue, that is, the so-called sweetness; the other means that between Full-City and espresso baking (before and after the start of oil production), as part of the astringent substance disappears, giving the coffee a low-acid, round, soft and rich taste of glycol, reminiscent of syrup; here the tip of the tongue does not have to react.

Irritation, astringency (bitter) these are the characteristics of deep-baked beans, like sour taste, not necessarily uncomfortable. The irritation is a bit like the taste of soda, the feeling of the whole mouth and throat, not just the tongue. Generally speaking, friends who drink American coffee or Saifeng coffee may use "strong" to describe this feature.

Earthiness,Wildness, which is usually found in dried coffee, is, in a way, a flaw in the taste of coffee: it is a slightly irritating feeling like soda, a slightly unpleasant acid mixed with pleasant acid; the sour taste of mocha is typical. Sometimes a small amount of earthy smell or a slightly irritating smell of ginger can energize the coffee and ── actually makes the senses more awake and sharp.

Clean (Clean) coffee is not rustic, not wild, and has no flaws and dazzling features; washed Colombia is an example.

Smooth refers to a sweet espresso that is slightly sour and irritating, occasionally with a little sugar and can be comfortably drunk without milk.

Complexity (Complexity) different levels of characteristics that coexist in the same cup of coffee, high complexity indicates that there are many kinds of sensory stimuli that can be felt; it should be noted that these feelings include the remaining rhyme, not necessarily limited to the present feeling of drinking.

Balance has features that are complex and interesting enough, but none of them stand out.

Depth is a more subjective adjective, which refers to the resonance and appeal beyond sensory stimulation. It is the psychological emotion caused by some meticulous feelings or the complex interaction between different senses. Other commonly used vocabularies are aroma, richness, flavor and varietal distinction or character. Wait a minute, I think some of them are literal, and some of them are too vague and beyond my ability, so I won't write any more. Mastering the vocabulary of these flavors not only enables us to introduce the characteristics of coffee beans in different countries in more detail, but also enables us to describe our tastes and be more aware of our preferences.