Coffee review

The origin and characteristics of mocha pot

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The source of mocha pot, also known as direct-fire Italian coffee pot or semantic mocha pot, is a kind of traditional Italian coffee utensils. Italian mocha pot (Moka Express) comes from the name, because it is related to mocha coffee (Mocha), originated in 1933 invented by Mr. Alfonso Bialetti in Italy, only because of this coffee utensil invented by Mr. Bialetti.

摩卡壶的来源 和 摩卡壶的特色

The origin of mocha pots

Mocha pot, also known as straight fire Italian coffee pot or Italian mocha pot, is a traditional Italian coffee appliance. Moka Express from the name, that he and Mocha coffee (Mocha) related, originated in 1933 by Italy's Alfonso Bialetti invented, only because Mr. Bialetti invented this coffee appliance, named "Moka" and "Mocha" under the same meaning caused confusion, but also let many people mistakenly think that the use of this coffee pot will be able to cook Mocha coffee, or think that this coffee pot is dedicated to cooking Mocha coffee! Over time, mocha pots naturally became symbolic of home-style Espresso coffee, as almost every Italian family has one because of its ease of use. Because mocha pot is too popular in Italy, even in Europe, mocha pot can be said to be a must-have coffee appliance, so it causes one of the best and most extensive gifts for relatives and friends, so many manufacturers will mocha pot shape is very beautiful, style design has its own characteristics, classical appearance can be said to be both practical and decorative perfect combination, not only has collection value, of course, more memorable significance.

摩卡壶的来源 和 摩卡壶的特色

Mocha pot features

Elegant and unique shape and variety, simple operation and brewing fast, small size and reasonable price are the main characteristics of mocha pot. Mocha pot no matter how the appearance design, each manufacturer of mocha pot structure are similar, basically can be divided into three parts, such as pot, pot and filter. The Italian mocha pot uses the steam pressure generated in the lower pot to be about 1.5-3.0 atm. When the steam pressure is large enough to penetrate the coffee powder, and the hot water is pushed to the upper pot, the hot water flows through the funnel filter on the way to the coffee powder, and the coffee essence is quickly extracted. The extracted coffee essence has a strong and bitter taste, which is the closest coffee appliance to espresso.

摩卡壶的来源 和 摩卡壶的特色