Coffee review

Coffee cultivation techniques

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee, cocoa and tea are called the three major beverages in the world, and their output, consumption and output value all rank first. In addition to being used as a beverage, coffee can also extract caffeine and coffee oil; in medicine, it can be used as an anesthetic, stimulant and diuretic cardiotonic agent.

Coffee pulp can be used to make wine, vinegar and pectin, to make molasses; dried pulp can be used as animal feed; dried fruit shell can be used as fertilizer, fuel, hard fibreboard; flowers contain essential oils, which can extract high-grade spices.

Coffee is a tropical cash crop that is easy to cultivate, with low management cost, early income and high output value. The rising stars can be harvested in the year of planting, and those who are well managed can be harvested in 20 to 30 years. There are superior natural conditions for the development of coffee production in China. Yunnan, Hainan and Guangdong all have large areas of suitable tree-planting land and rich labor force. In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards and the development of open tourism, China's coffee consumption is gradually increasing.

Domestic production is no longer enough to supply the market, so it is necessary to import coffee every year, so the development of coffee production is of great significance to meet the growing living needs of the people, domestic demand, save foreign exchange and support national construction.

Chinese coffee was first introduced to Taiwan in 1884. In 1908, overseas Chinese brought back large and medium seeds from Malaysia to Hainan Island. From 1912 to 1935, overseas Chinese brought coffee back to Hainan Island from Malaysia, Indonesia and other places for trial cultivation. After liberation, coffee production has developed greatly. In the early 1960s, the planting area of Hainan reached 40, 000 mu, and then most of it was lost due to various reasons. In 1987, coffee production developed rapidly, with a total area of more than 230000 mu, but the price of coffee was low in recent years. 570000 mu, with an output of 889 tons of dried beans.

Biological habit

(1) Botanical characteristics

(2) growth and flowering habits

(3) requirements for environmental conditions

(1) Botanical characteristics

1. Root

Coffee root is a conic root system, and its shape, distribution and depth vary with agro-technical measures, soil conditions and varieties. In the case of a political party, there is a thick and short main root and many developed lateral roots.

According to the observation in Hainan Island, the main roots of 3 ~ 4-year-old fruiting trees of medium-grain coffee are generally about 60 cm deep, and most of the absorbing roots are distributed in the soil layer of 30 cm deep, especially in the soil layer of more than 15 cm. A small part of them are distributed in the soil layer of 30cm to 60cm, and a small amount of absorbing roots are distributed in the soil layer of 60cm and 90cm. The absorbing root is in the topsoil layer, thick and white, and the soil layer below 30 cm is yellow and delicate. The main root is less than 60 cm deep and often becomes slender and extends to the lower layer in the form of absorbing roots. The horizontal distribution of the root system of coffee is generally 15-20 cm beyond the outer edge of the crown.

2. Stem

The stem of coffee, also known as the trunk, is developed from straight branches. The stem is straight, and the tender stem is slightly square, green, round and brown after corking. The length of the Internode of the stem is about 4-7 cm, and the length of the Internode is greatly affected by the environment. Under the condition of excessive shade, the length of the Internode is more than 20 cm. A pair of leaves grow on each node, with upper and lower buds in the axils of the leaves. The upper bud develops into a branch, the lower bud develops into a straight branch, and the straight branch can be cultivated into a trunk (stem). In the same leaf axil, the upper bud is usually produced only once, but the lower bud can be produced many times.

3. Leaves

Simple leaves opposite, individual with 3 whorls, green, leathery glossy, elliptic to long elliptic. The leaf size varies with different varieties, the leaf size of the small seed species is the smallest, about 12 "16" 5 "7 cm, the leaf of the middle grain species is the largest, about 20" 24 "8" 10 cm, and the leaf of the large seed species is about 17 "12" 16 "5" 7 cm, 20 "6" 8 cm. The leaf edge shape of different varieties is also different. most of the middle grain species are wavy leaf margin, the small grain species have smaller ripples, and the large grain species have no ripples or ripples are not obvious.

4. Flowers

Several to dozens of flowers are clustered in the axils of leaves, and the second to fifth flowers are planted on a flower axis. The flowers are white and fragrant. The petals of medium and small seed species are generally 5, and the petals of large seed species are 7-8. Flowers tubular, Terete. The number of stamens is the same as the number of petals, stamen stigma bifid, ovary inferior, generally 2-loculed, but also 1-loculed or 3-loculed. Insect-pollinated flowers, large-grain species and small-grain species can self-pollinate, while medium-grain species can be cross-pollinated.

5. Fruit

The fruit is a drupe, usually containing 2 seeds, as well as single and 3 seeds. Coffee fruit can be divided into the following parts:

(1) exocarp, a thin leathery layer, green at the end of maturity, light green at near maturity, bright red or purplish red at full maturity.

(2) the mesocarp, or pulp, is a layer of pulp with sweetness and mixed fiber.

(3) endocarp, also known as seed shell, is a layer of horny shell composed of stone cells.

(4) seed kernel includes seed coat (silver coat), endosperm, cotyledon, embryo stem and so on.

Growth and flowering habits

1. Trunk growth and crown formation

The coffee tree has obvious apical dominance, and the branches at the top of the tree grow vigorously. However, this apical dominance phenomenon weakened with the increase of the trunk year by year. Generally, in the 4th year, the trunk began to grow slowly upward, while the middle and lower parts of the plant germinated straight branches.

Coffee seedlings begin to grow the first pair of branches when they grow 9-12 pairs of true leaves (6-9 pairs of true leaves for small seeds). In the year of planting, because the root system is not yet developed, it generally grows only 4-6 pairs of branches. The growth began to increase in the second year, and there were generally 7-12 pairs of branches. In the third year, the growth was the highest, with an average of 14-15 pairs of branches and 16-18 branches if well managed. At this time, a small amount of two branches were produced in the lower layer, which began to form a crown and bear a small amount of fruit. The fourth year entered the fruiting period, and then the trunk growth slowed down gradually. Under natural growth conditions, medium-grain coffee is as high as 6-8 meters, small-grain coffee up to 4-6 meters, and large-grain coffee up to more than 10 meters.

The growth of the main stem of coffee has an obvious top dominance phenomenon. there are two kinds of buds in the axil of the main leaf, and the upper bud develops into a horizontal branch, which is called a branch, the branch on the first branch is called the second branch, and the branch on the second branch is called the third branch. the branches irregularly drawn from the first and second branches are called secondary branches.

The growth habits of coffee branches often vary with different varieties and environmental conditions. the main fruiting branch of medium-grain coffee is one branch, and the second and third branches are less, even if there are, the fruit is less, so more dry shaping should be adopted. In addition to the first branch, the second and third branches of small seed coffee are also good fruiting branches. in the high altitude area with warm and cool climate, the trunk grows sturdily, the internodes are short, the second and third branches grow luxuriantly, and the fruit is good, so it is appropriate to adopt single-stem shaping to make full use of the second and third branches. However, in the low altitude area with high temperature and heavy rain, the trunk grows rapidly, and the second and third branches are seldom produced, so it is suitable to adopt multi-dry shaping.

2. Flowering habits

Coffee flowers grow in the axils of the leaves, branches and trunk leaf axils can form flower buds, but mainly on the branches. The flower bud formation of coffee is closely related to the internal nutrients and environment of the branch. the flower buds of medium-grain species began to develop in late July and those of small-grain species began to develop from October to November. Flower buds can also be formed on the branches of that year.

The flowering period of coffee varies with different varieties and environments. medium-grain species bloom one after another in Hainan Island from November to June of the following year, and the flowering period is from February to April. The flowering period of small seed is from March to May.

When the coffee flower bud develops to the final stage, it needs a certain humidity and temperature to bloom. In case of drought or low temperature, the flower bud can not open or open star-shaped flowers. The flowers between normal flowers and star-shaped flowers are called near-normal flowers. The petals of star flowers are small, pointed, hard, unscented, yellow or light red, and the fertility rate is very low or sterile. Nearly normal flowers can bear fruit, but the fertility rate is lower than that of normal flowers.

In the flowering period, in case of drought, irrigation can increase normal flowers and reduce stellate flowers.

Medium-and small-grain coffee flowers usually bloom at 3: 5 in the morning and bloom at 5-7, when the temperature is below 10. The buds can only open at C, and the temperature is 13. When the flower bud is above C, the bud can not open normally.

3. Result habit

The weather has a great influence on the fertility of coffee, especially the weather change within 2 days after flowering. Sunny or cloudy days after flowering, calm wind, high air humidity, which is beneficial to fertility. If you encounter drought, northwest wind or continuous heavy rain after flowering, it is not conducive to fertility.

The development of coffee fruit is slow at the initial stage, the fruit grows fastest 4-6 months after flowering of medium-grain species, and the fruit grows fastest 2-3 months after flowering of small-grain species. Coffee fruit has the phenomenon of falling fruit and dried fruit during its development, which is mainly affected by the nutrient status of the plant in addition to the weather. Therefore, it is possible to reduce fruit drop and dried fruit and increase yield by strengthening fertilization management and improving the nutrient status of plants.

The time from flowering to ripening is 8-10 months for small-grain coffee, 9-11 months for small-grain coffee, 10-12 months for medium-grain coffee and 10-12 months for medium-grain coffee, maturing from November of that year to May of next year, and the full ripening period is from February to March.

Requirements for environmental conditions

Coffee is native to tropical Africa. The origin of the small seed species is the tropical plateau of Ethiopia. It is between 900 and 1800 meters above sea level with an average annual temperature of 19. C; the mid-grain species is native to the tropical rain forest of the Congo, with an average annual temperature of 2126 at an altitude of less than 900 meters. C . Their origins are shaded or semi-shaded forests and river valleys, so the formation of coffee requires calm, cool and humid environmental conditions.

1. Different varieties of coffee have different requirements for temperature. Small seeds need a cooler climate, with an annual average temperature of 19-21. Between C. The monthly average temperature dropped to 12.7. At C, the plant grew slowly and the daily absolute lowest temperature was 4.5. C lasted for an hour, and the newly drawn terminal buds and young leaves were damaged. One. One. At C, frost was formed on the long surface of leaves, and water-stained patches appeared on the back of leaves after the temperature rose, which could be recovered by light victims, but in severe cases, a large number of leaves fell and branches withered, and affected the normal differentiation and development of flower buds, resulting in a sharp decrease in yield. Medium-grain coffee needs a higher temperature, and the annual average temperature should be 23-25. Between C. The most suitable night temperature for flower bud development is 20: 21. C, the most suitable temperature for flowering is 17: 20. C, less than 10. At C, it is not conducive to flowering and pollination, such as the temperature drops to 2. C, the leaves show the phenomenon of cold injury.

2. Rainfall

The rainfall in the world's coffee producing areas is generally between 1000 and 1800mm, some as low as 760mm and some as high as 2500 mm (see table 7). The annual rainfall is more than 1250 mm and is evenly distributed, which is most suitable for the growth and development of coffee. If the dry season is too long, the growth will be inhibited, which is not conducive to the development of flower buds, abnormal flowers will increase, and the fertility rate will decrease. If there are too many Rain Water, it is easy to cause the branches to grow and the blossom and fruit to decrease. The annual rainfall of Lujiang Farm in Yunnan Province is only 700 mm, and the drought period is as long as 8 months, but the coffee still grows well under the condition of irrigation.

3. Lighting

The world is a semi-shaded crop, in full light, the growth of coffee is inhibited, if the lack of water and fertilizer, there will be premature senility and death. If the shade is too large, the vegetative growth of the plant will be too prosperous, the branches and leaves will grow, and the blossom and fruit will be reduced. The light requirement of coffee varies with variety, development period, soil fertility and water condition. Large-grain species are the most resistant to light, while small-grain species are more light-tolerant than medium-grain species. Under the condition of fertile soil and irrigation, shade may be reduced or not needed; on the contrary, if coffee is grown in areas with thin, high temperature and drought soil, shade should be increased appropriately. Generally, the suitable shade degree is about 60% to 70% in seedling stage, 40% to 50% after planting, and 20% to 40% in peak period.

4. Wind

Coffee needs calm wind environment, typhoon and dry wind are not good for the growth of coffee. When the typhoon reaches level 10 or above, a large number of leaves and fruits will blow off, and some trunk branches will be blown off; after the typhoon, the bark at the junction of the coffee root neck will be worn, causing germs to invade, resulting in a large number of deaths after the wind. Dry wind is extremely disadvantageous to the flowering of coffee.

5. Soil

Coffee has a well-developed root system and grows particularly well in fertile and loose forest soil. Fertile sandy loam or red loam is suitable for growing coffee, while clay with good drainage is disadvantageous to the growth of coffee root system. When the PH value in the soil is lower than 4.5, the root system is underdeveloped.