Coffee review

Along the way, I fell in love with espresso

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The lovers of alcohol, smokers and tea drinkers in the world, whether they are generous, sad, or even hypocritical, are not also looking for a feeling from the bottom of their hearts, and there is always a trace of soul to rely on. The day of drinking coffee can be traced back to five years ago. When a friend came to visit and sent a set of espresso, she said meaningfully when she took it from her friend.

The lovers of alcohol, smokers and tea drinkers in the world, whether they are generous, sad, or even hypocritical, are not also looking for a feeling from the bottom of their hearts, and there is always a trace of soul to rely on.

The day of drinking coffee can be traced back to five years ago. When a friend came to visit and sent a set of espresso, when she took it from her friend, she said meaningfully: be careful not to lose sleep. Open the box, take out the coffee cup, open the coffee bar, brew a cup with boiling water, look at the thick coffee, smell fragrant, just as I imagined the scene, take a sip comfortably, but into the lips is bitter, the yearning for beauty and optimism and the feeling of coffee always backfire, just like our life, insipid, even if occasionally unsatisfactory, but also have to accept the bitterness calmly and silently.

It was based on this first feeling that I actually drank espresso later. This kind of coffee has an irresistible charm. at first, it smells very fragrant. When the first sip is taken, what is enriched in the mouth is the sweetness and softness of a large number of milk bubbles. After the second sip, what is tasted is the bitterness and richness of the original taste of coffee beans. Finally, the taste stays in the lips, and it seems that there is a mellow and meaningful taste, bitterness, sweetness and a touch of light.

Along the way, fell in love with Italian-style coffee01

Now espresso has been on my table for several years. I always like to watch the gray whirlpool inside, enjoy the coffee and milk hugging each other, and the aroma is constantly spreading in front of my eyes. Mouthful, cup by cup, gradually fell in love with espresso, but also more and more like her rich, pure and fragrant. This comfortable and comfortable feeling has been with me all the time, drinking like sweetness and fragrance in my mouth and nose, which makes me fall into indescribable charm, which is really unforgettable.

Sometimes I don't know whether I'm drinking coffee or feeling. The lovers of alcohol, smokers and tea drinkers in the world, whether they are generous, sad, or even hypocritical, are not also looking for a feeling from the bottom of their hearts, and there is always a trace of soul to rely on. And I, in the coffee to find their own feeling, but also hope that this feeling will remain forever.