Coffee review

Introduction of coffee beans and some boutique coffee in the main producing areas of coffee beans in the world (1)

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Introduction of coffee beans and some boutique coffee in the main coffee producing areas of the world: South America

South America




Brazil Santos No.2 Brazil Santos No.2

Brazil Yellow bourbon Brazil Yellow Bourbon


Columbia Premium Colombia Supremo

Columbia Super St. Augustine Colombia Supremo San Agustin

Columbia Super Armenian Colombia Supremo Armenia

Columbia Superior Ulla Colombia Supremo Huila


Ecuador S.H.B Ecuador S.H.B


Bolivia S.H.G Karanawi Bolivia S.H.G Caranavi


Peru S.H.G Organic Coffee Peru S.H.G Organic


Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world. Because of the vast territory of Brazil, each farm has its own unique fragrance, no doubt, but also with the standard flavor of Brazil. Not only the coffee quality standard in Brazil is very strict, but also the coffee raw bean processing system in Brazil has reached a very high level from the world standard.

NO.2 of Santos, Brazil | BRAZIL SANTOS NO.2

Because most traditional Brazilian coffee is processed by natural drying (coffee seeds: drying before the pulp is removed), the syrup in the pulp remains in the raw beans, so it has a sweet taste. Brazilian coffee processed in this way is the most common raw bean in boutique coffee stores. Coffee grown on an Arabica coffee tree called Bourbon is also common in Brazil. Among the coffee produced in this way, the best quality coffee is generally referred to as "Santos No.2 (Santos No 2)".

In addition, only those planted on coffee bourbon trees are called "bourbon Santos No.2 (Bourbon Santos No.2)". Santos comes from the name of the port that transports Brazilian coffee. "2" means the highest level of coffee quality. In wholesale circulation, generally remove "2", only known as "Brazil Santos" or "Brazil Bourbon Santos".

Fragrance characteristics:

Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste

Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian

Variety: Criolla

Processing Method: Natural, Semi-Washed

Species: Arabica

Profile: sweet aroma, fruit notes, clean cup and pleasant aftertaste

Brazil Yellow Bourbon | BRAZIL YELLOW BOURBON

Generally speaking, coffee fruit appears red when it is ripe. But the yellow bourbon coffee is yellow, which is the origin of the phrase "yellow (yellow)". Compared with other coffee trees, the production of yellow bourbon coffee tree is relatively low and its cultivation is very difficult. Yellow bourbon coffee beans appear bright yellow when they are fully ripe, and the processed roasted coffee beans are dry and sweet with a special nutty aroma (nutty).

The cultivated area is located at about 1100 meters above sea level, with an annual precipitation of 1800mm to 2000mm. This environment is an ideal condition for coffee cultivation in Brazil. Yellow bourbon is based on mucosal drying and semi-washing (Pulped Natural Method) processing. Although this method removes the pulp directly after the coffee bean is harvested, it retains the mucus that wraps the endocarp of raw beans to dry. As a result, coffee retains its dry aftertaste (clean aftertastes), mild texture and sweet sour taste.

Fragrance characteristics:

Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian

Variety: Criolla

Processing Method: Natural, Semi-Washed

Species: Arabica

Profile: sweet aroma, fruit notes, clean cup and pleasant aftertaste

Summary: a country located in central South Africa and southwest Brazil.

Capital: Brasilia (Brasilia)

Language: Portuguese

Climate: tropical climate, temperate climate

Religion: Roman Catholic 73.6%, Protestant 15.4%

Exchange rate: 1BRL = 3.11 yuan

Population: about 191.91 million (2008)

Production area: Baiha, Parana, Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais (Cerrado), Rio de Janeiro, Espiritu Santo, Goias Variety: Typica, Bourbon, Mundo Nuevo, Catuai, Catttura, Catimor, Maragogype, Others Harvest time: may to August planting height: 800m~1200m Grade: No2, No3 processing method: Dry-Process, Wet-Process



Up to now, Colombia is the largest coffee producer after Brazil and Vietnam. The well-known Colombian Coffee Association (better known for its most successful marketing of national coffee brand image marketing) monitors the quality of Colombian coffee exported overseas and is actively involved in coffee Renewd investment. Although the production volume is not as high as Brazil, most of the coffee produced in Colombia is the highest quality coffee raw beans, which has a great influence on the world coffee market.

As long as you are a coffee expert, you will recognize the uniformity of the highest quality of Colombian coffee. In particular, the Colombian coffee premium beans, which are proud of their rich aroma and are the largest in size, mean the highest grade coffee when classified according to the strict coffee standards specified by the Colombian government. Columbia Premium Coffee is cleaned by a water-washing process to cleanly remove the sour taste and separate the residue. Through this process, not only the skin, but also the pulp and even the mucus part will fall off. Of course, this cleaning process does not need to be dried and can be carried out directly after the coffee is harvested. After cleaning, it is put into the enzyme solution again, and then the pulp and mucus that have not been removed are removed by the washing process.

Columbia Premium | COLOMBIA SUPREMO

As long as you are a coffee expert, you will recognize the uniformity of the highest quality of Colombian coffee. In particular, the Colombian coffee premium beans, which are proud of their rich aroma and are the largest in size, mean the highest grade coffee when classified according to the strict coffee standards specified by the Colombian government. Columbia Premium Coffee is cleaned by a water-washing process to cleanly remove the sour taste and separate the residue. Through this process, not only the skin, but also the pulp and even the mucus part will fall off. Of course, this cleaning process does not need to be dried and can be carried out directly after the coffee is harvested. After cleaning, it is put into the enzyme solution again, and then the pulp and mucus that have not been removed are removed by the washing process.

Flavor characteristics: Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian Variety: Cattura, Typica Processing Method: Washed Species: Arabica Flavor: bright acidity, intensely aromatic, heavy in body

Columbia Premium St. Augustine | COLOMBIA SUPREMO SAN AGUSTIN

St. Augustine is located in the Uila region of southern Colombia. Because it is located in the cliff area, the transportation infrastructure is very imperfect. In addition, due to frequent civil wars, the region has become one of the areas where robberies and robberies often occur in the transportation of raw coffee beans. St. Augustine is an area with a natural environment for producing premium coffee. Rich groundwater, fertile volcanic ash soil, suitable altitude, rich precipitation and suitable amount of light are very favorable environments for the production of the highest quality coffee. The coffee brand in Uila is & # 39; Uila & # 39; although it is easy to be confused, it will not be confused if you know it is St. Augustine coffee in Uila. St. Augustine is located in the south of Uila. Most of them are mainly Arabica tin cards, which are cultivated in the shade. Generally, it is picked by hand, and most of the processing methods are natural drying.

Flavor characteristics: Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian Variety: Cattura, Typica Processing Method: Washed Species: Arabica Flavor: bright acidity, intensely aromatic, heavy in body


Armenia is a city in the Jindio region of central Colombia. The area is famous for its traditional large-scale coffee plantations and the best climate for coffee production. Because the Andes pass through here, the wild natural environment is also very common. The rich rivers and fresh water around the area are conducive to the effective production of coffee. The soil is also very fertile, which plays a great role in coffee cultivation. The way raw beans are processed is not much different from that in other parts of Colombia.

Flavor characteristics: Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian Variety: Cattura, Typica Processing Method: Washed Species: Arabica Flavor: bright acidity, intensely aromatic, heavy in body


Uila, located in southwestern Colombia, is one of the major coffee growing areas. Because there are famous coffee cultivation places in the Uila area, the names of each small area have become brand names and circulated. Although the cultivation conditions in this area are also very good, the cultivation infrastructure of coffee cultivation farm and surrounding conditions is not well developed. It is a great pity that the raw bean drying equipment or washing processing facilities are not perfect. The coffee in Wuila area has a strong taste and a heavy texture. In particular, the coffee in Uila area can be called high-quality coffee with the aroma of nuts, chocolate and caramel and suitable acidity.

Flavor characteristics: Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian Variety: Cattura, Typica Processing Method: Washed Species: Arabica Flavor: bright acidity, intensely aromatic, heavy in body

Summary: a country at the northwestern end of the South African continent

Capital: Santa Fe Bogota (Santa Fe de Bogota)

Language: Spanish

Climate: tropical rainy climate, * zonal climate

Religion: Roman Catholic 90%

Population: about 450.11 million (2008)

Production area: Manizales, Armania, Meddelin, Huila, San Augustin, Narino, Popayan, Bucaramanga

Production varieties: Typica, Bourbon, Cattura, Others

Harvest period: October to December, April to June

Planting height: 800m~1900m

Grade: Supremo, Execlso, U.G.Q, Caracoli

Processing method: Wet-processed



Ecuador is a country with all the conditions for producing the highest quality coffee. Geographically located between Colombia and Peru, the inland mountains provide sufficient altitude for the production of high-quality SHB (Strictly Hard Bean: hard beans produced in the mountains). In addition to good climatic conditions, there is also fertile soil for the production of Ecuadorian coffee. Although these natural coffee production conditions are available, Ecuadorian coffee has not been recognized in the market.

Ecuador S.H.B | ECUADOR S.H.B

Ecuadorian coffee has a lot of potential in terms of natural conditions. Factors such as suitable altitude, climate and soil are not inferior to the natural conditions in other areas where the highest grade coffee is produced. Ecuador SHB mainly adopts cool cultivation method (planting tall crops such as bananas around coffee trees to create an artificial shady environment to slow down the ripening rate of coffee beans, so as to produce higher quality coffee), and has been certified as an organic farmer for many times. Ecuador SHB has a floral aroma and a sweet taste like hazelnut and apple. Although it does not have the strong and complex aroma of alpine coffee in South America, it exudes a mild and sweet chocolate fragrance.

Flavor characteristics: Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian Variety: Typica Processing Method: Washed Species: Arabica Flavor: sweet aroma, nice round body, well balanced

Summary: countries located in the northwest of the South African continent

Capital: Quito (Quito)

Language: Spanish, Quechua

Climate: low temperature and little rain

Religion: Catholicism 95%

Population: about 13.93 million (2008)

Per capita GDP: 4059 $(2009)

Production area: El Guabo, Espindola

Production varieties: Typica, Bourbon, Others

Harvest period: November to January

Planting height: 500m~1200m

Grade: S.H.B, H.B

Processing method: Wet-processed



Bolivia, located near Brazil, South America's largest coffee producer, is still a place unknown to many coffee lovers. But the country is famous for producing high-quality coffee and has good conditions for coffee cultivation and production as well as Brazil. Bolivian raw beans are large and uniform in size, and the green ones are high-quality raw beans.

The majority of Bolivian coffee varieties are Cadura and Tippica coffee produced in the traditional way. Bolivian coffee is mostly cultivated by organic farmers and is currently exported through fair trade to European consumer countries such as Germany and the Netherlands. Bolivian coffee is famous for its high quality, thanks to fertile land suitable for coffee growth. Although it is not yet famous in the world, its quality will be greatly improved under the natural planting environment, coupled with the support of cooperatives for cultivation techniques and seedlings.

Bolivia S.H.G Karanawi | BOLIVIA S.H.G CARANAVI

Bolivia's Karanawi has a bright sour taste like lemon and citrus aromas, as well as a hint of chocolate. Bolivian Karanawi coffee has a refreshing and pleasant sour taste, but its sour taste is not particularly prominent and blends well with other flavors. It is characterized by a lingering aftertaste of dry taste.

Flavor characteristics: Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian Variety: Criolla Processing Method: Washed Species: Arabica Profile: sweet aroma, fruit notes, clean cup and pleasant aftertaste


Summary: a country located in central South Africa and southwest Brazil.

Capital: la Paz (administration), Sucre (justice)

Language: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara

Climate: temperate climate, * zonal climate

Religion: 95% Catholic, 5% Protestant

Population: about 9.25 million (2008)

Monetary unit: Bolivian currency (boliviano)

) per capita GDP:1723 $(2009)

Production area: San Ignacio, Caranavi

Production varieties: Typica, Bourbon, Criolla, Others

Harvest period: may to August

Planting height: 1000-1800m

Grade: S.H.G, H.G

Processing method: Wet-Process



Peruvian coffee is grown in an area with a temperature of 18 to 26 degrees and annual precipitation of 700~1500mm, 100% made up of Arabica varieties and certified as an organic farmer by the International Association for Organic crop Development (CCIA). A mild, light coffee producer with a mixture of fresh cheese and caramel, with a sweet aftertaste.

Peru S.H.G Organic Coffee | PERU S.H.G ORGANIC

Peruvian coffee grows in the high mountains of the Andes, and this special height has the conditions for producing fresh, aromatic, sweet, medium-textured coffee. Peru has become a producer of organic coffee by benefiting some importers and exporters in order to obtain investment in farms and processing plants that meet the standards of organic farmers. Like coffee in other South American countries, Peruvian coffee is not well known in the coffee market. Large sales organizations in places such as Colombia or Brazil specialize in advertising, but Peru has no strategy for sales or exports. Although the popularity is not very high, it does not mean it is tasteless. Some people think Peruvian coffee is more delicious than Brazilian or Colombian coffee. Flavor characteristics: Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian Variety: Cattura, Typica, Bourbon Processing Method: Washed Species: Arabica Flavor: Bright, chocolate, walnut aroma, rich smooth body

Summary: countries on the Pacific Rim of Central South Africa

Capital: Lima (Lima)

Language: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara

Climate: * belt climate

Religion: Roman Catholic 81%

Population: about 29.18 million (2008)

Production area: Chanchamaya, Cuzco, Las Delicias

Production varieties: Typica, Bourbon, Catttura, Pache, Others

Harvest period: may to November

Planting height: 1200m~2000m

Grade: S.H.G, H.G

Processing method: Wet-Process

Features: Bright, chocolate, walnut aroma, with rich smooth body and sweet aftertast (image insert)