Coffee review

The etiquette and customs of drinking coffee and black tea are different.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When drinking coffee or tea, if you are supplying cube sugar, you should use a special clip (by hand when there is no clip). Instead of using a teaspoon to get cube sugar. When drinking coffee or tea, you should pick up the cup and drink it without making a noise. When drinking, it is best to hold the teacup with a tea tray in one hand to prevent coffee or tea juice from dripping onto the clothes. When drinking, the teaspoon should be placed on the teapot, not in the teacup. You can't take tea.

When drinking coffee or tea, if you are supplying cube sugar, you should use a special clip (by hand when there is no clip). Instead of using a teaspoon to get cube sugar. When drinking coffee or tea, you should pick up the cup and drink it without making a noise. When drinking, it is best to hold the teacup with a tea tray in one hand to prevent coffee or tea juice from dripping onto the clothes. When drinking, the teaspoon should be placed on the teapot, not in the teacup. You can't take a teaspoon and scoop it up. When others are making a toast, they must put down their cutlery and stop eating, instead of continuing to eat and drink.

Black tea cups and saucers should be placed on the right or front of the body. After putting the sugar and milk, stir well with a teaspoon, then put the teaspoon on the outside of the teacup on the plate, move the cup ear to the right, and hold the cup ear with your right hand to drink. Incidentally, when drinking afternoon tea and refreshments, do not hold a teacup in one hand and food in the other, drinking and eating alternately. This is really very annoying and is likely to be criticized as uneducated. It is common sense that teacups must be put down when eating food and food must be put down when drinking tea.

As for eating western snacks, be sure to use a fork when attending formal occasions. When eating, you should start cutting from the left corner of the food near your side. But for cakes that are too crisp or broken, if you can't afford a fork, you can shovel them with fork noodles. But ordinary sandwiches are inconvenient to cut, so pick them up and eat them with your hands.