Coffee review

The name Papa Palheta gets from drinking coffee is not just about drinking coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It sounds a little mysterious. But go to Papa Palheta in Wuji Zhi Road, a bit remote, not easy to find baking place and guest experience, you can understand what he means. Drinking coffee is not just about drinking coffee. There is no charge for coffee. Just tip the chef at 3: 00 p. M. on a Tuesday. The small reception room is full. In the open courtyard, sitting in one corner

It sounds a little mysterious. But go to Papa Palheta in Wuji Zhi Road, a bit remote, not easy to find baking place and "guest seat" experience, you can understand what he means. Drinking coffee is not just about drinking coffee.

There is no charge for coffee, just tip the master at will.

At 3: 00 p. M. on a Tuesday, the small reception room was full. In the open courtyard, in one corner sat a man and a woman, talking to an iPad. In the other corner is an African-American man who feels like a yuppie and is working attentively to Macbook. It's the same in there. Customers look like they are dressed according to the fashion pages of Monocle magazine, and they feel like designers, creators, college students, and maybe there are rich young people who don't have to work and have leisure taste, at the age of 30.

Around the counter are five or six coffee makers in their early 20s, who concentrate on the cooking methods, and the air is filled with the atmosphere of a manual workshop, harmonious and happy.

Then the door opened and two graphic designer boys came in and raised their hands to say hello to Fu Zexiang. Although yuppie here is not high-profile and indifferent, you can say that it is a coffee shop of the new generation: once born, twice cooked, and exchanged with familiar customers who can name and say their origins. Look for it with all your heart, just to have a good cup of coffee.

It is advocated here that drinking coffee is a kind of coffee experience with facial features, which allows you to touch the coffee, smell it and drink it. When you come to Papa Palheta, you are the guest of the workshop. There is no charge for coffee. Just drop some money into the tip box and give it to the coffee maker as you like (but there is a note suggesting tip: between 4 and 5 yuan).

The origin of the name Papa Palheta:

Francisco de Melo Palheta can be called the father of Brazilian coffee beans. Coffee beans were in high demand in 1727 and were as precious as oil today. Brazil coveted this high-profit market and sent Palheta to steal coffee saplings in the name of French and Dutch peacemakers in French Guiana.

The suave Palheta soon won the favor of the wife of the local French ruler. On the day he left, her wife sent him a bouquet of flowers with a small coffee sapling hidden inside. This sexual history has made Brazil one of the largest coffee kingdoms in the world today.

Francisco de Melo Palheta can be called the father of Brazilian coffee beans.