Coffee review

The Turks are famous for their peculiar taste in coffee fortune telling.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Turkish coffee is famous for its peculiar taste, which comes from the peculiar way of preparing coffee. Its taste is recognized as the most original taste of coffee, but also a taste with a long history. This is a real way to make coffee. It grinds the roasted coffee beans into powder and boils them directly with water in a special Turkish pot.

Turkish coffee is famous for its peculiar taste, which comes from the peculiar way of preparing coffee. Its taste is recognized as the most "original" taste of coffee, and it is a taste with a long history.

This is a real way to make coffee. It grinds roasted coffee beans into powder and boils them directly with water in a special Turkish pot without filtration, which is why Turkish coffee tastes stronger than other coffee. Because of this, when you drink the very strong coffee, you will find a thick and soft coffee residue at the bottom of the cup.

Coffee has long been a social culture in Turkey. There is a Turkish proverb called "drink your cup of Turkish coffee and remember your friendship for forty years". Coffee shares Turks' memories of peace, friendship, love and respect. In Turkey, no matter how small the village is, there is a coffee shop called "kahvehane".

The coffee shops on the streets of Turkey are not just coffee shops, many also have game functions, just like chess and card rooms in China. Here, men can chat over coffee and play Turkey's unique tavla game. Men smoking hookahs are often seen in coffee shops in Istanbul. For Turkish women, talking about family affairs over a cup of coffee is leisurely, and the gossip after divination is enough to kill an afternoon.

Istanbul Cafe has a transparent glass room, and Turkish coffee divination is carried out every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 3pm. After drinking the Turkish coffee, the tourist handed the cup to the diviner. The diviner will dump the coffee residue from your cup on the plate, and when the coffee residue cools, he will make divination about the future according to the natural pattern on the plate. It takes about 15 minutes for each divination.

Everyone in Turkish cafes is a diviner.

It is the habit of almost all Turks to have a cup of coffee in Turkey and predict the fortune of the year. Just as China likes to criticize eight-character fortune-telling, Turks make divination based on the shape of the coffee grounds in the cup after drinking the coffee. Turkish caffeine has become the only fortune-telling coffee in the world.

Coffee shops are already very lively in Turkey, and the streets are full of signs of coffee shops. In that case, wizards and wizards walking through coffee shops have become another sight and culture of Turkish coffee shops. In the New year, their shuttling figure adds a little more excitement. Coffee fans around the world who understand the principles of Turkish coffee divination also regard Turkish coffee as a must-drink for the New year.

However, ordinary Turks seldom hire diviners, just as nine times out of ten Chinese can read palms, and Turks can tell a thing or two about the shape of coffee grounds on the inner wall of coffee. For example, the crescent shape reminds you to be modest and prudent, impatient and easy to do bad things; for example, the full moon, blessed by the god of luck, can confidently set out to the goal. If we make coffee divination clear, we need to write a thick monograph, and so far there is no monograph on coffee divination that can exhaust the principles, techniques and anecdotes of coffee divination.

The steps of coffee divination

Step 1

Taste the coffee slowly, then cover the plate over the coffee cup.

Step 2

Shake the cup and plate slightly, thinking about the problem of divination, and then carefully reverse the cup and plate.

Step 3

Rest the cup and plate on the table and wait for the temperature at the bottom of the cup to cool.

Step 4

Open the cup carefully and you can make divination according to the pattern in the cup.

Step 5

Finally, you can also use the current on the plate to make a wish for divination.

Full moon: it means that today is a very lucky day. Luck will be on your side unswervingly. No matter what you do, you will succeed.

Half-moon type: today will be a smooth day, be able to cooperate with others smoothly, complete the work in accordance with the plan in advance, and make a small fortune if you seize the opportunity today.

March type: there will be some small troubles in work and life. As long as you adjust your mood and put down the bad things, you will still be able to achieve your goals.

Crescent type: extremely bad day, everything should be careful, remember to calm down, lest sexual emergency bad things, resulting in an uncontrollable. Everything is treated with a normal mind, patience and modesty can not guarantee the problem.

Other types: there are no signs of anything, God knows what will happen, anyway, this day is thrilling and exciting, but as long as you are normal, nothing bad will happen.

The meaning represented by common patterns

A four-legged animal or tree

It usually represents success, such as a promotion in the job, success in the exam, obtaining a famous position, and so on.

Heart-shaped Y appears

It usually means that love is coming, if there is a heart in the cup, the person who has no object "means that there will be love coming, but if there is a partner at present, it means that the other person will give up his heart to love you. If there are two hearts in the cup, it means that they are close to each other. If you add the circle of the ring, it means that the possibility of marriage is quite high.

The ring appeared.

It usually represents an engagement, or within the last three months, there may be people around you who will get married.

Occurrence of a number or date

It is usually related to the month or date, and special attention should be paid to numbers that are of special significance to individuals. For example, if the eighth of this month has passed and it is now May, it is likely to refer to August.

Appear of the English alphabet

Usually represents someone's surname, maybe C stands for "Zhang", or "Zheng", etc., while K may represent the surname "Jin" and so on.

There are birds or things like birds.

It usually means that there will be some unexpected surprises, or there may be good news. if it is a bird that spreads its wings, it means that something amazing will happen, or something surprising will happen soon.

A blank rectangle

Usually indicates the arrival of wealth, the larger the rectangle, the greater the wealth, so you can buy lottery tickets recently, or pay attention to uniform invoices. As for whether you can keep the money, it depends on the degree of stickiness of the cup and plate at the moment you open it. The tighter it is, the less likely it is to lose money.

A snake-like shape

It usually represents something bad, especially around you, where a small person may appear or be set up. In short, it is best not to have a direct conflict with others; and if it is in the shape of S, it may also have something to do with the surname, such as "Xie" or "Xu".

Appear tubular

If there is a tube on the wall of the coffee cup, it usually means travel, or there is going to be something about migration. The longer the shape of the pipe, the farther you want to go, while if it is an impassable pipe at the end, it means that the journey is blocked and it is not easy to travel.

Appear in the eyes

It usually means to be envied. The more eyes appear, the more serious the situation is, and you should pay more attention to your words and deeds.

Appear circles, lines, triangles

The appearance of a circle usually represents some good things, such as success; the appearance of a straight line indicates success; and the appearance of a triangle also represents success, but it is mostly related to the entertainment, communication and art circles.

The appearance of stars or patterns related to constellations.

If there is a star shape, it usually means that dreams and wishes come true. If there is a zodiac sign, or a symbol, it indicates the nature of something. For example, Aries represents impulsive action, while Libra may have something to do with love.

If the coffee grounds can't be scattered on the wall of the cup

It means that the diviner is under a lot of pressure at present. if there is some gap between the cup wall and the cup wall, it means that there is still room for thinking. if not, it means that the diviner needs to talk to someone and try to talk about the pressure in his heart.

There are unicorns.

A unicorn usually indicates the secrets and fantasies in someone's heart. If there is a unicorn pattern, it usually means that there are secret secrets in one's heart, such as an affair or a love triangle.

Coffee grounds can be used for divination, and water on a plate can make a wish. When you have finished divination with coffee grounds, first make a wish in your mind, then put the plate up so that the water in the plate flows down the river, and the first injection represents the first wish. The second water injection represents the second wish. and so on. The length of the flow trace represents the time needed to realize the wish, the longer the flow trace, the longer the time it takes to realize the wish, and if the water does not flow, it means that the wish is difficult to realize.