Coffee review

Barista must read.| patting

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, I recommend the dab method, which I believe is the most effective and grounded method for professional baristas. I'm showing it in GIF today. The purpose of the powder is to make the powder particles perfectly evenly distributed and the surface is flat: no voids, no lumps, no cracks, no slopes. Note that I am talking about perfect uniformity and flatness, not very uniform and smooth. The picture below is imperfect.

I recommend tapping cloth powder, which I believe is the most effective and approachable method for professional baristas. I showed it on GIF today.

The purpose of powder distribution is to make the powder particles perfectly uniform and smooth: no voids, no turning blocks, no cracks, no bevel, note that I am talking about perfect uniformity and leveling, not very uniform and flat.

The following picture is not perfect.

This one is not perfect either.

This one is perfect.

Even the slightest imperfection is unacceptable, and your cloth powder is not as flat as Tiger Woods swings in the hole area of a top golf course, which means you haven't done a good job yet. There's nothing to say. Don't tell me that the bar is too busy to make it so perfect. The whole process is less than 3 seconds.

In order to achieve the extreme of cloth powder, both horizontal and vertical powder should be considered.

Tap cloth powder horizontally

Pat the powder bowl with the palm of your hand to make the powder fall into the edge of the powder bowl and make the powder density more uniform. It's a small skill, but once you're good at it, you can't go back.

It's too heavy.

It's too light.

The powder bowl is uneven.

Don't think about it, try the speed and angle of the tap a few times, or even try ways that you don't think will work. Practice a few more times and you can reach the state of cloth powder you want.

This state should be reached.

Soon you will be proficient at this within the allotted time.

Vertically tap cloth powder

Vertical powder distribution can lower the powder layer, discharge voids, and increase the powder density.

Vertical powder distribution can be before or after the horizontal, in most cases, before the horizontal, especially when the powder is piled high. There are also flour that is too tight and then used vertically. some bean grinders produce powder more fluffy, others are more compact, and then use vertical comparison to get rid of the tight powder.

I don't have empirical data on who comes first and which is better.

To aim at a fixed number of fans, you have to count several piers for each one. And to fix the height, you need to be able to train and eventually fix it. If you chop the powder when you are grinding, it will be the same every time. You can do whatever you want. the only requirement is to do the same every time no matter how you do it. Usually I do two piers, either on the fork handle or on the edge of the table.

Do not shake or shake the handle quickly, the fork handle is very fragile, do not use rubber powder pad.


Show anxiety about caking. Poke one with your finger to see if it broke up immediately. Think about how much powder you use and the water pressure of 110 pounds per square inch. In this case, do you still have caking?

Fine powder

The fine powder will fall into the cup, which is also an expression of anxiety. This forms the insoluble solid part of a cup of espresso, which brings a good touch. Avoid fine powder falling into the cup unless you don't need pressurized water to extract.

Matt, you are so idealistic. Wake up.

Ask your barista to make two near-perfect concentrates. One cup of cloth powder is not very uniform, and the other cup is as uniform as possible. Blind test. The result may sadly remind you of the bad past when you gave a defective cup to a customer.

Uniformity and consistency are the two most important points. Forget the awesome cloth moves.

Take some time to flatten out your hole!

Article source: Hongliang boutique coffee