Coffee review

Play baking at home? simple method of baking beans with DIY

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the past, baking beans on a raging campfire was a common ritual for Arabs before drinking coffee. In recent years, baking beans in their own kitchen has also become a trend among coffee groups. Do you also want to try the taste of roasted coffee and listen to the coffee beans jump out of the pleasant rhythm? Today, I would like to introduce several simple methods of baking beans with DIY. one。 Oven baking method

In the past, baking beans on a raging campfire was a common ritual for Arabs before drinking coffee. In recent years, baking beans in their own kitchen has also become a trend among coffee groups. Do you also want to try the taste of roasted coffee and listen to the coffee beans jump out of the pleasant rhythm? Today, I would like to introduce several simple methods of baking beans with DIY.

one。 Oven baking method

Spread the raw beans flat on the baking pan, be careful not to spread too thick at one time, to leave enough space for the hot air to circulate, preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (℃) and bake for about 10 minutes, until the beans gradually turn orange, continue to listen to the bouncing sound of the beans, and observe the color change, when the color is lighter than you want, you can take out the beans and cool quickly with an electric fan, as the remaining heat will continue to function for 2-4 minutes.

Roasting integrated coffee, give play to creativity: mixed roasting of several kinds of coffee beans, truncating strong points to make up for weaknesses, is the characteristics of integrated coffee. You can try using soft Brazilian or Colombian coffee as the base, plus mellow Guatemalan coffee, and then highlight the style with a personalized mocha or Mantenin, and collage your own creative taste according to different proportions and baked degrees.

two。 Fried coffee in domestic iron pan

According to local conditions, you can use the home wok to fry coffee beans, but also can fry fresh and delicious coffee.


1. Spread a layer of raw beans at the bottom of the pot, turn on a small fire in the gas stove (the smallest fire is fully lit, not just the middle circle), and begin to slowly stir the raw beans in the pot.

two。 It's a little tiring to keep turning the spatula, but have you noticed? Just the emerald green raw beans began to change and began to smell of grass.

3. With the gradual loss of moisture, the color begins to turn yellow. Be sure to keep stirring up and down so that the beans in the pan are fully swapped. If you are lazy, the color of the fried coffee beans will be ugly and uneven.

4. The color has changed to a beautiful yellow, wafting out the smell of toast and fried wheat. Come on! It's almost the first explosion! You can turn on the range hood!

5. The "first explosion" begins-making a popping sound like popcorn. Keep stirring, don't stop, turn a little faster! If you used a large amount of firepower previously, you can reduce the firepower slightly at this time.

6. Dandruff begins to float out, which is the silver skin on the surface of raw beans.

7. The color gradually changes to "brown", the bursting sound becomes slower and slower, and gradually stops (the first explosion ends). At this time, it has reached the degree of City baking (also known as urban baking). If you want to do shallow baking, you can stop baking and pour it out to cool.

8. The silver skin keeps flying out, don't worry about it, you can clean it up with a vacuum cleaner later.

9. As the color of the coffee beans gets darker and darker, there will be a second small crushing sound, which is the "second explosion". At this point you have entered Full-City baking. Now you can pour out the coffee beans and cool them with an electric fan and store them in a clean, sealed container when they are cold. By the way, use a vacuum cleaner to clean up the silver skin scattered around you.

10. Then, find a leisurely time and enjoy a cup of coffee that you have baked by yourself.

three。 Baking in a net pan with handle

There are many household baking utensils, all of which are sold on the market, the most common of which is a net pot with a handle. You can put about 100 grams of raw coffee beans at a time.

1. Put the raw coffee beans into a filter and close the lid.

two。 Repeatedly circle and swing to evaporate the water in the beans.

3. After 5-6 minutes of baking, the beans turn light brown.

4. After the first burst, the darker the color.

5. Bake and pour into a plate or basket.

6. Quickly fan the coffee beans with a fan. The baking process is the same as the iron pot, some key points need to be paid attention to. 1. The firepower should not be too strong, otherwise the beans are not baked evenly, there are strong and light, and the taste is very bad. two。 Do not bake quickly over high heat, because the bean heart burns bitterly when overbaked. Be patient.

four。 Baking coffee in self-made milk powder cans

Use milk powder cans to make roasters, use gas as firepower, and automatically remove silver skins. The cost is not 200 yuan, but only a little material cost, you can also DIY to make a practical household coffee roasting equipment.

1. Load the raw beans

Pour 120 grams of coffee raw beans, the amount of raw beans roasted is related to the size of the iron can you use, the bigger the jar, the more raw beans can be baked at one time. Medium-sized milk powder cans of 0.75 kg are recommended because the baking quantity is the most appropriate (120-150 grams each time) and the size and weight are moderate.

2. Start baking

0-3 minutes (start baking): turn the gas stove on a small fire (a fully lit fire, not just a fire with a flame in the center of the core), then turn on the range hood above, and you can start baking! The milk powder can roaster is located directly above the gas stove, and the bottom of the tank is about two centimeters away from the fire, so that the bottom of the milk powder can is as flat as possible to keep the horizontal distance between the bottom of the milk powder can and the gas stove. And then start shaking regularly at intervals.

4-5 minutes: the regular intermittent movement of swinging every two seconds continues. Please be careful not to make the bottom of the jar sink because the arms are getting sore. If the position of the jar is too low, the flame will burn the raw beans directly through the holes. There are ugly black marks on the roasted coffee beans (although it turns out that sometimes even if there are some scorch marks, it still tastes good).

6-8 minutes: as the baking goes on, silver skins (commonly known as bean skins) continue to fall from the bottom of the jar on the gas stove; some will be immediately burned off and some will fall on the gas stove. Don't worry about it, you just have to shake it regularly and intermittently!

9-11 minutes: around the ninth minute, the coffee beans turn brown and emit white smoke. The beans are covered with wrinkles and look ugly. Don't worry! Now start to speed up your shaking speed! The first explosion is about to begin. The first popping sound was heard in the tenth minute, and it was necessary to keep shaking up and down so that the beans were stirred evenly. During the first explosion, the coffee bean itself releases heat and causes the temperature to rise quickly, so at this time, you can turn down the firepower slightly, or increase the jar to the height of the stove by one centimeter, so that the temperature does not rise too fast.

12-15 minutes (end of baking): the first explosion is over in about twelve and a half minutes. If you want to do a shallow baking, you can come out of the oven at this time. Otherwise, we can continue to stir-fry to a deeper level. Please note: the deeper the baking, the greater the amount of smoke, remember to turn on the range hood; if the home is equipped with a fire smoke alarm, be sure to turn on the range hood when deep baking, so as not to accidentally touch the alarm. Generally speaking, the baking time is between 13 and 15 minutes. Finally, pour the freshly baked beans into a metal screen and cool them with an electric fan. after cooling completely, find a suitable container (such as an one-way exhaust valve bag) and install it.

The great task has been completed! Now you can find a leisurely time to make a cup of freshly roasted coffee to reward yourself.