Coffee review

Basic information of coffee the small seed species of coffee encyclopedia is Coffea arabica

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, [scientific name] the small grain species is Coffea arabica L., the medium grain species is Coffea canephora, the large grain species is Coffea liberica, which is also called Arabian species, the medium seed species is also called Gaffra species, and the large grain species are also called Liberian species. There are two common species: Arabica and Robusta. Rubiaceae (Rubiaceae), coffee genus (Coffea) [domestic]

[scientific name] the small seed is Coffea arabica

L.The medium grain species is Coffea canephora and the large grain species is Coffea liberica.

[alias] small seed species are also known as Arabian species, medium grain species are also called Ganfla species, and large grain species are also called Liberian species. There are two common species: Arabica.

And Robusta.

Rubiaceae (Rubiaceae), coffee (Coffea)

[distribution at home and abroad] Coffee is native to the tropical regions of northern and central Africa and has been cultivated for more than 2000 years. At present, the main coffee producing areas in the world are Latin America, Africa and Asia. According to statistics, coffee is cultivated in 76 countries in the world, and the main consumption areas are Europe and the United States. Coffee in China was first introduced in Taiwan in 1884. In 1908, overseas Chinese brought back large and medium seeds from Malaysia to Hainan Island. At present, the main cultivation areas are Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Hainan.

Caffeine can be extracted and used in medicine as anesthetic stimulant, diuretic, cardiotonic agent, coffee pulp can make wine, vinegar, feed, fertilizer, fuel and so on. Coffee is one of the three major beverage crops in the world.

Major coffee producing countries: coffee production zones generally range from 25 degrees north to 30 degrees south, covering most countries in Central Africa, East Africa, the Middle East, India, South Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean. The reason why coffee is mainly concentrated in this area is that coffee is extremely vulnerable to frost, and the temperature and humidity in the tropics are the most suitable for coffee growth.