Coffee review

Live communication with 2009 WBC champion Gwilym Davies

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The 2009 WBC world champion Gwilym Davies7 walked into Zunkeford on March 5 to share the technology and share the photo with you. Espresso exchanges made Espresso to taste the furry blossom exchange cups. ~ Davies tulips in the production of left Gwilym Davies tulips, right my ~! Davies is a little unaccustomed to pulling the vat, tilted; my right

The 2009 WBC world champion Gwilym Davies7 walked into Zunkeford on May 5 to share the technology with you.

Big group photo

Espresso communication

Make Espresso for tasting respectively


Flower-pulling communication

The cup is tilting badly.

Davies tulips are being made

Left Gwilym Davies tulips, right my ~! Davies is a little unaccustomed to pull the vase, pull oblique; my contrast is a little poor!

The thickness of Davies has caught up with my width.
