Coffee review

What are Arabica coffee beans with high-quality aroma and sour taste

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What are Arabica coffee beans? It is also one of the coffee beans, but it is also an important kind of commercial coffee, and its most obvious feature is its high-quality aroma and sour taste. Secondly, Arabica coffee beans are mainly produced in South America (except parts of Argentina and Brazil), Central America and Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia and other places, mainly East African countries).

What are Arabica coffee beans? It is also one of the coffee beans, but it is also an important kind of commercial coffee, and its most obvious feature is its high-quality aroma and sour taste.

Secondly, Arabica coffee beans are mainly produced in South America (except parts of Argentina and Brazil), Central America, Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia and other places, mainly East African countries), Asia (Yemen, India, parts of Papua New Guinea).

In addition, Arabica coffee accounts for 70% of all coffee production, and its excellent flavor and aroma make it the only coffee that can be drunk directly. However, its resistance to dryness, frost, diseases and insect pests is too low, especially the natural enemy of coffee-leaf rust, so all producing countries are committed to variety improvement.