Coffee review

Coffee bean processing coffee washing method or drying method is better

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The refined processing of coffee beans has about 8 processes, such as rough processing, separation, classification, fermentation, drying, shelling, polishing, sorting and so on. There are two ways to prepare coffee beans for the baking process. The method chosen has a significant impact on the final value and quality of coffee. The cheapest processing method is called drying, which is used for lower grade coffee beans and higher quality coffee beans.

The refined processing of coffee beans has about 8 processes, such as rough processing, separation, classification, fermentation, drying, shelling, polishing, sorting and so on.

There are two ways to prepare coffee beans for the baking process. The method chosen has a significant impact on the final value and quality of coffee. The cheapest method of processing is called "drying", which is used for lower-grade coffee beans, while higher-quality coffee beans are processed by "wet treatment". Drying is used for unwashed coffee beans. Wet treatment is used for thoroughly washed or semi-washed coffee beans. Except for the more common use of drying in Brazil and Ethiopia, most Arabica coffee beans are processed by wet treatment. In Indonesia, some Robart coffee beans are processed by wet treatment, but this is not common there.

1. Drying method

Drying is the cheapest, simplest and most traditional method of processing coffee beans. When processing, the harvested fruit should be spread on the cement floor, brick floor or straw mat. Ideally, the fruits should be raked flat in the sun and at regular intervals to prevent fermentation. If it rains or the temperature drops, these fruits must be covered to prevent damage. After about 4 weeks, the water content of each fruit will drop to about 12%, when the fruit is dry. In Brazil, coffee beans at this stage are given a confusing name: coco. At this time, its skin turns dark brown and fragile, and coffee beans can be heard cackling in the shell.

The process requires more technology than it seems. Because coffee beans can be overdried, if this happens, they can easily be damaged at the next stage, when they are shelled. On the other hand, coffee beans that are not sufficiently dried are also vulnerable. The next step is to store the dried fruit in the cellar for a while. During this period, the water in fresh coffee beans continues to evaporate. In addition, easily affected by the weather, defective beans and foreign bodies are more likely to mix.

Sun-dried coffee beans

2. Wet treatment

The wet treatment process requires more capital investment and more energy, but this method helps to ensure the quality of coffee beans and reduce damage. The main difference between the wet and dry methods is that during the wet treatment, the pulp is immediately separated from the coffee beans instead of drying them.

The pulp is separated in a separator-in a machine with a fixed surface and a movable surface, or in a machine with a movable rod, the fruit is crushed so that the pulp is separated from the coffee bean. In order to ensure the quality of coffee beans, the pulp must be separated as soon as possible after harvest, which is ideal within 12 hours, but not more than 24 hours. Because, if the coffee beans are kept for too long, the pulp will become difficult to separate from the coffee beans, resulting in incomplete separation and possible damage to the coffee beans. Therefore, the coffee beans treated by wet treatment have good luster, less foreign bodies and better sour taste, but bad time treatment will produce stinky smell and special sour smell.

At this point, the whole process is completed, coffee beans become known as "parchment coffee beans (parchment coffee)" (because the endocarp of coffee beans is rather like parchment). In general, coffee beans are kept in this form until they are exported.

Since countries that produce coffee beans need to export coffee beans throughout the year rather than just about three months of harvest, coffee beans should be stored in the form of "parchment coffee beans" in an absolutely stable environment. High temperature is the enemy of coffee beans, and it is easy to damage coffee beans when the humidity reaches 70%. For this reason, "parchment coffee beans" are generally not stored on farms where they are produced (although there is no choice in some places). Coffee beans grown in the highlands should be stored at or near the same altitude as the places where they are grown, as they are particularly vulnerable to humidity. In this environment, Arabica coffee beans should not be stored for more than 12 hours, while Robbins coffee beans can be stored for a little longer.

Treatment of coffee beans by washing

3. Coffee beans are dried

After the wet treatment, the coffee beans are preserved in the inner pericarp so that the endocarp still contains about 15% moisture. The endocarp must be dried until the water content is about 11%, when the coffee beans are in a stable state and easy to store. Moisture content is critical. If Arabica beans are overdried to 10% water content, they will lose their original turquoise and their quality will decline.

Coffee beans covered with endocarp should be laid flat on the cement floor, slate floor, dry table or plate, which is very similar to the drying method.

In larger plantations or in places where Rain Water may disrupt the drying process, a dryer is sometimes used and the coffee beans are placed in an air-conditioning box and the dry wind blows on the surface of the coffee beans. The drying process can also be done by the sun, and coffee beans should be turned over regularly to ensure complete dryness, a process that takes 12-15 days. The most important thing is that the endocarp should not be cracked. If the sun is too strong, the coffee beans must be covered.

4. Peeling coffee beans

The coffee beans should be ground before they are exported, that is, the endocarp of the coffee beans to be sold should be removed. The residual shell of coffee beans after removal and cleaning of endocarp and drying process is also known as peeling or peeling.

It is more difficult to remove the endocarp of coffee beans during wet treatment than during drying, so different shelling machines are needed. There are mainly two types of machines: friction sheller and compaction sheller. Engelberg and African models of friction shellers are suitable for dry or wet coffee beans: in a cylindrical box, the coffee beans are squeezed between a linear convex tone and a knife, and the shell is scraped by a knife to reveal the beans.

Coffee beans are refined before they are used for roasting and making coffee, in the refining process, there are two major coffee refining methods-washing and drying, so what is the difference between the two?

1. The difference in appearance

The water content of washed coffee is about 12-13%, and that of dry coffee beans is 11-12%. Outwardly, the green color of water-washed coffee beans is darker. Generally speaking, the raw beans with higher water content are mostly green or cyan, while those with less water content are brown or close to white. Because the raw bean is washed and refined, the silver skin has been removed, and the bean surface shows a special luster, while the drying refining method mostly retains the silver skin after shelling.

As long as the washing refining method does not use deep baking, there will still be a white silver skin on the central line after baking, and the silver skin of dried refined beans will be gone after baking, so even after baking, the difference between the two is still clear.

A small amount of silver skin residue does not affect it, while too much residue will bring astringency.

two。 The mixed situation of defective beans is different.

Brazilian coffee beans are refined by water washing. except for some excellent products, most of the beans are of poor quality and are mixed with many unripe or overripe beans. Among these defective beans, unripe beans and fermented beans upset the baker the most. These beans are difficult to identify in the raw bean stage, and if they are not picked out by hand filter, they cannot be distinguished from the surface after baking.

Brazilian coffee beans also have a problem, if they are too wet in the drying process, the beans will be stained with iodine flavor, which is also invisible from the appearance, we must pay attention to. Unwashed coffee in Yemen and Ethiopia is the same as in Brazil, with quite a lot of impurities and defective beans, so the removal operation takes longer than baking.

Water-washed raw beans need to be washed many times before they become products, stones and other impurities are not easy to mix, there are few defective beans, fewer beans need to be selected, but sometimes mixed with fermented coffee beans. The disadvantage of washing refining is that beans are easy to ferment, and these beans look almost the same as normal raw beans, which makes it more difficult to find defective beans than non-washing refining.

3, different baking methods

Coffee beans refined by natural drying high-quality coffee produced in Brazil is rarely uneven in size and is quite suitable for baking because the natural drying method removes moisture from the center of the beans, so that mild sour and less astringent beans can be baked. The most difficult part of baking is the control of sour taste and astringent taste. Generally speaking, because the drying period is short, the sour taste is strong in the astringent taste.

There are many ways to ease the sour and astringent taste, leave the beans still for a period of time, or take longer to bake new beans than baking naturally dried beans (1-2% of the time).

In this way, water-washed coffee seems to be more difficult to bake, but roasting natural drying mocha, Mantenin, will find that they also have other difficulties. Beans refined by natural drying will have uneven size and uneven drying, so the difficulty is to avoid overbaking, which depends on the skill of the baker.

Washing method in editing chemistry

The so-called water washing method is to remove two kinds of different soluble substances through water at the same time, one of which can be dissolved in water, the other can not be dissolved, and then the water layer can be removed by liquid separation.

2 washing method-Coffee bean treatment method after editing and harvesting coffee beans must immediately enter the treatment program, otherwise they will begin to ferment and produce peculiar smell. There are two methods of treatment: "solarization" and "washing", which will cause different flavors. Sun-dried beans have a complete natural mellow flavor, gentle aroma and more gum; washing rules have a good mellow taste, high aroma and lively sour taste.

Mellow taste is an important condition of espresso, which will produce a mellow and smooth feeling as strong as wine. Espresso lovers can increase the weight of sun-dried beans; water-washed beans are as clean as clear wind chimes because of less miscellaneous smell. In addition, washed beans have a good sour taste, which is the main source of sweetness in espresso.

3, hair alcohol:

The adhesion of the mucous membrane is very strong and is not easy to remove. It must be placed in the slot for about 18-36 hours to make it alcohol and decompose the mucous membrane. There are two methods of fermentation, namely wet hair alcohol and dry hair alcohol, as the name implies, the former adds water, the latter does not add water. In the process of producing alcohol, the seeds and internal pulp will produce special changes, which is one of the steps that most affect the flavor of coffee. Some farms add hot water or alkanolins to speed up the production of alcohol, which has a negative impact on quality and is not popular with selected coffee lovers.

4, washing:

Farms that use the washing method must build washing ponds and be able to introduce an endless supply of running water. During the treatment, the finished beans are put into the pool and passed back and forth, using the friction of beans and the power of running water to wash the coffee beans until smooth and clean.

5, dry:

After washing, at this time, the coffee beans are still wrapped in the pericarp with a moisture content of 50%. They must be dried to reduce the moisture content to 12%, otherwise they will continue to be mellow, moldy and rotten. The better treatment is to use sunlight to dry, although it will take 1-3 weeks, but the flavor is very good and very popular. In addition, machine drying is used in some places, which greatly shortens the processing time and makes the flavor not as good as that of sun-dried coffee.

6, shelling:

The dried beans can be stored in a warehouse or handed over to the factory for shelling to remove endocarp and silver film.

7, selection and grading:

Like tanning hair, washed coffee has a process of picking and grading, which is used to remove defective beans and ensure better quality, which is then handed over to exporters to sell around the world.

Solarization method

The sun drying method is also called "natural drying method" because it uses natural sunlight to dry the fruits and raw beans of coffee. Due to the use of artificial and natural treatment methods in the process, the sun-cured beans look irregular and unflattering in appearance.

1. Choose beans:

Put the harvested fruit in the water tank, and the ripe fruit will sink, while the unripe and overripe fruit will float up and can be removed.

2, dry:

Put the selected ripe fruit in the square and expose it for 5-6 days until it is fully dry. At this time, the fruit becomes dark brown and the moisture content is 13%.

3, shelling:

After drying, the peel becomes fragile and easy to fall off, and can be removed by machine. Farms run by enterprises usually have their own shelling factories, while small farms are processed by processing centers.

4, selection and grading:

Exquisite farms identify defective beans manually or by machine, pick them out and throw them away. Manual selection usually uses a transmission belt about 1 meter wide, with several female workers sitting on both sides visually picking out bad beans, and some good farms are even selected several times until defective beans are not seen. Machine selection rules use computers to identify defective beans, followed by a grading process that divides coffee beans into several quality grades according to established standards. Good coffee enters the selected coffee market, while bad coffee flows into the commercial coffee market.

5, polish:

The exocarp and endocarp can only be removed by shelling treatment. At this time, the silver film is still wrapped in the outer layer of the seed, and the film has to be ground off by machine. Then, pack the coffee beans into a bag of 60KG. The weight of bags varies slightly from region to region. Most of them use sacks.

Washing requires the use of special machinery and equipment and adequate water sources. When properly treated, the special characteristics of coffee beans can be more highlighted. In addition, the number of bad beans can also be removed in large numbers during the washing process, so that the quality of coffee beans can be improved. The procedure of washing coffee is widely used in Central and South American countries.

When the coffee fruit is harvested from the mountain, the next step is to remove the peel and pulp of the coffee beans. There are two main ways of treatment: washing and solarization. But the ultimate determining factor is whether there is enough water to use. Some special boutique coffees are both insolated and washed.

After the coffee beans are harvested, they will first make a simple selection to remove impurities. After that, a truckload of trucks will carry the coffee beans into a large sink, and clean and flowing water will wash the coffee beans into the waterway. Ripe coffee beans should be dense and sink under the waterway. Damaged coffee fruits, branches, leaves, and lighter impurities float on the water surface and are isolated and removed by a filter above the waterway.

After being washed and sorted in the waterway, the pulp of the ripe fruit will be removed by the pulp remover. This step is the most different from sun-cured coffee, because the pulp and beans are separated before the sun.

At this time, the outer layer of the coffee bean is covered with a layer of sticky soft parchment, which can protect the integrity of the coffee bean. The washing process should be carried out immediately after the coffee is harvested to avoid taste contamination caused by pulp decay and the deterioration of the quality of the coffee beans.

After that, the coffee beans are placed on a mechanical strainer. The shaken strainer will separate the immature beans and bad beans that were not separated in the previous washing step. Successfully filtered coffee beans are put into the waterway for the second time and cleaned and sorted again with clean water.

Due to the peeling machine, there is bound to be some residual pulp still attached to the parchment of coffee beans. Coffee beans are then placed in a fermentation tank to decompose the residual pulp and parchment with natural enzymes. The fermentation process usually ends within 24 to 36 hours, depending on the temperature, the thickness of the residual pulp, and the concentration of enzymes. Next, the coffee beans will be washed with clean water until the pulp and parchment are removed. The fermentation process must be strictly monitored, otherwise, some bad sour taste or taste will be contaminated on the coffee beans. After processing, the surface of the coffee beans will become rougher and less sticky.

After fermentation and washing, the water content of coffee beans is about 57%. Due to the excessive moisture of coffee beans, the water content is usually reduced to 12.5% by machine drying or sun exposure. If you use machine drying, it usually takes 2 to 3 days to effectively reduce the water content to the ideal data. If you use the sun, you need the weather, and the relative time will be extended to 1-2 weeks.

When the water content of coffee beans is effectively reduced to 12.5%, the coffee beans will be stored for export. Finally, before the coffee is exported, the parchment and the last layer of silver will be removed by machine. Then, it goes through the steps of cleaning, screening, classification, classification, and packaging.

Washed coffee beans can make the coffee taste cleaner, free of miscellaneous flavors and have charming fruit aromas. The color of washed coffee beans will be more turquoise or grayish green. The coffee in the washing process tastes clear, bright and free of miscellaneous flavor.

The coffee beans after harvest must enter the treatment program immediately, otherwise they will begin to ferment, making the coffee beans have a bad smell. There are two methods of treatment: "solarization" and "washing", which will cause different flavors. Sun-dried beans have a complete natural mellow flavor, gentle aroma and more gum; washing rules have a good mellow taste, high aroma and lively sour taste.

Mellow taste is an important condition of espresso, which will produce a mellow and smooth feeling as strong as wine. Espresso lovers can increase the weight of sun-dried beans; water-washed beans are as clean as clear wind chimes because of less miscellaneous smell. In addition, washed beans have a good sour taste, which is the main source of sweetness in espresso.

Washing method:

1. Choose beans:

Put the harvested fruit in a water tank and soak for about 24 hours. At this time, ripe fruit will sink, while immature and overripe fruit will float up and can be removed.

2. Remove the pulp:

Use a machine to remove the peel and pulp, leaving only coffee beans wrapped in endocarp. At this time, there is a layer of mucous membrane on the outside of the beans, and the process of washing is to wash this layer of mucous membrane.

3, hair alcohol:

The adhesion of the mucous membrane is very strong and is not easy to remove. It must be placed in the slot for about 18-36 hours to make it alcohol and decompose the mucous membrane. There are two methods of fermentation, namely wet hair alcohol and dry hair alcohol, as the name implies, the former adds water, the latter does not add water. In the process of producing alcohol, the seeds and internal pulp will produce special changes, which is one of the steps that most affect the flavor of coffee. Some farms add hot water or alkanolins to speed up the production of alcohol, which has a negative impact on quality and is not popular with selected coffee lovers.

4, washing:

Farms that use the washing method must build washing ponds and be able to introduce an endless supply of running water. During the treatment, the finished beans are put into the pool and passed back and forth, using the friction of beans and the power of running water to wash the coffee beans until smooth and clean.

Washing method: good gloss, less foreign body mixed, slightly better sour taste, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala use this method. Disadvantages: poor handling of time will produce bad smell and special sour smell.

The picked coffee cherries, including freshly ripe, overripe, and unripe ones, are all mixed together. If these coffee cherries are not treated separately, the quality of the coffee beans is really unpalatable, because it is mixed with a lot of bad-tasting impurities. So these coffee cherries should be washed and placed in a large trough full of water for preliminary classification. The best coffee has a high density, so it sinks into the water. On the other hand, overripe coffee cherries will surface and can be easily classified. Remove the pulp from the outer layer of the coffee cherry and then soak it in a large sink filled with water. After fermentation, the water-washed coffee will have a distinctive and clear flavor. The fermented coffee beans are washed with clean water, then removed from the water and dried in the sun or machine. Finally, the peel and silver peel are removed by a sheller, which can be screened and divided into different grades of raw coffee beans.

Washing requires the use of special machinery and equipment and adequate water sources. When properly treated, the special characteristics of coffee beans can be more highlighted. In addition, the number of bad beans can also be removed in large numbers during the washing process, so that the quality of coffee beans can be improved. The procedure of washing coffee is widely used in Central and South American countries.

When the coffee fruit is harvested from the mountain, the next step is to remove the peel and pulp of the coffee beans. There are two main ways of treatment: washing and solarization. But the ultimate determining factor is whether there is enough water to use. Some special boutique coffees are both insolated and washed.

The peel and pulp separated from the coffee beans will be washed off with water. The flushing tank is designed to separate light and tender coffee beans from thick and ripe coffee beans. This kind of separation can also be done by the "Austrian high score machine". Ogao, a coffee grower in Norway, designed a device to filter coffee beans into a large water container while growing coffee in Kenya. The large, full beans were the first to sink into the water, while the lighter beans stayed in the large container. In this process, water can be recycled.

The next step is the most basic fermentation, that is, the use of enzymes to separate the greasy glue that covers the inner pericarp. Coffee beans are stored in a fermentor for about 12-36 hours, which is mainly determined by the surrounding temperature, the thickness of the glue and the enzyme. When this process is completed, the endocarp around the coffee beans is no longer slippery but has a pebble-like feel.

In the whole wet treatment process, quality control is very important to prevent coffee tofu from rotting, because even one rotten coffee bean may damage all coffee beans. For this reason, the equipment used must be cleaned every day to ensure that no impurities are left before the next round of processing.

After the coffee beans are harvested, they will first make a simple selection to remove impurities. After that, a truckload of trucks will carry the coffee beans into a large sink, and clean and flowing water will wash the coffee beans into the waterway. Ripe coffee beans should be dense and sink under the waterway. Damaged coffee fruits, branches, leaves, and lighter impurities float on the water surface and are isolated and removed by a filter above the waterway.

After being washed and sorted in the waterway, the pulp of the ripe fruit will be removed by the pulp remover. This step is the most different from sun-cured coffee, because the pulp and beans are separated before the sun.

At this time, the outer layer of the coffee bean is covered with a layer of sticky soft parchment, which can protect the integrity of the coffee bean. The washing process should be carried out immediately after the coffee is harvested to avoid taste contamination caused by pulp decay and the deterioration of the quality of the coffee beans.

After that, the coffee beans are placed on a mechanical strainer. The shaken strainer will separate the immature beans and bad beans that were not separated in the previous washing step. Successfully filtered coffee beans are put into the waterway for the second time and cleaned and sorted again with clean water.

Due to the peeling machine, there is bound to be some residual pulp still attached to the parchment of coffee beans. Coffee beans are then placed in a fermentation tank to decompose the residual pulp and parchment with natural enzymes. The fermentation process usually ends within 24 to 36 hours, depending on the temperature, the thickness of the residual pulp, and the concentration of enzymes. Next, the coffee beans will be washed with clean water until the pulp and parchment are removed. The fermentation process must be strictly monitored, otherwise, some bad sour taste or taste will be contaminated on the coffee beans. After processing, the surface of the coffee beans will become rougher and less sticky.

After fermentation and washing, the water content of coffee beans is about 57%. Due to the excessive moisture of coffee beans, the water content is usually reduced to 12.5% by machine drying or sun exposure. If you use machine drying, it usually takes 2 to 3 days to effectively reduce the water content to the ideal data. If you use the sun, you need the weather, and the relative time will be extended to 1-2 weeks.

When the water content of coffee beans is effectively reduced to 12.5%, the coffee beans will be stored for export. Finally, before the coffee is exported, the parchment and the last layer of silver will be removed by machine. Then, it goes through the steps of cleaning, screening, classification, classification, and packaging.

Washed coffee beans can make the coffee taste cleaner, free of miscellaneous flavors and have charming fruit aromas. The color of washed coffee beans will be more turquoise or grayish green. The coffee in the washing process tastes clear, bright and free of miscellaneous flavor.

The coffee beans after harvest must enter the treatment program immediately, otherwise they will begin to ferment, making the coffee beans have a bad smell. There are two methods of treatment: "solarization" and "washing", which will cause different flavors. Sun-dried beans have a complete natural mellow flavor, gentle aroma and more gum; washing rules have a good mellow taste, high aroma and lively sour taste.

Mellow taste is an important condition of espresso, which will produce a mellow and smooth feeling as strong as wine. Espresso lovers can increase the weight of sun-dried beans; water-washed beans are as clean as clear wind chimes because of less miscellaneous smell. In addition, washed beans have a good sour taste, which is the main source of sweetness in espresso.

Washing method:

1. Choose beans:

Put the harvested fruit in a water tank and soak for about 24 hours. At this time, ripe fruit will sink, while immature and overripe fruit will float up and can be removed.

2. Remove the pulp:

Use a machine to remove the peel and pulp, leaving only coffee beans wrapped in endocarp. At this time, there is a layer of mucous membrane on the outside of the beans, and the process of washing is to wash this layer of mucous membrane.

3, hair alcohol:

The adhesion of the mucous membrane is very strong and is not easy to remove. It must be placed in the slot for about 18-36 hours to make it alcohol and decompose the mucous membrane. There are two methods of fermentation, namely wet hair alcohol and dry hair alcohol, as the name implies, the former adds water, the latter does not add water. In the process of producing alcohol, the seeds and internal pulp will produce special changes, which is one of the steps that most affect the flavor of coffee. Some farms add hot water or alkanolins to speed up the production of alcohol, which has a negative impact on quality and is not popular with selected coffee lovers.

4, washing:

Farms that use the washing method must build washing ponds and be able to introduce an endless supply of running water. During the treatment, the finished beans are put into the pool and passed back and forth, using the friction of beans and the power of running water to wash the coffee beans until smooth and clean.

5, dry:

After washing, at this time, the coffee beans are still wrapped in the pericarp with a moisture content of 50%. They must be dried to reduce the moisture content to 12%, otherwise they will continue to be mellow, moldy and rotten. The better treatment is to use sunlight to dry, although it will take 1-3 weeks, but the flavor is very good and very popular. In addition, machine drying is used in some places, which greatly shortens the processing time and makes the flavor not as good as that of sun-dried coffee.

6, shelling:

The dried beans can be stored in a warehouse or handed over to the factory for shelling to remove endocarp and silver film.

7, selection and grading:

Like tanning hair, washed coffee has a process of picking and grading, which is used to remove defective beans and ensure better quality, which is then handed over to exporters to sell around the world.

Coffee beans / Water washing Refining / Arabica washed Coffee / Coffee Bean washing / Coffee processing methods benefits of Water washing / Coffee washing

Washing method:

1. Choose beans:

Put the harvested fruit in a water tank and soak for about 24 hours. At this time, ripe fruit will sink, while immature and overripe fruit will float up and can be removed.

2. Remove the pulp:

Use a machine to remove the peel and pulp, leaving only coffee beans wrapped in endocarp. At this time, there is a layer of mucous membrane on the outside of the beans, and the process of washing is to wash this layer of mucous membrane.