Coffee review

Four small benefits of self-baking coffee beans benefits of self-baking coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Freshness and the best flavor the flavor of coffee beans is the best on the first day after baking, after which the flavor of coffee beans will decay brutally and rapidly. Because after baking, the coffee bean itself will release carbon dioxide and prevent the attack of oxidation, but after the period of carbon dioxide emission, the meticulous coffee flavor oil will be oxidized.

1. Freshness and the best flavor

The flavor of coffee beans is the best on the first day after baking, after which the flavor of coffee beans will decay brutally and rapidly. Because after baking, the coffee bean itself will release carbon dioxide to prevent the attack of oxidation, but after the period of carbon dioxide emission, the meticulous coffee flavor oil will be oxidized and stale. So for coffee lovers, the aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans is undoubtedly the biggest reason why they choose to bake coffee beans themselves.

Understandably, if the coffee beans are baked in the store after an appointment, or if the roasting site is very close, you may be able to buy fairly fresh coffee beans, but due to the low and rapid expansion of regional and national boutique coffee chains, the coffee beans they use may have been roasted thousands of miles away, and I don't know how many days have passed since they arrived in your hands! However, the coffee beans sold in these boutique cafes are not completely useless, at least they are more fresh than pre-ground coffee powder or canned coffee powder, but definitely not as fresh as their own coffee baked in the kitchen at home!

What is certain, however, is that when people drank coffee beans baked by themselves or baked in stores, they were freshly roasted, and these ancient home-roasted coffee beans performed slightly better than the cheap canned coffee powder of instant coffee today.

2. Personal satisfaction

Roasting coffee beans at home gives us a sense of hands-on satisfaction, because we grow up in a pure consumerist society, once we can do it with our own hands, how successful it is to unravel the mystery of baking beans (in fact, we have been deceived for a long time). Roasting coffee beans at home is an art, which may be said to be non-mainstream art, but it is an art that can give people a great sense of achievement.

3. Save money

It is clear that this factor is more important to some people than others. The raw coffee beans you need for roasting coffee shops at home can save you about 25% to 50% of your expenses, depending on how and where you buy them. You can find the rules of war for buying raw coffee beans in the related Resources section.

4. Become a coffee expert

If you want to really understand a coffee bean, you must bake it yourself! In addition, once you start baking coffee beans at home, it is possible to develop a personal collection of raw beans. Unroasted raw coffee beans are less uncertain in preservation. If they are stored for one to two years and then baked, the flavor will be a little different, but they still taste interesting, and even if they are roasted for a few more years, they are still drinkable. As long as you store them in the right way, some coffee beans will perform even better after aging. Therefore, you can store a few of your favorite coffee beans and choose which ones to bake one day according to your mood or visitors' taste preferences.